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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. Probably if it jeopardizes your health or your life, and if that happens you have a good doctor who won't risk it. Trust your surgeon to take care of you. Good luck!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    Hello there! We are not planning to attend. Looks like you have done an excellent job on the weight loss. I have inspiration. I am a work in progress a little over 4 months post sleeve. I would be happy where I am, it feels great!
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Struggling with junk food.

    Do NOT go to the grocery store until you have eaten! If you are not hungry, you are less likely to buy junk. Good luck, you can do this! Thank goodness I am still loving the SF popsicles!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Three Weeks Without Weight Loss

    Keep in mind through your journey that you will continue to have stalls after you figure out the caloric/protein intake. I am over 4 months post sleeve and had a 5 week stall. I do not focus on the scale because I know with my intake it will go down eventually. Best wishes, you will get it right.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    protein shakes

    I overbought also. I liked Premier Protein chocolate. Just threw up one last week. I want no more. My NUT told me a month ago to stop the shakes and eat real food anyway.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    WLS and Diabetes

    Thanks Arts. Things are definitely better for my husband, no more stuffing himself with fruits at night to be stable through the night, and I am off Metformin. We may not be cured but our A1C has dropped significantly. I will settle for this wonderful improvement. Linda
  7. LindafromFlorida

    I'm stuck.

    I would keep on with eating healthy and wait it out. I went 5 weeks recently with no weight loss, then lost 5 lbs, and now not losing again. I am ignoring it. This too shall pass.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Boy did I mess up *sigh*

    Glad you did not get sick. The stories I have read scare me with the fried food and sweets. I just spent one night in the hospital after 8 hours of continuous vomiting (took strong meds on an empty stomach - 4 am and travelling by car, must have been half asleep). Totally dehydrated and so sick. I hate vomiting.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Sleeve Surgery/Sleep Apnea Nightmare/Help!

    My husband tried several of the face coverings (about 6). He rejected each til he got one that just covers his nose. It works great! Look at them online possibly. These can be ordered by the company if they don't have it.
  10. LindafromFlorida

    BariatricPal: Unified WLS Community

    Excellent article. I have felt the "sting" of a little rudeness. If it were not for this forum I do not know where I would be today in my journey. I am thankful to all those who have guided me along.
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    I am 67. A little over 4 months post op. For about 5 weeks recently I lost nothing. Now I lost over 5 more lbs. My surgeon said I might stay where I was weight wise, but I realize if I keep eating healthy I will continue losing. I find I can only cheat if I bring the junk home, so if you eat before you shop you won't be tempted to make bad choices. I am lucky my husband and I were both sleeved so that helps with meal planning. Best wishes everyone!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    7 weeks post op

  13. LindafromFlorida

    Shingles? Possibly?

    I can understand that. My friend had no insurance and could not get the shot. She would rather work sick than stay home. This really sidelined her in bed 2 weeks. Hopefully things will get better for you. My husband has so many neurological problems and his Medicare/insurance would not cover it either. We just had so many people around us getting shingles I wondered if it was "catching". I am saying a prayer for you for better days ahead, Linda
  14. LindafromFlorida

    How Do You Plan Your Meals?

    Recycled mentioned food wasted and thrown out. I got tired of this myself, the waste. Our NUT recommended food now, not shakes I still have stocked up. Therefore. I keep my pantry and fridge stocked with good foods and these 2 sleevers eat as needed. I no longer buy a whole rotisserie chicken to waste. I go to Fresh Market and buy their chicken salad in small containers for instance. I buy one pre-made green salad at Publix. I keep smoked salmon on hand and my husband can feast on 1/2 cup for dinner. I make a low-fat turkey chili and freeze in small portions for instant meals. One filet mignon feeds us both. The beauty is we eat only when hungry as directed by our surgeon, and regular meals no longer exist. Our life is simple and we do not live to eat anymore. I used to be in a panic mode before surgery as to what I could have for dinner. I no longer go to the grocery store and spend a fortune. I am so thankful not to be hungry 16 hours a day.
  15. Welcome! This is the best place for all the information you need. I have been here nearly every day prior to surgery last November, if only to scan for a minute. Thank God for this site, it has been our crutch and support!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Upper stomach pain

    Best wishes. Don't wait if you have terrible pain.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Shingles? Possibly?

    It is well worth the $200 for the shot. If you wait til you get shingles like a friend did, it is horrible. Google shingles and read about the symptoms, and lasting effects.
  18. I think you know the doctor is a quack and a criminal. If you don't research these Mexican facilities, your life is in danger. There is plenty of guidance here from people who had great surgery experiences in Mexico. This awful story proves it. God Bless.
  19. Get a liquid one. Easy solution.
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Upper stomach pain

    Sounds like you need to discuss with a doctor. Good luck.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    I'm the spouse

    ABJ, my husband and I did this together. I think my husband would have felt rejected also. Now is the time to focus on you and your husband I hope, and maybe a lot of pampering each other. Best wishes to you both for many more happy years together. God Bless.
  22. Thanks girls for correcting me. I am excited for each and everyone of us. I will take this saggy skin any day over the fatty I was. This surgery has truly changed the lives of me and my husband.
  23. I wanted to share this I have used this to make tuna salad. Works well.
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Great MAYO Alternative!

    Thank you for sharing!!! Should I look for it at Publix? Or Wal Mart? I shop Publix, Walmart and Winn-Dixie. I buy it over and over, but sometimes cannot find it. So I buy 3-4 when I find it.
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Telling the family?!?

    My husband knows I talk a lot with lots of friends. He was an only child and very private. He decided our sleeves would be our business. He did not want our business becoming public. After we had our surgery scheduled, nosy neighbor asked him would he go have a gastric bypass. LOL. He said no. He doesn't lie. We are 66 and 67. We were barely out of commission. We just said we are dieting and not going out to eat. True. We do have friends we play trivia with regularly, and socialize with neighbors, and we now have to find the humor in all the comments about our weight loss, but it is really tiresome. I am thankful my husband had a rein on me because I "felt" like I was obligated to tell, and I know now how ridiculous that sounds. Best of luck, I promise you can do! Linda

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