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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    having a hard time with my enemy the scale

    Put the scale in the trunk of your car. You get rid of the enemies, right? Relax and you will be losing weight before you know it!
  2. My husband would handle his father. What might work is to leave the room immediately whenever you are both alone with the FIL, don't give him a chance to open his mouth. You will obviously be on edge on this visit. Pretend you do not hear him, do not acknowledge his rude comment, look at each other and start talking about some good movie you saw last week. Plan ahead, do not give him the satisfaction of catching you off guard. You can have fun playing a game with this and leave with a smile on your face, or DON'T GO. Life is short. Don't let anyone spoil your happiness. Good luck.
  3. I almost have to have a laxative to go, but the past month I have had extreme diarrhea. Our bodies are all different and til we find our groove there will be a problem I think. I am upping the salads and veggies now so I hope it helps. Good luck to you. I have tried about 5 laxatives and the prune juice (yuck! LOL). Haven't found the right combination.
  4. LindafromFlorida

    8 days post op- still vomiting

    Good job. Let us know. We all learn from others' experiences. Linda
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Not to easy

    I would say eat something before you go that you can tolerate (or a shake), and so early out from surgery just mention you are not feeling like eating (if it is a sit-down dinner) or move the food on the plate. You can steer clear of the food at a cocktail party and the lemon Water sounds good. Better to avoid the food than to vomit from eating something you shouldn't. This is a lifestyle we have chosen, and we have to adjust. Just remember, you are now eating to live, not living to eat, and there will be many new scenarios in your life. That traveling and socializing has to be hard and I really sympathize, but you can do it!!!
  6. LindafromFlorida

    8 days post op- still vomiting

    I would be seeing a doctor fast if I was vomiting 8 days.
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Second Thoughts

    No, was so excited I could hardly wait. No regrets.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    hi guys

    Do not overbuy like I did. I thought I would be incapacitated after surgery (I was not). I am stuck with Protein powers, powdered unjury Soup I do not like, Protein shakes I won't use, creamed Soups that will last me a year. My tastes have changed since surgery big time. Good luck! BTW, I felt the sleeve was 10 times easier than I expected.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    mean people

    That is why my husband and I have not shared our surgery with everyone. I have ZERO tolerance for rudeness and inquiring minds. I do not want my weight loss to be anyone's topic. I guess you need to start thinking sharp answers ahead of your gatherings, lol!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Telling the family?!?

    Joining this and your surgeon's support groups will give you lots of support, encouragement and motivation. Angi, you and I have chatted. You both can do this, and do it for you. We have one life - make it count. Get healthy before you have more and more health problems. Everyone here is your friend and support system. Relax, you can do it!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    Angi, good to hear from you again. The topic of weight loss dominates every conversation and I get so tired of it lol! Trust me you can do this. You definitely will have a better quality of life, all of us. We can keep this thread going and meet up one day. I am here to offer any advice or guidance. Keep your focus on becoming a healthier you. It is kind of scary, but honestly, it was TEN times easier than I expected. The unknown is what scares us. Go to those meetings! We are cheering you on here, you can see our weight loss.
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Just Beginning

    Our doctor's office did the insurance contact. I hope yours does the same and you do not have to keep dealing with this confusion. We began WL seminars 10 years ago and finally felt comfortable and safe with the sleeve. We are 67 and doing absolutely great, would do it again in a heartbeat. Sleeved 11/18/13. Good luck. I am also 5'4" and weighed 220. Whether you choose the surgery or not, 6 months will pass. This is how we looked at it, except for us it was 3 months. Good luck to you!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Liquid diet stressing...

    Low sodium broth. Crystal Light. Torani sugar free syrups for your shakes. Good luck!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    1 week post op - possible infection

    The doc will send you to the ER. Always trust your gut instinct. If you think something is wrong go to the ER. If you are running a fever or having chills, I would worry. Right after surgery we are all a little nervous. What surgery did you have? How long since your surgery? You have redness and bruising which are both normal after surgery. No reason you won't have smooth sailing! Good luck and do what is right for you which is what you think you should do.
  15. LindafromFlorida

    So, Alcohol before pre-op

    No alcohol and no more diet colas. Cleaning up the act to make the best of this surgery. It works!
  16. LindafromFlorida


    If you think you have a health problem always call your doctor. I personally would not worry if I vomited once. If you were able to eat soup you should be okay.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Feeling like a failure to this

    We have some awesome experts here who gave you excellent pointers. The newbies jumping in also to help. This group will be here to help guide you as you need it. Best of luck to you Lamonica. Fill out your stats as we hope you are here to stay, you are one of us and we will be here for you.
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    I have had fresh cherries, tart cherry juice and dried cherries. I have to find some combination or cure. The doctor changed some meds yesterday. Maybe we can meet up in Orange Park soon. I just need a few days to feel better, and have plans this weekend. Would love to meet you also. ldav@clearwire.net
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    Yes, my husband and I do go to the ones at Riverside. One lady brings her teenage daughter who reads during the meeting. I really do not like the format though. There are about 20 people, and some love to hear themselves talk too much. One man last time finally made himself be heard which was nice, he had some important things to say. I have heard the horror stories of the band, and I am glad you now have the sleeve. We have done well and happy with the sleeve. We are retired and finally hope to do more traveling. My one problem since the weight loss is gout in my big toes. The pain gets horrible and the medicines are not good for the sleeve. I am struggling. I learned in Pensacola not to ever take meds without food in my stomach because I ended up in the hospital after 8 hours of non-stop vomiting. I hope we can all keep in touch on this thread and maybe one day we can meet on a Saturday for lunch. Angi, how are you and Catherine doing?
  20. LindafromFlorida

    confused at first week

    Everyone's answer is different - our bodies are all different and the surgeons and NUTS are different. Just do the best you can following your surgeon's guidelines. That is about all we can do. There are many people here who had different guidelines than me and my husband, but keep the faith and you will be fine. Just make sure you are drinking so you won't get dehydrated. Good luck! Linda
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Small Abdominal Hernia

    My husband and I both had hernias repaired with the sleeve. Many other people have also. Did he not know you had the hernia prior to surgery? Only he can answer your questions about the surgery. Best wishes to you. Sorry to hear. I also read where people need gallbladder surgery after the sleeve so we are taking risks here. I doubt it would sideline you much. Linda
  22. I lost my 30 year old son 7 years ago at Thanksgiving. His birthday was December. I go into panic mode in November. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Mother. I wish mine were still here. Somehow we all survive the losses in our family, God helps us through the tough times, with a lot of prayer. Keeping busy during the holidays helps me cope, even 7 years later. Your Mother would want you to be thinking of your health right now. The pain is horrible for you right now, but it comforts me knowing my loved ones are in a beautiful place called heaven. God Bless and God's Grace. Linda
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Smoking :(

    I hope you conquer smoking in your Quest to be healthy. Only you can do it. Best of luck!!!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Menu question

    We all work to figure it out. Our surgeon said eat healthy and gave us no guidelines. 3 months post op I was told I was eating too much Protein. I am still finding my groove.
  25. LindafromFlorida

    4th day did I overdo it?

    Following surgery it is normal that you will have swelling and you will feel bloated; you will be constipated or have diarrhea. and you will have gas. Every day there are posts referring to all these. Sounds like you are normal, feeling like most. There are topics on everything so read and learn. I have had constipation 4 months. I have learned to take one day at a time and find what works. I was glad when I could finally eat veggies. Just rest and each day you will feel better. Walking helps with the gas and bloating also I am sure (not a mile, but just walking some). BTW Colace did nothing for me, you have to try different things til you find the right fix. Be patient. Soon you will feel better. Linda

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