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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    How long off work?

    I was in the grocery store 2 days after sleeving. I was in the mall for several hours, 5 days post surgery. I took 1 dose of pain med at home after one night in the hospital. I am 67 years old and the surgery was 10 times easier than what I expected. I could have easily returned to work within a week but I had just retired and am still loving it. Good luck! Treat yourself to some time off.
  2. LindafromFlorida


    Sounds like you will have a hard time ahead handling this. It is hard for everyone, really. Keep busy. Good luck!
  3. LindafromFlorida

    60+ sleevers please help

    The only downside I have had with the weight loss is Gout in both big toe joints. The meds (indomethacin and Colcrys (Nsaids) are scary, the pain is awful. The meds recently caused me to be hospitalized out of town when I threw up/dry heaved for 8 straight hours after taking the doses. Total dehydration. I week later I took the Gout meds again and the same thing happened. Now I am on just the 1 med called Allpurinol and the doctor tripled that dose. Today I was diagnosed with Shingles (thank God I had the vaccine so it will not be a very bad case). Friends, research Shingles. I heard enough from friends that got it that my husband and I went and got the shot. It attacks nerve endings and causes disastrous problems. Okay, no more of my sad tales today. I am ready for shorts, flip flops and sunshine! Linda
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Energy levels

    My thought is that being a caretaker can sometimes drain you of energy and I am thankful that you have had your husband to help. Maybe your other two sons can help a little until you are up to speed? I am 67, and I felt like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders with the surgery, and I am able to finally get out and go places like never before. I hope the summer sunshine will bring some much needed breaks from the gray skies for all of us. You and your husband - I am happy for you both that you can depend on each other. I wish I could hand you a bouquet of daisies. I promise you will feel better. Linda
  5. LindafromFlorida

    so much for starting to feel better...

    Our doc talked about that honeymoon period when we are losing, and the weight loss will stop. So I think you are being encouraged to do your best now while it will be effective. At almost 3 months out I hit a 1 month stall, and still slow going. But at the rate I am eating I know the scale will move sooner or later. Keep up the good work and do your best. That is all we can do!
  6. LindafromFlorida

    60+ sleevers please help

    I think every medical problem we might be susceptible to will be diminished with weight loss. I am thankful to be off Metformin and 1 HBP med. I no longer take Lyrica for foot pain. These medicines were killing us, in my humble opinion.
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Spoiled ass lizard. OMG How funny Cheryl. I have heard it all. I would have nightmares the little booger would end up in my bed and cause a heart attack LOL. Mine, not hers!
  8. LindafromFlorida

    help.! not losing

    Keep up the good work because you are losing. Our bodies are different, and we lose at different rates. Focus on something positive, buy a few daisies to put at your front door to remind you summer is coming, and we can all get outdoors and let the sunshine rejuvenate us. Life is good, and we are changing ourselves and our lives. God Bless.
  9. I am blessed not to have anyone in the house except me and my sleeved husband. The SF popsicles are my go to treat. I make absolutely sure to eat something before I go shopping, and it amazes me how quickly I can get in and out of the store when I am not hungry. I am not so sure I could resist the temptation at times if the junk foods were in my home, because one teeny bite might lead to more. Good luck everyone.
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Struggling with junk food.

    I was in awe once of a man who said "I eat to live, I don't live to eat". I thought OMG I totally live to eat. Well thanks to the sleeve, I now eat to live. I do not bring the junk home because I know I get weak.
  11. LindafromFlorida

    60+ sleevers please help

    Good luck! Your weight loss is awesome! This site is the best thing ever for all of us, giving us inspiration and support. Keep up the good work!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    60+ sleevers please help

    How is everyone? I am looking forward to summer and some work time in the yard, something I have not done in a long time. Life is good. I am in shorts in Florida already and even loving my saggy skin.
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    I used to think I was awesome until I began reading this thread a few days ago. Now I am joining just so I can be entertained by reading something witty besides HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly think there should be a warning posted somewhere, that instead of crying HELP!!!!!!!!! please immediately hang up and dial 911. I also may change my name to MadameReverieDitto because I so enjoy your posts! Keep up the fun, ladies.
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Torani Sugar Free Syrups

    They are in all the grocery stores in the coffee section, and World Market. Again, cheaper than Amazon. You can add them to coffee or shakes. I bought Gingerbread flavor at Christmas. Now that we are almost 5 months post op, I no longer want them and our NUT says do not do shakes any more, so I have several bottles. Do not overbuy as your tastes with change, I promise!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Omg 4 days post

    Pretty soon all this will be a memory. Just follow your plan, and buy some new flowers for the garden. I found my days were easier when I distracted myself with busy little projects. Good luck! This is awesome!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Different stages of food

    It seems every surgeon has different rules and plans for their patients. If you search this site you will find many related posts asking this question. We all have struggled to get through our plans, and for me, it just seems like a distant memory, very faded memory........ Almost 5 months post sleeve and I am still eating slow and carefully. Every day is a new day! Good luck with your plan. Linda
  17. LindafromFlorida

    First timer.. Anniecb Posting from CA

    Welcome! My husband eats slower than me, and I struggle to slow down. He has not choked, but I did on a small piece of soft chicken which was like having a heart attack til it moved on down. We both did the sleeve after many years of WL seminars that did not feel right for us. Good luck both of you, this is the best thing going for those of us who have had WL surgery. You can look for any topic/post and find it at your fingertips. Linda
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Troubled times and exhaustion.

    My husband and I took care of our 4 parents with Hospice involved, and my dear sister with ALS. Under the best of circumstances this is the most physically and emotionally stressful situation in the world. You are overwhelmed I am sure. I will lift you up in prayer to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your dear Mother. God Bless you both. Linda
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    I am saying prayers for you. We all dread hearing something like this but it sounds as if they caught it quickly which is a positive thing. God Bless you, keep the faith, and be strong. Linda
  20. LindafromFlorida

    I wish I hadn't told

    I really hope others learn from these posts what it is going to be like to tell everyone about the surgery. I felt like I was not being truthful when my husband decided this was his business and he did not want me blabbing. I respected his wishes completely and I am so thankful I did. Be proud of yourselves for taking these steps to a healthier life. It was not an easy decision for any of us. God Bless.
  21. My only thought Jamie is to make sure they don't think you have something like cancer. Kids worry so much about their little world when something happens. This jumped into my head for some reason. Best of luck to you. Linda
  22. I will be supportive! Hello everyone!
  23. My husband and I were both sleeved so we kept each other straight. I emptied my pantry and helped a needy friend out with all the things we no longer wanted to eat. We avoided eating out and it helped keep us on track. Best wishes!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Gratitude list

    Pdxman, I love your posts. Keep it up, as you are always on point with things we need to hear.
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Got Final Clearance!

    Best wishes. I remember being so happy back then, and now almost 5 months gone by!

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