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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    sick and they cant find anything

    Prior to the sleeve and weight loss I cried with the pain in my feet, neuropathy. I had been put on Metformin for diabetes but my doctor said it was not Diabetes related. I disagree. I asked for Lyrica, and within a few months got huge fire engine red watery blisters all over my toes. Like I have said in other posts, I fear these medicines will kill us. I now have gout due to the weight loss, and was on 3 meds. Took the meds a week ago and spent 8 hours vomiting. Hospitalized overnight with dehydration. I never want to be that sick again. Let's lose the weight and all hope to become healthier people without the meds and being guinea pigs!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Source of life liquid vitamins

    I wrote each ingredient from this and Bariatric Advantage down and compared, and the liquid contained overwhelmingly more Vitamins. My pharmacist friend said the liquid had it all. I do take Biotin for hair too.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    sick and they cant find anything

    You can get those lab reports by asking your doctor. You can keep a food diary. You can ask questions here. Post in all caps LAPBAND to gather attention, whatever it takes! Good luck!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    How to deal with people, specially family

    I have learned here that a lot of people do not have health insurance and they have found good and affordable doctors in Mexico. We do what we need to do. I know a young couple with 2 small kids who financed $25,000 in Florida so the husband could have surgery here. Whatever our choice we must have support. Keep us posted. Not every topic is simple and about food. This is a toughie and we support you to get things right with your husband.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    My journey so far...

    Congratulations both of you! Keep up the good work!
  6. LindafromFlorida

    sick and they cant find anything

    Maybe you should start documenting things. Write it down. My husband passed out after surgery in the shower, really hurt himself - low blood pressure. The BP cuffs are relatively cheap. Take control of your health and don't let anyone fluff you off. Trust your gut instinct!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    sick and they cant find anything

    I would be beating the surgeon's door down. Best of luck.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Source of life liquid vitamins

    $52 and it has lasted me ?4 months. It is cheaper on Amazon maybe. I bought it local. I love the taste and I am scared of being Vitamin deficient. Good luck! Works for me.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    How to deal with people, specially family

    Sweetheart, you have to tell him immediately. It is hard to say how he will react because you have gone so far. Please get this done and keep posting and we can be supportive of you in every way. God Bless.
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Energy levels

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Telling others

    Seriously listen to me. You can do this. What you tell friends is that you are dieting. Truth. You are changing your life. Truth. You have a diet plan of no soda, carbs, sugar, alcohol. Truth. My husband and I did this. I too felt I was not being truthful but I know in my heart my husband was right in making me promise this was our business and no one elses. People love to talk and they would be talking about us if they knew. I have lived my life too much like an open book so this was hard for me. My husband has a 30 year old son who has not said a word about his dad losing 60 lbs. Hang in there, you can do this. Hey, you are getting healthy while you recover from that hernia (like we both had) surgery and losing weight. Best of luck!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Going insane already

    We have almost all been there. The best advice I can give is clean a closet and divert your attention to something positive. All my closets were cleaned. Had to keep busy! Good luck!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Telling others

    You will run into this again I am sure so be prepared. People tend to be nosy, we all know that, especially co-workers. Some will genuinely be concerned. Having read many posts here, one thing I read over and over, when you tell that ONE person, that person tells another, and then everyone knows. Good luck, this is such a personal choice and I am lucky I did not have to deal with this.
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Lordy. Hang on for another ride. I think this is now Girls Gone Wild? New topic: Boogers and Semen. That'll get their attention! No blah blah blah here!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    I'm the spouse

    You need to start a new topic Vomiting with the Lapband and get replies from lapband experts. Personally I would be in the doctor's office immediately if I were vomiting every single day. Something is wrong.
  16. LindafromFlorida

    supportless team

    My husband and I are 67 and had the sleeve over 4 months ago. Ten years of looking at WLS, seminars, and hoping. The day finally came for us as our health worsened. Both of us are diabetic, have HBP, I had a knee replacement, and so forth. I no longer take Metformin for diabetes, we are off 2 blood pressure meds, and we have each lost 60 lbs. We would do this again in a heartbeat. I spent one night in the hospital and took 1 dose of pain med at home. I felt great and shopped 2 days later. Why will you stay at your Mom's? Hmmmm, that should be stressful under the circumstances. Just have your Soups and shakes, broth, Crystal Light on hand and you are good for 2 weeks LOL. I was at the mall about 4 days after surgery and walked several hours. The surgery was 10 times easier than we expected. Let your Mom read some of the posts here about gastric sleeve, and learn. This is the only WLS we ever considered because personally we felt it was the safest. You need to separate yourself from anyone making you anxious and relax. I don't know your age but I think you are a grown woman. This was the best choice ever for me and my husband and we would do it again in a heartbeat! Best of luck!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Energy levels

    Today is a new day! Every day will be better for you and everyone else. This forum is good for all of us to share our thought, worries, and to make new friends. Blessings everyone.
  18. Good morning from Florida. My husband is a big tall man also, and we were both sleeved. He definitely is a steak and potato kind of man, and today we share a small filet mignon and a few green Beans and feel completely satisfied. We are 67, and health problems caused us to get the sleeve after 10 years of research and seminars. Today, our life does not revolve around food thank God. We have healthy items in the fridge, and we only eat when we are hungry. We eat to live, we do not live to eat anymore. We are over 4 months post op, and we have both lost about 60 lbs. We are off several medications. My husband has been diabetic for about 30 years, I believe the cause to be his lifetime of obesity. We do not regret our decision one bit and are hoping to add a few years to our life. Ten years ago if we could have had the sleeve, it would have made a lot of difference for us. The reason not to wait for the surgery if you are overweight, is that these weight-related illnesses including HBP, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. will catch up with you. Best of luck to you!
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Protein bars ?

    Don't overbuy the Protein bars. I have about 20 in the pantry. I cannot eat a whole one, maybe 1/4 occasionally. Very dense. Quest brand. I envisioned my husband and I having them for lunch but tastes change and we have not wanted them.
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    I think they are carbs (pasta) as carbs can get sticky and gooey.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Post op medications (crushed meds)

    The best thing I did was buy Source of Life Gold Liquid multi Vitamin. The bottle was about $50 but lasted about 4 months, 2 T. per day. Three months post op and my bloodwork was excellent. I could not bear to take the big chalky Bariatric Advantage multi Vitamins so my husband got them. Good luck!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    60+ sleevers please help

    Shersun, I am in Jacksonville, North Florida. My daughter is in Pensacola, the Panhandle. I have had problems but I am still counting my blessings. m i think the weight loss helps. 60 lbs. ago I would have just retired into the bed, in misery and I am still kicking! I understand the constipation. I go once a week and usually only with a laxative. A week ago I was on Immodium AD just to get home. I hope one day I find a "norm" but not yet. My husband and I were both sleeved, it was always about him, then some meds and a knee replacement sidelined me and my weight (diabetes and asthma) made me eligible for the sleeve thank God. At my present weight I feel slim, and before the sleeve I felt like a sluggish whale who could barely move. I felt my life was simply over. My husband and I are 100 lbs. apart roughly. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Life deals us some rough blows at times and some I do not know how I lived through them. Bless you and I hope that you have many friends and family to support you. I really like this thread, please post everyone. Linda
  23. LindafromFlorida

    help.! not losing

    Premier shakes at Sam's Club. Also I hear costco. Good but do not overbuy!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Where the hell do you come up with this stuff LOL!!!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    If we aren't laughing we are sad or Blah. I prefer a good laugh in the time I have left on earth. Maybe we can keep this thread going with the lizards, the laughers, the cigarette smoking coffee drinkers and somehow make it where we don't offend the Newbies we love dearly and once were. C'mon you funny girls keep me laughing! BTW, I have Gout, and as of today Shingles. I do not know what tomorrow will bring but I hope it is no more medicine or a lizard. So you can tell I need some laughs, right?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
