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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Issues going out to eat

    Make sure you focus on eating and do not try to talk while eating. If I were going to the pizza party I would eat before I went, and I would say the truth, I do not do pizza and I am dieting. We did not try salad until about 3 months post surgery and it now sits well with us, but I read so many posts here.....I was afraid to try it. We eat out at least once or twice a week with friends, and we focus on fun and talking, and food is not the focus. I also meet girlfriends for lunch at least twice a month and we all have go boxes. You probably need to slow down the eating a bit. My husband has mastered eating slower than me, and I am still practicing lol!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Things I Want.....

    Our surgeon recommends 1 1/2 years.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Vein Problems

    Then apparently you do not have a vein problem? I think you need to focus on the surgery, what is ahead for you, and not something you do not have a problem with. Best wishes!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Pre surg Diet and Medicines after

    We all had different surgeons and different eating plans. We were on shakes and food prior to surgery, then liquids the last 2 days. Medicines have not been a problem, except I have use an awesome liquid Vitamin as I don't plan to try and swallow the big chalky Multivitamin again ever. Some meds should not be crushed. Check with your surgeon.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Emotional Eating

    I am with you Lynda, I don't let it come in my house. Also, being married and both of us sleeved, I go nowhere without my husband, and we hold each other accountable in a good way. I am blessed. I am thankful I am not faced with temptations, and the best ever is eating before going to the grocery, if only a small yogurt.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    Anyone missing specific foods?

    As soon as you are cleared have refried Beans with salsa or Laughing Cow melted cheese wedge. Yum! When I was 8 weeks out I ate this and it was awesome.
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Anyone missing specific foods?

    No Diet Coke for 7 months and could care less. I had wanted to get off it for years. Loving Crystal Light Peach Tea (my husband's drink) now and I hated it before. I miss no food. I am enjoying small portions of so many foods, we eat no bread, rice or Pasta and do not miss it. I am loving my new life way too much to worry about food. I love having a yogurt and going shopping for hours without getting hungry. I am still loving SF popsicles. My priorities have changed drastically.
  8. Honestly at first I was paying way too much attention, such as someone said "You didn't drink your water"! I thought every comment they were trying to guess I had surgery. There will come a time when you won't even think about it. Another thing, I like to preview menus online. I can tolerate chicken or tuna salad really well, and thank goodness I am back on salads with no problem. So summer fare has lots we can dine slowly on. I have noticed the servers think something is wrong with the food if we do not eat it all, but, we have to quit worrying about these other people. I will remind you LOL!
  9. We are starting to go out a lot, both of us about 5 months post op. I think Soup has been my favorite go to food, from about 5 weeks post op. I would order a cup and I could not eat it all but no one noticed. Like my husband says to me, quit worrying about what people think. LOL. We have told none of our friends about our sleeve per my husband's request *and it is awesome we don't have to discuss it). We will share an appetizer, a salad, a hamburger patty. Also, I will order grilled fish and cole slaw, which I tolerate well. We bring food home quite often, so the fridge is usually full of leftovers to snack on. I honestly say at times, I am not hungry, and do not feel compelled to order food. So does my husband, more often than me. Do you notice more how restaurants really bring enough food on a platter for 3 people? No wonder we got fat!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Wanting to feel normal!

    I too think 10 days is too soon for that rich food. Some days you can tolerate something and the next day you cannot. People post this every day here, how foods affect them. Reading a lot of the posts made me a little more scared to try food too soon, because nausea is something I do not want, nor vomiting. We started pureed foods about 4 weeks out. If it makes you sick wait a month and try it again. We are all learning to live a new life and our eating habits have changed for the better, thank goodness.
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Amusement parks food

    Eat before you go. That sure works for me! Or take your Snacks with you!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Warning to my fellow Diabetic Sleevers

    Rose, my husband has been diabetic over 30 years and was sleeved 12/2/13. I simply cannot believe you were taken off insulin. I think you have a nut for an Endocrinologist and I sure would find another one fast. My husband's insulin dosage has been lowered by his Internist, following the sleeve. You must be proactive when it comes to your diabetes, and I have read many posts here where diabetics discuss they are still on insulin following their surgery. I had been on Metformin a year, and following surgery I was taken off the Metformin. But insulin is a different matter. I cannot imagine this doctor thinking you would not need insulin, and sounds like you had a doctor who did not know what she was doing. We asked many questions prior to surgery, and we had our answers. One of the nurses who ran our program said 5 years after the sleeve she is still on insulin and will never come off. So we have the knowledge that my husband may be on insulin the rest of his life, but the good part is that he no longer has to eat carbs at bedtime to keep him conscious through the night. You are very lucky to be alive, in my humble opinion. Let this be a lesson in life for you that doctors are not perfect and you are in charge. I cannot believe all this happened to you and I hope everything gets under control. God Bless you!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Meds vs sleeve

    My husband and I take plenty of meds and this does not sound right. I take 1 Zanax a day. I would talk to the surgeon, the primary doctor, and the psychiatrist without telling them what the other said. You should be able to adapt your body to the meds or you will know something isn't right. You can probably figure this out yourself and do what is right for you. Good luck!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    3 days post op is this normal?

    If the nausea is so bad you are regretting the surgery, something must be seriously wrong. Maybe you should go to the ER or call your doctor. Good luck and get some answers.
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Surgery in 2 Days

    A prayer for all of you. Focus, pray, rest and relax. Life is wonderful these days and so thankful how the lives of me and my husband have changed so drastically in almost 5 months. You will get to this place too.
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Doubting...please help

    Take a walk, a nap, sit in the sunshine, anything to change your focus. Count those blessings and know that this is so worth it. Find a hobby. Clean a closet. Do something. It works, Jamie. You have kids - play with them.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    I will definitely say a prayer for you. My husband was more afraid of the surgery than me because he has terrible diabetes and health problems. The surgeon said to him "you should be scared", and as I reminded them both, not having the sleeve was scarier. The surgeon agreed. He came through the surgery like a champ. Cheers to added years to our life, and yours. Take one day at a time. The unknown is what is scary. I would say the best advice I can give is chew and eat slowly. Even 5 months out like we are.
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Anyone having trouble with friends?

    This guy is a LEECH. At 67, I have let go of any so called friends who try to make my life miserable. It was so unbelievably easy. I love caller ID for that reason. Not extending his summer trip to see you? That made me laugh out loud. He would not be welcome in my peaceful, loving and no drama home. If he cannot reach you by phone he will get the hint. Problem solved.
  19. LindafromFlorida

    advice please

    The best thing we ever did was keep this surgery to ourselves thanks to my husband's request. We focus on ourselves, and our "diet".
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    My husband and I are 67. Sleeved about 5 months ago. Now a distant memory lol! One night in the hospital, one dose of pain med at home, and took it easy a few days. Went to a mall and walked a few hours, about 5 days after surgery. Felt absolutely wonderful. I have gone from a 1X-2X, size 16-18 pants, to size 12 new shorts yesterday. I am off Metformin for diabetes, we are both off one HBP med, I have no more neuropathy pain in my feet for some reason, and I am not gasping for breath when I come home from the grocery store because of my asthma. I never went shopping before surgery, now I am a shopaholic, loving the new clothes and shoes. I cannot say we were that bored with the shakes after surgery, it was something we HAD to do so why complain. I changed them up by adding Crystal Light powders, SF pudding powders, SF Torani syrups. I buy no bread, Pasta, oil, Little Debbie cakes, fruit or diet sodas, anymore. My husband no longer has to eat massive mounts of fruit or 2 sweet cakes to keep his blood sugar from bottoming out during the night. Life is sweeter than we could have ever dreamed. Best gift we ever gave ourselves. Good luck to you, recovering from the surgery was 10 times easier than we expected it to be.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    I'm Worried

    Many restaurants where I live serve blackened anything you want, and fish is my favorite. I also like things like spicy chili, which livens up that ground turkey. My husband is tolerating hot sauce with his sleeve. We were experimenting with spicy foods at two months post surgery and loving it!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    I'm Worried

    Good luck. I have made a lowfat gumbo Soup and it was great. I love spicy food and have no problem with it. I am going to New Orleans for a week in August, where the food is to die for. Honestly, I would not jeopardize my weight loss and happiness for a plate of fried oysters for sure (my favorite meal). Plus I would puke. You can adapt a lot of recipes but you can do it! You have to decide what is important, food or health.
  23. My life is SO worth it! I can sure get around better without that 60 lbs. I was hauling!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Calling All Sixties!

    My husband and I applaud you, after I read this to him. He is 4 months post op and down 60 or so lbs. Life is better every day. Good job Mark!!!!!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    How Much Should Be Enough

    You won't be eating much after surgery Kate, as you know. But that crockpot will be a life saver if you have to cook for others. I was at the mall about 3-4 hours within 5 days of surgery, and felt great. Walked slow and enjoyed being out. My husband was sleeved 2 weeks after I was, so I stayed on a mush diet until he caught up, and since then we are lucky - not much cooking here. I really liked refried Beans, he did not. I think a low fat chili got us through the rough days more than anything. Best of luck!

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