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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Pre surg Diet and Medicines after

    That is the one. It has no coconut taste. I love the taste and just use a tablespoon. You could mix it with something if you did not like it, such as Crystal Light. Great price, I appreciate your research!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Pre surg Diet and Medicines after

    BTW I got the one in the white bottle. I doubt that it matters though.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Pre surg Diet and Medicines after

    Good, I am ordering from your site. It was $52.95 plus tax at pharmacy. 2 T. a day but worth it. I cannot do those chalky big vitamins! Thanks!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Pre Opt Blues

    I would say put the scale away!! Just focus on what you are supposed to do and it will work out. Good luck on your surgery!
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Advice Needed!

    Four weeks post op I got choked on a bit of chicken. I thought I was having a heart attack and I am serious. You may have swallowed that pork okay, but being newly sleeved I was advise you to not do it again until your plan calls for food. Next time you might not be so lucky with solid food going down easy. At almost 5 months out we are still eating carefully and slowly. Too many posts here have warned me. Good luck finding the right shakes and things that agree with you. I have Immodium AD for the bad times and Milk of Magnesia for the other bad times.
  6. You may have pulled something at the gym. I would slow down on that for sure. They tell us no lifting. I remember about 4 weeks out lifting something and had pain for 2 days.
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

  8. LindafromFlorida

    Pre surg Diet and Medicines after

    Which liquid vitamin do you use Linda? My NUt gave a sample one and it's a big dose each day plus tastes terrible. I have a compound pharmacy near me and went looking there because someone had recommended their great liquid vitamin (before I ever thought about surgery). The pharmacist recommended this highly, Source of Life Liquid Gold. It comes in a large bottle and has lasted 4 months. Cost is about $50. I absolutely love the taste. I wrote down the ingredients and the ingredients in Bariatric Advantage I had bought,and the liquid had more of everything!! Just had my 3 month lab work not long ago, and lab work was great. You can buy this vitamin online, I researched it, maybe Amazon.
  9. LindafromFlorida


    I spent 24 hours in the hospital and did not feel like I even had the sleeve surgery. Got home and only needed 1 dose of pain medicine. Felt absolutely wonderful. You will do fine outpatient!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Completely Sidetracked - Need Help!

    Hang tough. Cheers to a strong new beginning at Easter.
  11. Dammit say it like i feel. My daughter gouged out a piece of her leg at 14 on rusty gym equipment. I opted not for plastic surgery. When your daughter becomes an adult let HER choose WLS.
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Completely Sidetracked - Need Help!

    Allegra, I agree I do not think this woman is done with you and you might want to find someone to talk to. You deserve better in life. You have a lot to offer someone healthy and sober, I know, so please do not settle for this raging crazy. Work and focus on your health and eating, and low and behold that right person will come along. Don't let anything sidetrack you from getting back with the program, for YOURSELF! Hugs, you are worth it!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Weird feeling from drinking

    Just a note, even at almost 5 months post op, I can take a drink of cold Water and feel it slide into my stomach. It is a weird feeling lol, and it just tells me things move on down like they should. Every day will be better! Hang tough!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Weird feeling from drinking

    Sip, sip, sip. Usually your surgeon gives you those guidelines. Some people gain weight with surgery, from IV liquids and swelling, some people lose. The more you read and research here the more information you will find. We are all different and we all will have different issues. Things will get better.
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Lost hope

    My thought is you may be trying to be a girlfriend rather than taking care of YOU. Boyfriends come and go. This is about you, not what he wants. You went through a lot to get where you are, so please don't give up on yourself. Make your children happier and healthier! Stick to easy foods, boiled eggs, yogurt, chicken cooked in the crockpot with lowfat Soup, steamed vegetables. It is so easy to eat healthier and harder and more expensive to get up and take your kids to McDonalds. Kids love salad when they get a dipping sauce (lowfat ranch dressing). I think you posted this here to get this feedback from us, and you want to be encouraged - so this is your encouragement to get on the right track LOL! I have gone through a 5 week stall recently, shedding a little hair, but nothing compares to looking in the mirror and smiling!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Dont feel prepared

    If you want the surgery you will do it like everyone else has. You will not regret it I promise. No one can help you. We can give you the best moral support in the world, however. Decide how bad you want the surgery. We have one life to live, make it count! Good luck with your decision!!!!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Scared with questions

    My husband is 67, weighed 320, is 6'2 and loved the wings that got him fatter. Post sleeve he is down to about 255 and he is smiling and happy, he is off some HBP meds, and no longer eating big bowls of fruit at bedtime to keep him from being unconscious during the night from horrible diabetes dropping to 40. I was scared he would die everytime I called rescue. He was terrified of this surgery and we went to seminars 10 years. During those 10 years, he had a heart stent, the diabetes was getting worse, he had cellulitis that was life threatening in his legs and ankles, on 3 HBP medicines, can barely walk due to nerve pain in his legs and back pain. He has been fat since he was a baby. Its is a wonder he is alive with the sleep apnea. You are young enough to do something about this before you develop these problems. Those wings - well we do not miss them. We would choose having a bounce in our step again to a platter of wings any day.
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Pre Op liquid diet .... HELP

    Doing what the surgeon tells you. Crystal Light, SF popsicles, broth. Water. If you want this surgery you will do it. Best of luck. Most of us survived this and had the surgery. You can do it.
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Surgery at 8 a.m.! Not long to go!

    My husband and i both did this in Nov and Dec, 2 weeks apart. It was scary, more so because of our terrible health problems. Looking back, it was like holding our breath waiting for lightening to strike or something bad, but it never happened. No vomiting, no nausea, no pain at home, just 24 hours in the hospital and then taking it easy and worrying as our bodies adjusted and we slowly felt our way through this. We really took it slow, did not go stick foods in our mouths that should not be there. Follow the guidelines, and here's a prayer for you to have this surgery and do as well as two 67 year olds!
  20. LindafromFlorida

    3 days post op is this normal?

    I think what everyone is feeling is pretty normal. I think it is just scary for us, THE UNKNOWN. We are scared of leaks, we are scared they cut too much, didn't cut too much, we lose weight fast, we gain weight, we are stalled, we are nauseous, we vomit. and we swell. it is sort of crazy because we are all so different. Just trust your gut instinct everyone, and when you seriously are ill you will not ask here, you will get to the ER. I wish everyone a good week, and thank God for our help here from everyone else. It got me through the scary times.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Doubting...please help

    The unknown is what scares us all. I did realize following surgery it was 10 times easier than I expected. I expected the worst of everything, and none of it happened. My husband and I are now relaxed. But it took awhile LOL. He ate about 4 fried shrimp at a seafood festival in Florida 2 weeks ago, and I wanted to run (because I did not want to see him get sick lol). He did not get sick. Life is so good with this weight loss that I want to pinch myself and see if I am dreaming! Hang in there everyone, the best is coming, that is when you CAN RELAX after the surgery.
  22. I would just like to say to everyone I wish them health and happiness. The sun is back out in Florida, I have on shorts and flipflops. I was in the pool this morning. I bought size 12 shorts yesterday and they fit. I have saggy skin but I will never have surgery to remove it. I accept it because I am the most critical of myself, not others. I can say that the sleeve has changed the life of me and my husband. He is wearing a pair of Chaps cotton boxers, size XL (not a 3X) and dances around the house smiling. I wish I did not know we were 67 because we sure feel 95% better than we did 5 months ago. We found our silver lining with the sleeve!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Sunshine and 5 Months Fabulous

    I really want to inspire others to count blessings and get through these first months. It was not easy, a little scary, but we took it day by day and not it is smooth sailing. Good luck both of you!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Surgery on tuesday the 15th!

    It will be 10 times easier than you expect. One night in hospital, 1 dose of pain meds at home, and shopping several hours at the mall about 4 days later. I felt fabulous and still do!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Cold medicine and my sleeve?

    Zicam worked wonders for me and my husband. Doctor approved. Feel better!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
