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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Protein shakes/drinks for pre-op

    Preop we used Bariatric Advantage powders and EAS powders as recommended. About 2 weeks post op we went to Premier Protein shakes. At 3 months out I was told quit drinking shakes so I now have a stash. Do not overbuy! I will probably start having a shake a day anyway now that it is warmer, a good icy one. Those brands were recommended and we liked them, except my husband liked the milkiness of the Bariatric Advantage and I preferred the EAS.
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Severe headache?

    Absolutely! Had a horrid headache one week prior to surgery and it went away after surgery. Do not know if it was dehydration (I was very dehydrated the morning of surgery), or caffeine withdrawal or what. But I suffered! Maybe drink more liquids.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Not one of the lucky ones

    I hope someone here can give you advice, as everyone has suffered something. I am glad you went to the doctor, and I sincerely wish you the best in feeling better. I hate seeing anyone suffer. God Bless.
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Not one of the lucky ones

    Dear Lord. I called also because I needed meds for gout and was told it would "eat" my new sleeve. The nurse was "out". I demanded to speak to the surgeon (great guy IMO). The nurse came on the phone as if by magic. I can find another doctor but I cannot find another stomach. I was treated very well when I told her the problem. There is a fine line, and if you make the staff mad, you are screwed, probably. Always be kind, complimentary and condescending.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Not one of the lucky ones

    Fantastic. Many people are hesitant to call. As I have aged I demand more from them and do not settle for less that good medical care. Please post here and let us know what the doctor says. Your experience may help someone else.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    Still miserable! When will it stop?

    My husband and I had smooth sailing too, no pain or nausea. I went grocery shopping 3 days post surgery. If anyone is really sick they should be calling their doctor. They are paid good money to hear our problems!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Hello Everyone - silly question

    Doctors are all different. His office will know. Good luck on your surgery.
  8. Will, if you moved maybe you should find a new doctor. If you are just out of town for a bit, I am sure the doctor could mail you a prescription or call one in possibly? Will, you have come so far losing all that weight, and that is wonderful! Whatever you did was working. When you go off the foods you know you should eat, I think the old habits come back and the stomach/head wants those foods we loved so much. My thought is to find some Protein shakes and refried Beans, chicken or tuna salad, and go back in time a little to that place you were. You did it and you can get back on track!
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Pain question - hiatal hernia repair

    Husband and I had sleeves and both had hiatal hernias. Pretty common I believe. We had no pain/spasms whatsoever. There may be a med they can give you. Trust your gut instinct and if you are having something you are not sure about, always call your doctor's office first!!!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Not one of the lucky ones

    Call your surgeon.
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Not one of the lucky ones

    I don't think the ER has much patience with us gastric surgery patients (or anyone else sometimes, from my expert opinion). I suggest you go and see your surgeon if you are truly sick. Insist on coming in. Only you know your body and you should trust your gut instinct. I recently was hospitalized overnight following 8 hours of vomiting and was severely dehydrated. Good luck, because this is not the norm.
  12. Lala, good luck on your plans for surgery! I agree with you shutting down your friend.....I can visualize that happening. My husband and I do not discuss our surgery with friends, so keeps it simple for us thank God. Having been a part of this group since last year, it has been a lifesaver for me, and personally I never felt judged. Sometimes the judgemental beast in me comes out when I see someone post something like "HELP!!!!!!! I cannot stop throwing up since I ate 3 slices of pizza, has this happened to you????" I have learned to SMH and just go on with my day. I want to be totally supportive to everyone because I feel this is our lifesaver, this group. It is well moderated, and group is witty, caring and kind. Sometimes we just have to let others post answers to certain "help" calls, LOL. Wishing you the best with your surgery and the great people here, that you will be looking to for advice, Linda
  13. LindafromFlorida

    soup with food

    I would think if you are one month post op the soup would be your meal. You may be talking about down the road, but I think we will live with the sleeve by forever leaving off liquids when we eat. At 5 months post sleeve I still drink broth, and I do not drink Water until later. What we have learned that matters most is that we eat and drink slowly, and even slower than that!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    Congratulations!!!! Good job Carol!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Post Op Diet

    I can only recommend that you chose a surgeon and trusted him to operate on you and lead you through this. Please do not try to accelerate anything. Your stomach is swollen and healing from surgery. I was told I could have soft crockpot chicken cooked in FF Soup at 4 weeks - I choked on a small bite of chicken and never want to go there again. This will be so worth it. Trust the people here why try to guide you and teach you from their experiences, some good, some bad.
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Protein Bread?

    I think I will stick to my lettuce wraps. I love eating my Protein in the way of chicken and tuna salad, and even "tacos" in the lettuce wraps. Having 2 diabetics sleeved here, and being older, we have foregone anything that resembles "bread". Good luck to you all.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Help is this normal?!

    Most of us have been given meal plans to follow and I was on soft, pureed foods and shakes at 4 weeks, and no meats and cheese until about 6 weeks. Do you have a diet you are supposed to follow? I do not see how you could be cramming in anything (as you said), because you should be eating slowly, such as 1/4 to 1/2 cup of soft food, such as 1 boiled egg. Some people have different plans than this however. You should not be so hungry. Please call your NUT and get help with what you are supposed to be eating. Good luck!
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Any More Sixties?

    Sleeved at 67 and loving life, me and my babe! I can sit in his lap again!
  19. LindafromFlorida


    Well said. I think if you hang around here Thomas you will read many wonderful success stories of lives being changed. My husband and I attended 10 years of seminars. We have heard stories for 10 years. We are happy and healthy and loving our new lives being sleeved. Good luck!
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Please help....

    I can say we ALL struggled with the shakes and pureed foods so you are not unique. The only reason you could be doomed to fail is if you choose to not follow the plan your surgeon set up for you. You said you are "seriously" sneaking normal food. I don't know what that could be, fried chicken, pizza, mac and cheese, those "normal" foods that made us fat? Five weeks out from surgery I could have soft chicken, and it stuck in my chest to the point I thought I was having a heart attack. It scared me so bad I stayed on soft foods another two weeks. At one month you still have swelling from the surgery, in my humble opinion. You might get a few bites of food down and feel adventurous, but if you read enough posts here you will see that many people have these problems with food, sometimes they can eat a food and sometimes they get very sick on that same food. You can keep experimenting and get off your plan, but you went through surgery and I hope you did it to be successful! I read more than I post here, and I read that people have regained the weight because they ate like they did before surgery. You might want to begin reading more posts so that you really can see and acknowledge what will happen. So soon out, do not test yourself. As far as chocolate, it is a choice you are making. I honestly do not bring things in my house that will tempt me. Make sure you eat before you go to the store, that helps me a lot. Good luck.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Newbie Question

    At 5 months post op we still get gurgling and crazy noises, and minor gas problems.
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Newbie Question

    We are all different so no one can tell you this. There can be bigger things to worry about so don't stress over little noises your stomach will make. Get used to them! Good luck!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Really having doubts now

    Loving the weight loss and the loose skin!!!
  24. I do not know where you read posts of perfect people because as far as I can tell we are all imperfect and we acknowledge it. We work hard to get where we are. Pizza and candy are not part of my life but I do not claim to be perfect.
  25. LindafromFlorida

    I dont understand ! Help

    We were doing one shake a day, mornings, and one lowfat meal at night. Lost almost 20 lbs in 6 weeks. Try to stay focused and eat those SF popsicles! Good luck!

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