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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Back to work-Nosey co-workers

    Josh, you are under a topic about nosy co-workers. If you want more direct responses to your questions, you might want to repost under a topic such as "food journal", "Prilosec or not" and "What shakes do you recommend". I feel your pain with that catheter. My husband had a horrible experience with that. It was totally unnecessary. I have been told to take prescription Omeprazone (Prilosec) forever, but not my husband. We preferred Premier Protein Shakes from Sam's Club, very good! You want the best nutrients you can get following your WLS so make sure you find good Vitamins and the right foods. Best of luck! Linda
  2. LindafromFlorida


    Maybe you might see some addiction expert if you are sincerely worried about this. Pretty much I think it is a personal choice if you want to turn to drugs or alcohol, and I say this because of a pretty bad history of drugs and alcohol in my immediate family. I say this with utmost sincerity. Best wishes and God Bless.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Sleeve or gastric bypass

    I could never presume to tell you which type of surgery to have. We did WL seminars 10 years, and much research. You might want to visit a 2nd bariatric surgeon and get his medical opinion. There are thousands of posts here which will tell you the problems people have following all of the surgeries, so do a ton of research here, and make the best decision. We did the sleeve, we have many health problems such as diabetes, sleep apnea, HBP, asthma, etc., we are 67, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Yes it was scary too, but so were the options if we did not choose the surgery, as far as our health worsening. My husband has gone from 320 to 250 since September, 2013. His surgery was December 2. Best of luck!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Calories post op?

    We count no calories or Proteins. We eat as few carbs as possible because of diabetes. We followed the plans of our surgeon post op, we continue to eat healthy, and drink our fluids. Best advice our surgeon gave us is eat only when we are hungry, really hungry. Do not eat 3 meals a day. It sounded strange at first, but we have adjusted to this well and are not starving. Our lab tests have been excellent. So right now it is 3 pm and I had a yogurt for Breakfast and 1 lowfat cheese stick, and my husband is eating 2 tablespoons of homemade guacamole. dinner will be a piece of mahi we will broil and a vegetable. We are 5 months post op. I think the days I eat a little more, the hungrier I get. Everyone will adjust the best they can to the WLS, and what works for me won't work for everyone. Good luck. Make sure you take good Vitamins.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Back to work-Nosey co-workers

    Really it is no one's business. I always thought it was. My husband made me change my mind and my ways and it feels great! We told my daughter and a nurse friend. I really get tired of people going on and on about our losing weight so I darn sure don't to have my surgery announced to everyone within hearing distance. We are just a little bit private anyway.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    Questions for the surgeon

    Good luck! You can scroll on this site and find every topic you can imagine.
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Help! At a picnic starving

    Great idea, take that walk. Once you are sleeved pack your goodies. Don't be caught out and be tempted to eat because it is there. My best advice is eat before you leave home. This will be so worth it. We have (most of us) been where you are and endured this deprivation, but really, you are going to reward yourself with a new way of life. Smile and be happy!
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Hernia repair

    Always trust your gut instinct if you believe something terrible has happened, call your surgeon. We are not medical experts. You might have popped a stitch which can hurt like heck. I remember lifting something about 2 weeks post op, and had terrible pain, and rested a couple days. Hernia repairs are pretty common with the sleeve. Best wishes and feel better!
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Would you do it again?

    My husband and I would definitely do it again. We were falling apart, sat on the sofa for a year thinking life was over. Ten years of WL seminars. We decided we had nothing to lose (except weight) the way we were living. He just booked a 7-day cruise for his birthday in June. He has had no problems, I have developed gout in my big toes. Other than that it has been easy for us. I have a bounce in my step again. I am smiling again. We are 67. Good luck!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    difficult getting to goal weight

    No cake allowed in our house! Plus, I think if you take one bite it will lead to more when you know you won't get sick from it. I make sure I eat yogurt or a snack before I go shopping, because hunger in the store is not good. Keep that SF pudding on hand, or find a popsicle. You seriously have done an awesome job, so keep it up!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Warning to my fellow Diabetic Sleevers

    Angi, my husband has gone from 320 to 250 since approximately October, 2013. He was sleeved Dec. 2. Definitely the diabetes has not hindered his weight loss. My husband is off Metformin from the day of the sleeve, and he dropped from 100 units to 35 units of long acting insulin (and no short acting anymore) in the evening. His A1C went from 12 to 6.7 (excellent). We were absolutely terrified for my husband to even have the WLS because of his health problems, and had been attending seminars about 10 years. He dieted his entire life and has always been overweight. He is so much healthier, and I know in my heart he will never regain this weight. He usually eats about one meal a day, and barely ever any carbs or fruit any more. That is his choice. The greatest thing is he said he has always been hungry his whole life, and he does not have the cravings he once had. I could not find much on diabetes and the sleeve prior to surgery, just a few things word of mouth. When my husband had a heart blockage 10 years ago, his blood sugar was 500, so I can only imagine how sick you were. I am just very thankful we had the courage (I led my husband through it because of my fear I would lose him) and today he is glad he did it. Every day prior to surgery it seemed as if we were going downhill, but no more! What can I do to help you? We are 67. We are feeling fabulous. What will your health be like if you do not have the sleeve? This was our dilemma, after spending the past year of my retirement in recliners and deciding we were not ready to give up. Hugs, Linda
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Scared mom

    Britt, I would recommend at your age you research one year before undergoing any procedure. You will read here about every problem that could possibly come your way. Be informed. God Bless.
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Seventy & having sleeve surgery

    Husband and I are 67 and 5 months sleeved. Wonderful experience. I am off Metformin. I no longer need the asthma inhalers. He is being weaned off the cpap. We are both off 1 BP med each. I am not gasping for breath when I come in from the grocery store. I have had more life in me the past five months than I did the last five years. This is the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves because we were destined to die in the recliners at the rate we were going. God Bless!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Aggrivated with no weight loss

    It will pass, like everything else. Just follow your plan and hide the scale.
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Pre-op appointment was today...

    This is exactly what we went through with sleeving. You documented it perfect. Good luck.
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Smoking / Drinking

    If you have had this surgery to get healthy, why would you want to go back to drinking and smoking? Why would you jeopardize your lifespan that may have just been lengthened with surgery? As one who has seen what liquor and smoking has done to so many, I hope you re-think this. If you do it for "social" reasons, you can stop. I wish you the very best and I hope you can put all your effort and energy to changing your lifestyle completely!!!!!
  17. My husband and I are 67, sleeved 5 months, and HAPPY! LOL.
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Diabetes is gone!

    I am told that once diabetic always diabetic. I came off Metformin at sleeve surgery (after 1 year of being diagnosed), but my husband is still insulin dependent twice a day. He has been on insulin 30 years. One nurse who works for our surgeon said she has not and will not ever come off insulin since her surgery several years ago. Diabetic problems is one reason my husband and I decided to have the sleeve, because the older you are the worse it gets. I hope WLS helps a lot of people never reach the point of needing insulin for diabetes. It wreaks havoc on your bodies. Our A1C is excellent since the sleeve, and that is a Godsend!
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Does anybody else's belly make sounds?

    Yes, for all of us.
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Has anyone tried the Quest bars?

    I have about 24 I will donate to the next support group. I have tried about 4 of them and only took a few bites of each. One would last me a week if I tried to eat it all but I get bored with it. I try to warn everyone do not buy in bulk. I have a bunch of unjury Soup I cannot use. I will donate too. The Unjury soup powder curdles in hot Water and yuck! I don't do lukewarm soup. Best of luck! We are living and learning. Some people swear by all of this but sometimes it is just personal tastes.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Soft food.

    I have yogurt or cottage cheese (with a little SF Polaner jam) in the morning because I have meds to take. Our surgeon gave us great advice, do not eat 3 meals a day. Only eat when we are hungry. I cannot tell you how well this works for us. I keep the foods on hand we like. Depends on where you are following your surgery, you may not be able to eat the salads just yet. I had an episode of choking on a piece of soft chicken 5 weeks post op surgery so backed off the crockpot chicken I had looked forward to. You need to look at your meal plan and start mixing and matching things. Refried Beans are a soft food and you can melt a little Laughing Cow cheese on top. When allowed pureed foods, I made a lowfat chili and it was the first food I tasted that was yummy! We still eat our Soups, and avocado is a soft food also. Good luck.
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Seriously ?

    Take a bubble bath, get the kitchen closed down, get in bed and read a book for a little bit. Voila! You won't be munching! Change the pattern and maybe shut the tv down early. Good luck!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Severe headache?

    You will get through it. Hope you are sleeping tonight, peacefully! God Bless!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Dealing with family/friends

    We told 4 people but we had each other, 2 weeks apart. Please talk to your Mother. As stated, be firm in your resolve that you are doing this. Let her get prepared to go with you.
  25. LindafromFlorida


    I put my scale in the kitchen so my husband would not fall trying to get to it in my bath, and we walk by it every day without weighing. We are feeling great, eating right and if we never lost another pound this has been the most amazing thing we have done for ourselves. Looking at that scale is a visual reminder of woohoo, we are not worrying anymore! Trust me, you will get this as you get further out from surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
