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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Just getting started

    We started with a protein about one month before surgery, and started losing weight, eating healthy. This is your chance to finally lose this weight so I doubt you will blow it LOL!!!! Keep focused. Like I told my husband, if we don't get on board with the plan for surgery, the months will pass by anyway and we will still be overweight. This has been the greatest thing ever! My husband, in 8 months has gone from 320 lbs to 240 lbs. He is 6' tall, is off Metformin and a BP med, and his blood sugar is awesome. He is taking a minimum amount of insulin compared to pre-surgery. Best wishes to you, this forum will keep you focused and occupied.
  2. LindafromFlorida

    The wait begins

    Good luck!
  3. LindafromFlorida

    my endocrinologist does not approve of WLS

    Thank God our Internist and Cardiologist are delighted with the results of our sleeve and are our biggest supporters, having seen us for years losing the battle of HBP, high Cholesterol, Heart stent, joint replacement and Diabetes. Other doctors, not so much. They look at me like I am a freak when I say I had WLS. Recently went to the ER and was hospitalized out of town, was looked at like they never heard of WLS, like REALLY? Bottom line is I would ditch any doctor who is not in my corner. We PAY them, not the opposite.
  4. I think Biotin is overrated and does nothing as I have taken it, even before surgery. 5 months post surgery started losing hair. Going into my 7th month now and still losing around my face and brushfulls daily. I have very fine, thin hair. Actually went and bought two wigs yesterday for emergency. I now wash my hair once a week as it is very dry, and so much comes out with washing. I still would have the surgery. It is just hair lol!
  5. Never ever give up! You do not want to regain the weight you lost. Keep working to maintain and lose. You really can do it!
  6. LindafromFlorida


    I am assuming you mean after surgery? Heck no, I am not going to eat pizza. I have no pasta and rice in my house. I went through surgery for a reason and it was not to gain this weight back!!!!!!! If you eat a salad instead of pizza, you will be just as satisfied and the thought of pizza will pass.
  7. LindafromFlorida


    I would be talking to the doctor if I were you.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    if iam not hungry should i still eat ?

    Over a long period of time it is almost comical how many different surgeons have so many opposite requirements. They are working for all of us though and that is what is important. My husband eats less than I do, but he is motivated to keep losing more weight while I am happy to be where I am.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Off my meds!

    NurseT posted this and I thought it was most interesting. "Hi Nessa, I am 14 months post VSG and insulin dependent still til this day. My diabetes has improved significantly. A year ago I was taking 120 units Lantus, 1000mg metformin, 10mg of Glyberide and had an A1C of 10.9! Now I take no orals and only 30 units of Lantus at night with an A1C of 6.8! I'm thrilled. My doctor states that not every one who has had the sleeve will get off of insulin. There are two "types" of Diabetes Type 2. The first "type" is obesity induced only and once a person loses the weight the signs and symptoms of diabetes seems to vanish. These are the lucky ones. As for me, I am the 2nd type; hereditary. Both my parents are Type 2 diabetics. By doctor said that it's in my genes and I will always b e diabetic but now I can control it with diet, exercise and a small amount of insulin. As long as I am healthy I decided not to let using insulin dictate my life. My starting weight in March 2013 was 248 with BMI of 44 (I am only 5'4). I am now at 188 with BMI of 32. The other thing that is tough is that the use of any insulin can hinder weight loss. After about the 10th month after surgery, I stopped losing a lot and now I am lucky if I can lose a pound a month. And it's not for the lack of trying. I do kickboxing twice a week, yoga, swim and walk at least 5 days a week. I stick to a 1200 calorie, high Protein, low carb diet and hardly ever see the needle move on the scale. However, I did lose more inches than pounds as I fit nicely in a size 12. So I'm not that disappointed. Maybe the other 30 lbs will come off, maybe not. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that you will be off insulin. All I can say is, it depends." No one ever explained this to us so I thought it was quite interesting. My husband and I are both off 1 BP med each. Linda
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Help! For all you lovely people who are familiar with Florida!

    Panama City is def not as touristy as Ft. Walton/Destin area. Gulf Shores is right there at Pensacola/Orange Beach area, a little touristy too, but then again not much in Florida except where I live, is not touristy. Maybe you can make a short trip down to Panama City, Clearwater, and work your way back to Gulf Shores for a couple days to get a feel for it. I love every place on the Gulf, to tell you the truth. Florida is full of trees so you won't miss seeing the trees LOL.
  11. 10-15 years ago, who can remember that far back, my poor husband who was obese his entire life.......A seminar here, a seminar there, still too scared of the surgery and complications. Friends had gastric bypass with great results, but not my husband's comorbidities...Finally, sickness, knee replacement, and health problems got me to the final seminar for the sleeve with my husband, and Voila! I led him into this fabulous journey! We have no regrets!
  12. Skip the carbs period if you want to lose weight. Eating protein and veggies works for us. Being diabetic makes this an easy choice because I am off Metformin and don't want to go back, ever!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Help! For all you lovely people who are familiar with Florida!

    BTW, Appalachicola, Panama City, Mexico Beach, are all laid back beautiful beaches. You want hustle and bustle go to Disney in Orlando for long lines and tourists. The West Coast of Florida where these cities are, are most beautiful. You cannot go wrong. Sanibel Island, is a small spectacular place for shelling, with boats to take you to small islands, for shell foraging. Tampa and St. Petersburg are larger cities. You won't find much to do in Florida except R E L A X, drink Rumrunners, unlike Big Ben, Kensington Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the fabulous places to see in England.<br />
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Help! For all you lovely people who are familiar with Florida!

    Madame Rev, OMG I so wish I lived there so I could meet you and entertain you but I am in Jacksonville (don't come here LOL, ugly brown beaches IMO) - my daughter lives in Pensacola so I am there often! She is 10 minutes from Orange Beach, AL, and is 1 hour from Destin/Ft. Walton Beach. These 3 places are the most beautiful in Florida IMHO. Miami/Ft. Laud is congested and ....don't go there. The only thing to do in the areas you mention is relax and soak up sun. Sit at places like Sunset Grille in Orange Beach on the Intracoastal and yep, watch the sunset. Eat delicious seafood. Destin is high dollar big hotels/condos beautiful, white sands, so many tourists. Orange Beach/Pensacola not so high dollar,lots of condos and hotels, more laid back and casual. Blue Angels are based in Pensacola, and spectacular to see.Hire a local fisherman to take you charter fishing. Take plenty of sunscreen Brit because those white sand beaches reflect that sun. I just spent 2 weeks in Pensacola, kayaking with my daughter on Tarkin Bay, eating wonderful Wahoo (the best saltwater fish ever!), and loving life. I would love to hear where you choose!!
  15. LindafromFlorida


    Have your protein shakes at work and figure out what you can have at home. Easy-peasy. Let go of the cookies! Do not make this harder than it is. Supplement with SF popsicles and broth at home. Drink Crystal Light (Peach Tea is Yum!) by the gallon. June is almost here and you can so do this!!!!!!!!
  16. LindafromFlorida


    I will take humor any way I can get it LOL! We need to joke and laugh as much as we can!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    if iam not hungry should i still eat ?

    Our surgeon said do not eat 3 meals a day, eat only when we are truly hungry. Best advice ever, even though it sounded strange! He advised to eat healthy and make good choices, which we have tried to do. We take good vitamins, and are very happy with our progress. We no longer have sit down dinners, my husband and I (we were sleeved 2 weeks apart). He eats when hungry and I eat when hungry, and we do not like the same foods anymore (he likes smoked salmon and I prefer chicken salad, for instance).
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Calling All Sixties!

    My husband had a terrible reaction to the dye from the nuclear test and other tests using the dye. It lasted several weeks. Research it. I know the dyes affect your kidneys. If you can do the walk on the treadmill, forego the nuclear. My sister also had a reaction. The doctors only recommend the nuclear if you are physically impaired I gather.
  19. Personally I think "ratting him out" would be a waste of time. From what I see the surgeons are pretty much done with you after surgery, and it is his problem from here on out (and yours) if he is not compliant. IMHO I think if he did not have a "servant" he would get off his butt and do something. I would be as unavailable as possible. Pxinaz, something tells me you have some spunk left by your post here and I think you will do whatever it is you need to do. We are rooting for you! Linda
  20. In December 2006 my daughter looked in my new closet and gasped....."Mom, is that all the clothes you have?" Really, it was pitiful, but I was working then, and I felt so ugly and fat I would not buy clothes or shoes. I had 4 pair of black pants. Now, I am a beautifully dressed retired 67 year old woman with style. I discovered a certain brand and let me tell you, they were made for me. I have never had so many clothes in my life! I feel like a diva in my size 12, and my 1X and 2X are GONE. I have a spring in my step that had long gone by the wayside...... Everything I ever wanted in life has come my way, even at this age. I honestly wonder if you can visualize a pair of pink and green camo SHORT SHORTS from Cabela's (they sell hunting/fishing stuff) that my husband bought me. I put the ugly things on and he hooted and hollered LOL. I won't wear the ugly things but gave him a thrill anyway. I wish everyone so many blessings and good health, but mainly just to feel great about yourselves! It is priceless!
  21. LindafromFlorida


    MichiganChic, this reminded me of the big, ugly flowered shirts still hanging in my closet. I have to get them gone.... You are right, it is not about vanity, it is just about feeling good about ourselves. Finally!
  22. I feel so sorry for you. Was he like this before surgery? Honestly I cannot imagine someone acting this way. My husband and I were both sleeved. We are 67. I was shopping at the mall 4-5 days after surgery. My husband had a problem and was kept in the hospital 4 days after surgery, and came home with a catheter. He managed. He has several comorbidities, diabetes, heart stent, HBP, and has a problem walking. I have asthma, diabetes, HBP, knee replacement, yet we have been up walking and happy as can be since being sleeved. We took one dose of pain medicine when we got home. In my uneducated humble opinion, I think you need some counseling just to deal with this, since he sounds as if he would refuse to go. I think you need to keep yourself busy and gone from your home to a mall or a movie, and not be waiting on him hand and foot, or maybe doing yard work out of reach of his voice, so he would be forced to get up and take care of himself. God bless you. I am glad you found this site so that you can have some emotional support. Hugs, Linda
  23. LindafromFlorida


    6 months out and absolutely delighted!<br />
  24. LindafromFlorida


    I got a pair of beautiful white jeans on Ebay for $1.95, with $5.00 shipping. LOL. I also love Goodwill searching, and not just for books anymore. The fun is in the hunt!<br />
  25. LindafromFlorida


    I am so happy for you! I thought I would die being so fat and pathetic. I know how you feel. A 12 is a miracle. I never wore a size 4 so cannot imagine! LOL. Bless you!

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