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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Tbird49

  1. Tbird49

    Low blood pressure

    My surgery was 9/16 I use to take bp med for high bp but have been off that for about 2 weeks ...water intake is a struggle not up to the 64 oz more like 30 to 35 oz ...
  2. Tbird49

    My Birthday Cake :)

    A very blessed and happy birthday what a great guy
  3. I'm 3 1/2 weeks post op and I'm feeling defeated already . I lost 20 lbs in the first two weeks then nothing I've been feeling tired etc ... I'm sure my body Is just in a shock mode I was a big carb eater now I have to figure out protein stuff I just started soft solids I thought I was doing stuff right but I guess I'm not , I don't ... I can't fail at this ... I'm just in a funk sorry friends
  4. Tbird49

    Feeling defeated

    That's why I love this site the support is amazing
  5. Tbird49


    Ok so I'm 3 1/2 weeks post op , I'm feeling hungry and jittery even after I eat . I'm doing the soft solids but it feels like I need a sugar burst , I never had diabetes or anything like that I can't get my nutrition to answer my emails I'm so pissed ... Any thoughts please ....
  6. Tbird49


    Just spoke to my nut lol finally ... It appears I am eating wrong lol I need to add protein to all my foods , like my applesauce and cottage cheese , I am eating the wrong carbs wtf I just started soft foods Monday I'm puréeing everything , she said I should be eating 1200 cals a day wtf I can barely get in 800 if I'm lucky this is so confusing if I knew this stuff I wouldn't have been fat to start with omg ... Talk about CONFUSED !!!!!
  7. Tbird49


    Yes I take an acid reducer , I'm still doing protein shakes I realize it's got to be a nutrition thing ,,,, it just all seems Greek to me lol
  8. Tbird49


    4 oz of orange juice ???
  9. Tbird49


    I'm not getting all my fluids that's for sure , I will try some if these suggestions thanks ya'all I have a nutrition class Saturday hope that gets me some answered too
  10. Congratulations on your approval it sounds like your mind is in the right place to take on this journey with us I just passed the 3 week post op date 20 lbs down , I wish I could say it's been all fun but it hasn't , the beginning liquid/ puréed food stages SUCK but remember that is all temp. My highest weight was 267 and I will be 50 in April I wanted to start living not existing .. So my new friend have faith and all will be well ... Cheers to your new healthier life
  11. Tbird49


    That's so crazy I had my surgery on 9/16 as well I am on the soft food phase I would be scared to try anything regular right now I don't care what a dietician says lol
  12. Tbird49

    Am i kidding myself?

    I am 49 I made myself a promise that I would change my life and health before my 50 th the next phase of my life I intend on enjoying not hiding from ...... Sleeved on 9/16/13 ..... No regrets only excitement !!!!
  13. Ya walking helps but it can take awhile week to go away no biggy
  14. Well first congrats to you .. I'm 17 days post op we all understand exactly how u feel this site has been such a help for me because I realize I'm not alone .... First fear is good but as long as you have good care and do what your told you will be fine ..pain varies mine wasn't bad at all just walk as much as possible after to disperse the gas from the surgery .... All the beginning food stages SUCK lol just follow them and before you know it it will be behind you ... That's what I'm doing now Most important drink your fluids I almost got dehydrated yesterday ..... Not fun ....so good luck and welcome to the journey of and for your NEW life ....
  15. Tbird49

    Counting liquids

    I'm lost on this one too also when you add protein to such a small amount of food , it always says two scoops ;( no way is that right
  16. No not a flutter more like pounding , u also noticed it after I drank my protein shake tonight ... I feel fine now except I still have loose bowel
  17. Hi I'm 17 days out and have been feeling pretty good , but today I woke up shaky, I got my protein drink down then my heart started racing , I thought I was gonna faint I laid down and bam I got diarrhea ( sorry if its TMI) so I slept for awhile then I got up , I felt hungry so I got some apple sauce omg I started gaging like I was gonna throw up , and my heart started racing again .... Wtf after about 5 min I seemed ok and was able to eat the apple sauce ... I've had diarrhea on and off , keep trying to drink water ... Idk what the deal is ... Anyone else had anything like this ... Ps for the last 3 hours I've been fine ...
  18. I am a pole dancer , but I kept breaking the pole so I got my sleeve lol JK I'm a domestic goddess .... For reals
  19. Tbird49

    Almost 3 months post op

    Hi Ashley wow your looking wonderful your an inspiration no matter what size we start our journey or were it will lead we did this for our future health and happiness so congratulations best wishes ... Tish
  20. Tbird49


    Melinda we were all frightened this is not something that is easy ... But it is a life changing decision no doubt . I am going to be 50 I have dreamed about this for years and on 9/16/13 my dream came true ,,, I have hid in the shadows of my life too long playing Russian roulette with health issues .... I am done being that person and it sounds like you are as well , you have all our prayers so do what your heart says is right ...
  21. Tbird49


    You have to get your liquids. In before anything don't rush the soft foods yet it may be to soon for your pouch but if you dehydrate your in big trouble good luck
  22. Tbird49

    Any Feed Back....

    I'm feeling better every day I'm letting my body lead not my head .. If I'm tired I rest etc. you can not rush this process , the results can be fatal so do what your dr/ nut say as every pound sheds away 18 down so far I feel I made a great decision .. Lil thing pop up in my head like wow ill be able to find some nice clothes for Xmas , or I can wait to get my bikini next summer getting a family portrait taken finally lol tiny things for some but big to me ... Excited that's how I feel )
  23. Tbird49

    Any Feed Back....

    Hi I just had my sleeve done on 9/16 I'm 49 but have dreamed of this for years , I have two sons and a wonderful supportive husband that loves me at any size ... I weighed 261 at 5' 7 I hated my body , thus myself ... I gave tried everything non worked or lasted yes this is drastic and not to be take lightly " your life will change " but I believe I gave made the best decision for myself and family ... I have spent years hiding, and avoiding family pictures , going places because I felt to fat ... I'm done hiding ... You do what your heart tells you

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