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About sharon2u
Junior Guru
- Birthday 09/16/1953
About Me
Female age 56
swimming, hunting, running, walking , dancing the fat off
4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary sharon2u!
What can cause the espohagus to narrow out in order to stop food from going down? I had my UGI done and the radiologist told me that it looks good but then well not so good, those were his words to me. The esophagus is of normal size well now it is dilated again round three for me and as it goes down transverse about 2mm it narrows out and then towards the bottom it returns to normal size, there is no food stuck in my band at all however there is reflux that is evident. He said that removing some of the fill might help but it not the solution to the problem for this has happened to me several times more than I would like to even count. I was told I have achalasia which means a narrow passage that spasms and closes down to were nothing can get through, he also said but did not put it in writing for I ahve the report on hand that due to this I should ahve never had the band done due to the complications. My Mother also suffered from the same thing but well back then there was no lap band causing her problem as mine is with me. Can someone please give me some feedback on this just to ease my mind. And tomorrow I hope my Dr. will also ease my mind.
I have had my Band sicne 2007 my weightloss was wonderful and then in mid 2008 it just stopped, no matter what I do it does not go down it goes up. I have been filled and un filled as we call it here. I have suffered three different times from a dilated esophagus, my band gets very tight weeks after the fill, I vomit so hard that I sob afterwards. I have developed all over again GERD, night reflux and a bit of a cough. I have re gained 20 pounds and all I get from my Dr. is well maybe this is where your supposed to be with your weight, well no I don't think so. I requested a revision with the same Surgeon last year and I was refused twice by my health plan due to new guiodelines and such. I exercise daily and walk and yes I even still watch my diet and no matter what I am regaining and not losing. My question is can the lap band become defective after so many adjustments in the port and a few times the nurse could not find the right area in the port and I would get stuck several times. would a new Lap Band help resolve these issues I don't know and the last time I seen the Dr. he was in such a hurry that he rushed me through the appointment due to his office being over booked. I eat very little due to the pain with swallowing and the vomiting. I contacted the Dr. on Thursday and well no one even gets bak withme. Maybe I need a different Bariatric Dr. This surgery is supposed to help the patient not make them get worse.
I have BC/BS Federal Texas I was denied twice being told that I was having revision surgery I would have to have no weightloss for two eyars and my BMI I was told was too low they said I was 35 well I have a BMI of 37 now and my weight nop matter what I do keeps increasing. My Dr.s Coordinator sent on all the information and I was given the letters to read during one of my visits and well it dd nto state any of the actual reason and problems that I actually ahd or was having. I feel no one seemed to care about me or my case any longer. I am now amost 4 years pot surgery. I vomit so hard and often each day that I ahve to sit on my toilet holding a buncket becuase I now lose control of my urine and well my poop (sorry) I just sob becuase I know this is not right but what can I do about it. I ahve bad heartburn, GERD well it is back, my esophagus when i swallow my food just hurts to where you don't want to eat. My diabetes has come back, my HBP has never went away and now I have high cholesterol. I feel a huge loss here and mis understanding with my Dr. that did my surgery. The last time I was in his office I was discussing this with him and well he could not get out of here fast enough for it seemed. I just want my insurance company to see that all my problems are for real and that no one is supposed to live their life as I have had too.
sharon2u replied to roseyposey's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi everyone. I was 54 years old in 2007 when I was banded. I had a great Dr. and still see him on a regular basis (my surgeon). I am heading down the path to a revision from Lap band to RNY as soon as I can get approved by my health plan that is. My band worked fine for the first year and then the weighloss just stopped and then I started having problems, for a too tight band that after each fill it took about three weeks and then the band would get so tight that it looked like the lead tip from a pencil according to the radiologist. My esophagus became so dilated that I would ahve to have just about all the fill removed and then start over more than once or twice. I was vomiting and had real bad reflux and now even though I have not had a fill in sometime I don't know if I am too tight for I have not had a fill in many months, but I vomit so hard that I now sit on the potty with my container in hand and use that becuase when vomiting I do lose control of my bodily functions (both) no good and not fun either and after I just sit and cry. My insurance company which is a federal health plan that I pay through the nose for denied me so we are now going into the appeal mode and I am praying that someone will see the severity in this and approve me. Now I am not saying the band is a bad idea for it did help me lose 99 pounds the first 10 months after surgery, through diet and exercise and a lot of determination and if I was told that the band needed to be replaced with another then I would say go for it, for without it I would still weigh in at 289 pounds. Before my surgery date I weighed in at 253 pounds. So for those that are afraid to ahve the band don't be afraid for if I can do it so can anyone and my complications does not mean anyone will have the same thing happen. So have the band and you will be happy that you did. But the band is only a tool your the one doing all the work. So good luck to each and eveyone of you. -
I seen my Dr. last week and we discussed the two revisions that he oes and one is the sleeve and the other is the by pass. even though the sleeve has ben around for a few years now he stated the sme thing about the end results. He said that the bypass is top of the line and can last from 10-20 years post op, then the sleeve might give you about 5 years post op and then the band is at the bottom of the list and that gives you 3-5 years before it might have to be revised. There is no looking back after the sleeve has been done for there is noting left to reattach if needed. The Bypass can be rerouted as I call it and maybe not like it was before but something can be done. I have had my band just under 4 years now. I ahve not lost weight with it in a few years however my beginning weightloss took me down 99 lbs and now I ahve gained back 20. I can't have any more fills even though I am at about 5 1/4 due to vomiting, severe restriction and tightening of the band, I have reflux and my esophagus dialited several times. I ahve had more UGI's than you can imagine. I am hungry all the time and it is hard eating as if your band is nioce and snug when in fact it is not. I requested a revison to GBY and will find out soon from my Insurance provider if it will be approved or not. I have BC/BS Federal health plan and they cover both of these but I still ahve to wait and it is hard waiting when you see pounds flashing before your eyes.
That sounds like dirty pool to me but if it workds well go for it. Sometimes you ahve to out fox the foxes sort to speak
Hello, after reading your comments I felt that I wanted to add one for you. I too have BC/BS Federal (Texas). I was told by my Dr. that the Insurance provider covers the gastric Sleeve and the Roux-n-y bypass. I thought I would let you know. Also I need a revision from the Band to the Bypass due to band problems. My Dr. told me I could ahve either surgical procedure for it is up to me. However he did tell me the pro and cons of both types of surgerys and what he discussed with me was true facts because as always I do my own research. I am just trying to find out if I have to go through all the same thing as to testing, etc or not. If anyone knows or had a revision please let me know for i would appreciate it. I was always told that the federal Health Plan approves more than anyother plan did or does. Sharon
Not quite so I have had this problem over and over again I was told it was caused by the band itself being too tight causing restriction of food not to go throught the stoma area into the stomach what it does is backs up and then begins to stretch out you might be eating like me but the food is not getting stuck nor is it going down. I am now consulting with my Dr. about doing a revision. i ahve had so much vomiting, reflux, hard swallows, fills and unfills as I call them. I had more U GI's than you can shake a stick at and most of all I stopped lowing weight over two years ago.
I had my band surgery in 2007 and now after a long history of problems, lack of weighloss and not being able to be filled without problems. I am heading for the revision part. I am Ok with the procedure but I was told to study both the Gastric Sleeve and the RYGBP options and I have. I have read many different articles on both procedures and all the complications what the long range goals are everything from soup to nuts as it goes. I don't know ehich road I want to take. Both procedures are execellent choices. But the sleeve might not be what i need after all and then it would be followed up with the RYGBP. The sleeve is reccommended for lap band patients and well so is the RY. If someone was in my shoes which would you chose. I have made up my mind but I was just hoping from a response to this topic.
I too can relate to this one. I had surgery in 2007 lot about 100 pounds stopped losing weight by June 2008 no weight loss since and now I am gaining weight. I ahve been filled and un filled. I have been too tight, refluxing, vomiting, dislated esophagus several times due to be ing too tight and now I ahve gained 17 pounds in two months why I don't know. I am doing everythng to the Tee, and exercise until I can't move and I mean that. I am no spring chick I am 57 years old and growing tired but I ahve not given up. I requested a Revision for the sleeve or what ever my Dr. feels I would be suited for. Need to wait and hear from the Dr. first to see if I can do this and then to see if my Federal employers health plan will cover it, the old Federal health paln did.
Endoscope revealed no restriction with Realize Lap Band
sharon2u replied to AnnieMae's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I just had this done on Monday just the standard Upper GI with the barium. I am fine and so is the band. I requested to have this done becuase I seen a new Dr. not the one that did my band. Several months after my last fill I developed night reflux and coughing. So I went to see the new Dr. this is what he told me and mind you I did not yet have the barium test at that time. He told me that my band was too tight. He told me that I ahd a Mega Esophagus (dialited)he also told me that my esophagus is going to burst and that I could die it that happened. He also told me that my original surgeon would have to do my operation (revision) well scared me he did..so much that I was afraid to eat thinking that my esophagus could burst. How can a Dr. tell you all of that without even running the test to begin with (x-ray vision) I guess. Well he did take 1 cc out of my band. He also told me that I had a fill of 7 ccs in my band but in my medcial records from my original Dr. it stated that I had 5 1/4 ccs then on the date of the unfill as I call it he said I ahd 6 1/2 ccs well comone now which is t Dr.? I will not give any names to protect myself here but I really feel that this man has no right being a Bariatric Surgeon if he is only going to guess and assume that there is a problem when there is none at all. I had my Upper GI and well low and behold everything is fine. The contrast went right down, the esophagus is that of normal size. I ahd a wonderful conversation with the radiogogist that did the test and I have had so many that I can tell if something is not right and even he said he could not see a problem with the band or much less anything else. sorry to be so long winded here but it makes me very mad when someone cannot get the job done right.