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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Redwillow13

  1. I just read a post about a week ago when somebody said they hit 6 weeks and eating started to become really uncomfortable. I was doing okay and didn't know what they were really talking about. Um, I'm almost six weeks and now I'm feeling that same thing. I'm beginning to HATE eating! It's so uncomfortable. At first, I thought it was just my body responding to new introduction of more solid foods, which makes sense. But I'm noticing that even pureed stuff and soft stuff like avocado is uncomfortable going down. I'm not throwing up (haven't sense surgery) and I'm taking very small bites as well.

    I'm frustrated. I can't find that other post to see what suggestions were given. Does anybody have any suggestions? Should I just give it some time and wait it out?

  2. My journey began long ago, but on January 11th, 2014 I was one year out from surgery. It has been an incredible journey with many highs and just as many lows! I remember back to the day I had surgery when my husband asked me if I'd do it all over and my response was "NO!". It sucked not being able to even drink Water, well I could drink Water, but not as I could the day before surgery. I remember taking small painful sips of everything. Being fat was so much easier. I still to this day think being fat is so much easier. The sleeve is not "the easy way out" as many people who are uneduacted on the procedure believe. If it was easy more people would do it. It takes a lot of work for the preliminary processes and after is even more work. I have so much respect for people who take the initiative to do what is best for them in all aspects of life and in my life my initiative was to live a much longer, healthier life for myself, my kids, and my husband. I do not regret the surgery ever. I have temptations and yes sometimes wish I could go to the buffet and eat like it's my last day on Earth, but knowing what is right and what I put in my mouth has an effect on my tomorrow is what guides me to make the right decisions. I would love to be able to answer questions for anyone who is questioning the procedure and I challenge those who tell me it's the easy way out. I as a mother, wife, friend, and RN support those in the same spot I was one year ago and encourage everyone to do what is best for you! You are in control and determine your happiness and future!

    On January 11th, 2013 I weighed 273lbs

    On January 11th, 2014 I weigh 168lbs

    I included a before and after. The after is from a couple of months ago!

    You look wonderful! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to be where you are. What's your exercise regiment like? I'm about a month out and I'm about to join my local gym. I'm wondering, how your regiment evolved from initial post surgery to now? If you don't mind responding. :)

  3. Hw 292

    Sw 276

    Cw 236

    Sleeved Oct 21 2013..Im 3mths post op this has been challenging in some many way but worth every obstacle. Gw I want to reach 140-150.

    Congratulations! You look fantastic! I am about a month out and I soo understand you when you said it's been challenging in so many ways. It sooo has been but not regrets! I hope to be where you are three months out. :) Thank you for posting.

  4. So as you all know I was denied by my insurance. So I had to do an appeal. I sent in a lot of medical records a letter from my PCP and a letter I wrote. I sent all that in on Dec 30. They received it on the 31st. They told me it will be 30 days before they made a decision. So I checked about a hour ago and they reversed the denial and approved it. I AM TOO HAPPY. I TRUELY THANK GOD BECAUSE WITHOUT HIM, IT WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE!!!!

    Congratulations!! And you are soo right!

  5. Hi Ag333, your struggle is so real and I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time right now. What state do you live in? What are the free health insurance options for you there? I live in NY and if you don't have a job, you can get Medicaid which is pretty good for free insurance. But I know every state is different.

    Right now is a good time to start looking for support systems. Joining a group (free) with other people who are struggling with depression. Not feeling alone goes a long way. Staying in your house and eating all day is, as I'm sure you know, totally symptomatic of depression and anxiety. It feels safe there while the outside world begins to seem scary. It is a lie that your emotions are telling you. Increasing the amount that you get out of your house will start to help combat some of the anxiety and a little of the depression.

    As for the unemployment. Again, I don't know where you live so I don't know what the job market looks like. Are there temp agencies that can help you as you're looking for employment? Or part time work? Two part time jobs will bring in income, get you out of the house, allow you to engage with new people, challenge your brain which is stimulating, and hopefully help you begin to regulate your eating (since you won't be so focused on the negatives).

    Lastly, you HAVE to start exercising. It will get your breathing flowing which is very calming when your anxious. It gets you out of your head space since you're focusing on your body movements. It will stimulate your metabolism and increase your energy levels. And it'll naturally help you regular your eating habits (of course with intentional efforts on your part). To aid in exercise being meaningful, you MUST get rid of the junk food in your house. It's like having tasty poison sitting and waiting for you to fall. Don't leave traps around you, if you can help it. There are tons of resources on this site from people posting what their eating. Lots of great, tasty, stuff. And even if you're overindulging on Protein as well as junk food, at least the Protein offers something for your body. So try choosing the protein.

    I pray for breakthrough in your life Ag333. I know it's hard as hell but you can totally get out of this black hole and get your life back!

  6. No not looking to cheat. I was just wondering.

    Hey Coach,

    I'm curious what prompted the question? I'm about sixteen or so days out and I haven't cheated. It's been difficult but I take it day by day and remember that I'm eating this way to allow my body to heal. After that, when solids do come in, I'll be eating to keep my body decreasing. So it won't stop being a process.

    Were you curious because the cravings are intense or just wondering in general?

  7. Sorry babe, but excessive skin has to be removed surgically. I feel your pain, I just underwent 4 cosmetic surgeries to reveal the new me.

    In the interim, wearing things like body shapers can really help transform your figure underneath clothing if you are not already doing that.

    As mentioned, toning muscles will help slightly because it'll fill in some of the dead space. But unless you are putting on 150 lbs of muscle, the results will more than likely be subtle.

    Unfortunately what you see is what you get in the end. Some cope with it, just relieved to have lost the fat. Others are not satisfied because the skin makes you feel and look heavier than you are creating a never ending desire to get/look better. And than others address it surgically.

    Check w/ your insurance company to see if they cover any form of CS if you are interested in that route. Otherwise invest in Spanx :)


    Did you do the Tummy Tuck, arm lift, and breast lift augmentation all in one surgery? I was wondering what's the recup time for something that intense? Was the pain level also super intense? Curious about how that goes.


  8. There was soo much that finally made me make the decision. I have felt fat and been overweight most of my life. I remember having thoughts of being abnormally big in the 5th grade. By the time I was an adult, I was truly in the morbidly obese category.

    I first thought about wls surgery when I was 22. I was about 270 pds then and though I did not have any comorbities I was horrified and scared of being that big. Sadly, I did not have the means to pursue and I dropped it.

    Fast forward 9 years to this summer. Within this time I lost both my parents, ages 69 and 63. Both had out of control weight issues which lead to high blood pressure (father) and diabetes (mother) which led both to kidney failure and then, eventually, they both had strokes (within 5 years of each other). I finally realized this summer, when I hit my biggest at 306 pds, that I was terrified. I was terrified that I was far larger than my mother had ever been and yet she had died so young. I was terrified that I'd be apart of the same nightmare cycle of bad health as my parents and have an even earlier end.

    Next to that fear was the realization that my life was getting more and more boxed in. My existence was so clogged up with fat! I couldn't get past my obsession and unhappiness with being fat and it was literally taking over my life on every level. I needed help! I remember sitting and praying from my heart for some health because I felt so out of control and that the fat had become stronger then me.

    Soon after, a friend told me about his experience and that's when I began pursuing wls. I was sleeved on 12/17/13. It's early yet. There's lots to learn. But I have no regrets. I feel like my prayer of help was answered. I can't wait to see what this journey brings. :)

  9. Hey Everyone,

    Happy New Year!! I am hoping everyone will have an incredible 2014!

    I'm a little stressed out myself (does not negate that 2014 is going to be incredible!). I will be seeing my surgeon tomorrow and my primary care doctor on Monday and will be talking to them about some of this stuff but I do want to post here to see if anyone else is experiencing what I am.

    So I have been dehydrated. I'm not experiencing dizziness but my skin feels like a reptile and my urine is pretty dark. I'm at about 50 ozs of Water a day which helps somewhat with the color of my urine. However, I feel like something is wrong with my body. Something feels off. For the last two days I've had some sensation in my lower back which could be due to the dehydration. I'm not sure. In any case, I am anxious about it.

    My second issue is I've been getting acid reflux pretty badly. Sometimes I can't even sip my Water. I started taking antacid otc med about three days ago to combat it somewhat. Without it, I wouldn't even be able to eat the little I am eating. It is annoying and I'm praying that it doesn't last for a long time.

    Is anyone else having similar experiences? I absolutely DO NOT regret the surgery at all. I know the body is a very mercurial thing and issues arise. But it's nice to not be alone.

    Again, Happy New Year Everybody


  10. Hi Everybody!

    I am in need of some support. I’ll make this short because I my computer failed me when I tried posting before and I don’t feel like typing everything again.

    I am six days post op. I’m sticking to my NUT’s diet plan as closely as I can. Each day gets better than the last. I’m struggling to get in the 64 ozs of liquid and 60 g of Protein. Work in progress. My abdominal area is healing very nicely and I’ve not needed any pain medication.

    However, I’m hungry. Nothing outside of Protein shakes and greek yogurt satisfies this hunger feeling. It’s definitely not head hunger. The sensation is uncomfortable. I know my little sleeve pouch is still healing and I don’t want to overextend it. But I’m wondering why I’m feeling such persistent hunger when NOBODY I’ve read about on this forum started experiencing hunger this soon out the gate. I’m beginning to get paranoid about whether I’m sleeved or not!

    Any advice? Thoughts?

  11. Omg Ladyd! I'm going through the same thing. I had mine the same day. The burping was worse during the hospital stay and like a day after but it still occasionally happens now. It still hurts. I've also had dry mouth and I know it's because I'm not getting in 64 ozs. Have you been getting in all 64 ozs? I think, in general, normality will come eventually but don't expect it now. However, I think every day has been better than the one before. I hope that'll you'll be able to say the same thing soon. Sorry Ladyd :/

  12. Today is the day!! I will be having surgery at Lenox Hill at 730am with Dr. Edward Yatco. Still excited. Very anxious. And ready to do this!! I will touch back with you guys when I return home (I don't have a smartphone to be able to update. (Boo :c)

    Blessings and prayers to everyone else who is having their surgery today as well. And many, many thanks to those praying and supporting us!!


  13. So I just told someone about my surgery coming up on Monday and I got the rudest response which is making me really upset. They said, oh no that's terrible. You couldn't do it on your own? Meanwhile, SHE was huge herself! I'm feeling a little discouraged :(

    Oh my goodness. That is incredibly rude! But you are too close to a major goal accomplished and there's no time to think too long about this person's words. I think sometimes people just don't know what impact their words actually have.

  14. Hi Everybody!

    I haven't gotten a chance to say Congrats to all those who have been sleeved so far this month!!! I bow down to you because I'm still waiting for my day with anticipation, excitement, and nervousness. It's a heady combination. :). I had my last pre-op consultation with my doctor on Wednesday and have decided to do the morning of Dec 17th instead of being the last patient on Dec 16th. So my day was changed.

    My doc did not put me on a pre-op diet and, unfortunately, over the Thanksgiving break, I gained about a pound. At least the scale says that. I was super upset about it because I've been very mindful of my eating but not enough, I guess. I'm trying not to feel so discouraged about that and stay hopeful about the changes I have made and will continue to make.

    Anyway, again Congratulations! And I can't wait for my own day!

  15. Hey group -- As of today, I'm officially sleeved! Surgery was easy peasy, and I've been doing good since. I've attached a hospital selfie and a pic of my first post-op meal. :) Actually getting lots of liquids in, so that's good. I was so worried about not being able to take in liquids, but since 4:00, I've taken in 4 small bowls of broth, two cups of Decaf tea, and some ice chips. Had a difficult time with sugar-free Jello and sugar-free popsicles, though. Not sure if it was the texture, weight/volume, temperature, sweetener, etc. whatever it was, I couldn't handle more than a couple tiny bites of each. I'll try them again at a later date when I have no swelling in my teeny-tiny belly. :)

    As for pain, my doc used a tap block instead of a pain pump, but evidently, pain relief from that doesn't kick in until 24 hours or so. Taking pain meds by IV now. I am having pain, but it's more muscle soreness than anything else. I have been up to walk laps, but even before then, I wasn't having any unmanageable gas pains. Feeling very happy with what seems to be a good outcome. Be blessed, everyone!




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