I was on liquid diet for 4 weeks. Was not really bad after day 2. 6 protein shakes a day. About every 3 hrs. Had band done today, MD said liver look great. Because he said if liver size not done would close me up without doing surg. Lost 43 Pounds during that time. The way I looked at it it was free wt loss, will not come back on. And it was only 4 weeks out of my life. Good luck. Hell did not even eat all my shakes at the end. Not hungry. lol
:clap2: Have been home 3 hrs now. Lap band after 2. Cases were running a little late. But thats ok, Its done, At the hospital little over 8 hrs. No pain put local at sites. But doing good. Tolerating liq well. Can feel my stomach, but not hurting. Thanks for all the help from reading the board.
Got to love it.
Hello awaiting insurance apporval, but have my own date in mind. Aug 14, already seen GS, on a 4 week liquid diet, day #4, 24 more to go hhahahhah