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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    tammethick reacted to KeeWee in You know you lost weight when   
    When u can literally see it for yourself!!! Size 18/20 down to 10/12. Surgery date: 4/23/14 hw: 290, sw: 282(corrected), cw: 212.

  2. Like
    tammethick reacted to Mrs.RRn in Say (Low Fat) Cheese   
    I'm with y'all--- only REAL cheese in this house.
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    tammethick reacted to LipstickLady in Say (Low Fat) Cheese   
    I only eat full fat cheese. It tastes better and the fat keeps me satisfied longer. I eat so little, a few extra calories from cheese won't hurt me.
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    tammethick reacted to Alex Brecher in Social Networks and Weight Loss   
    Are your friends and family helping you lose weight or standing in your way? Don’t let your social network hold you back!
    Your friends and family can affect whether you lose weight as quickly as you’d like. You are more likely to become obese if your sibling, spouse, or friend is obese, and more likely to want to lose weight if your friends want to. Ask your friends to join you in eating well and exercising so that you can all get healthy and enjoy life more together!

    If You Want to Lose Weight, Keep an Eye on Your Social Network

    One of the first things you learn about weight loss surgery is that you need a support system. The more friends and family you have around, the more likely you are to lose weight. At least, that’s what you’re told.
    It’s mostly true but it’s not completely right. The truth is that your friends and family don’t always help you lose weight. If you have anyone sabotaging your efforts, you already know that. But your friends and family may be dragging you down without trying to. You may not even realize it’s happening. Once you do, though, you can resist the bad influence.
    Effect of Friends and Family on Weight
    Take a look at your friends and family. Are they overweight? If they are, they may be getting in the way of your own weight loss. Part of it may be genetic. If one sibling gains weight, the other is 40 percent more likely to also gain weight, according to research described in the December 2011 edition of the Harvard Men’s Health Watch.
    You might point to genes to explain why you can predict people’s weight gain based on their siblings’ weight gain. That may be partly true, but consider this. Spouses are 37 percent more likely to become obese if their spouse does. Okay, live together, eat together, gain or lose weight together. That makes sense, right?
    But do you know whose weight is most closely related to yours? It’s not the weight of your siblings or spouse. It’s your friends’ weights! If you have a close friend who becomes obese, your risk of becoming obese increases by a scary 57 percent! And, if your friends want to lose weight, you’re more likely to want to lose weight.
    How Your Friends Affect Your Weight
    You don’t live with your friends, and you don’t share their genes. So why should their weight affect yours? Part of it is just from trying to be a good friend. Your friend’s job is to cheer you up and accept you for who you are. That’s great in most cases because we all need someone on our side.
    Unfortunately, it works against you when you tell your friend that you just ate a half a pizza because you had a bad day at work, your friend may just tell you that you deserved that pizza. Worse, she might invite you out so that the two of you can split another pizza.
    Also, your perception of what is normal and acceptable might shift towards what your friends do and think. If they are overweight or obese, you may not see yourself as unhealthily overweight even if you are. If they share a few boxes of doughnuts every Sunday, you might not see any problem with those extra hundreds of calories. But continuing to do what they do can get in the way of hitting your weight loss goals.
    Make New Friends…
    When you’re getting started on your weight loss journey, think about making a few new friends who are going to support your new commitment to health.
    Other weight loss surgery patients: they’re going through exactly the same things that you are.
    Exercise buddies: find them at the gym, in the park, or through craiglist.com or meetup.com. Don’t be shy about asking if you can join them for a workout or two. If they say no, ask someone else. You might end up making a few new friends that you can hang out at other times during the day.

    …And Keep the Old
    You don’t have to ditch your old friends and stay away from your siblings and parents if they’re overweight. Ideally, you can be open with them. Explain how hard you are working to get healthy, and let them know how they can help.
    If you’re lucky, they’ll be willing to change some of their behaviors to support your goals and get healthier themselves.
    Meet to go shopping or take a walk in the park instead of to eat at a restaurant.
    Order an egg white omelet instead of pancakes with butter, Syrup, and sausage when you go out for Breakfast.< br> Meet your friends to do crafts or pack lunches for a homeless shelter instead of baking and eating Cookies.< br>
    If your old friends and your family are unwilling to change, you don’t need to avoid them. Even being aware of how friends and family can affect you can protect you from following their leadwhile you’re hanging out with them. Be on the lookout for unhealthy behaviors, and make your own healthy decisions.
    Skip the table’s appetizers and enjoy your glass of ice Water.< br> Order what you know is right, like chicken breast or fish and vegetables, while everyone else is ordering Pasta or steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy.
    Savor coffee while everyone else is digging into dessert.
    Lean on them for sympathy when you’re struggling, but don’t use them as eating buddies anymore.

    Eventually, they may see how happy and successful you are, and they may be ready to ask you for help losing weight.
    Your friends and family are there to support you, but sometimes their love for you isn’t good for your weight loss journey. Ask them to help you out by setting a good example, and keep yourself from following their lead if you know they’re eating badly.
  5. Like
    tammethick reacted to ProudGrammy in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    when i started my walk through sleeveland i weighed once a week
    as time passsed i weighed myself more often, 2, 3 days apart
    at goal - i now weigh daily
    i don't think thats obsessive
    like others have said...............
    i want to stay accountable - make sure that # doesn't go up more than a couple of pounds
    i'm not committing hary cary, but i'm up 4 lbs (but please dont tell anyone ok/?? )
    now, back to the drawing board - i'm sure i can take the weight off within a few weeks
    but if i didn't weigh myself, it might have been more pounds to take off!!!!
    anyways.............as you can see, many of us do things in there own way, however it works for them!!!
    good luck
  6. Like
    tammethick reacted to erp in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    I'm in maintenance so I weigh everyday to stay vigilant. Very worried about regain.
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    tammethick reacted to lsereno in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    I weigh daily. When I was in weight loss mode I only recorded my weight on Fridays. I need the daily check in to keep bad eating habits at bay. If it's higher than I want, I don't beat myself up, I just adjust my eating till I like what I see.
  8. Like
    tammethick got a reaction from soonerorlater in November buddies where are you?   
    Hi, All! I was sleeved 11/11/13. I've lost 73lbs, so far! I'm 3 lbs from Onederland! I'm Soooooo Excited! Congratulations to all!
  9. Like
    tammethick reacted to Alex Brecher in BariatricPal: Unified WLS Community   
    Weight loss surgery is difficult, to say the least. The operation takes place after years or a lifetime of being obese and after months of research and preparation. Recovery can be anywhere from “not too bad” to riddled with complications. Nearly every aspect of your lifestyle changes, from your diet to the way you look to your relationships to your mental state. The entire experience is long and challenging, no matter how rewarding.

    BariatricPal recognizes the challenges of being in the weight loss surgery community. You need every bit of support and information you can get to choose the best surgery for yourself, prepare for surgery, lose weight, and get healthy for the long term. The peer-to-peer support that BariatricPal members provide can be among the most powerful tools you have to help you achieve your goals. So please, help build the community up instead of tearing it down.
    Potential for a Powerful, Unified Community
    Our weight loss surgery communities began as WLSBoards, with four separate forums: LapBandTalk, VerticalSleeveTalk, RNYTalk, and SleevePlicationTalk. Each forum was dedicated to a single type of weight loss surgery. Members could discuss surgeons, diets, complications, and anything else related to weight loss surgery in general or the specific type of weight loss surgery in particular.
    Then we merged the four WLSBoards to create BariatricPal, which is geared toward all types of weight loss surgery. This decision was based on the following beliefs.
    We are all in this together. We have the same goal of fighting obesity through weight loss surgery.
    The surgery types share many common characteristics and BariatricPal members can therefore benefit from having more input on topics such as the post-surgery diet progression, choosing a surgeon, ways to get more Protein, and dealing with head hunger.
    As a single community, we have greater potential to be a unified and strong voice for weight loss surgery than we did as separate communities.
    Some topics are surgery-specific, and there is a need for surgery-specific subforums for certain topics such as fills for lap-band patients, experience with Protein Shakes for sleeve patients who may not be able to eat enough on a regular basis, and dumping syndrome for gastric bypass patients.

    Has BariatricPal Become a Divisive Arena?
    Unfortunately, BariatricPal members have had some regrettable experiences that contradict these principles. Rather than being supported, encouraged, and assisted, some members have felt attacked or belittled by other members who do not believe in their choices, whether in regards to type of surgery, food choices, or other lifestyle choices. Rude behavior, while unacceptable in any circumstance, is especially damaging in our community.
    It weakens our collective voice.
    It prevents some weight loss surgery patients and potential patients from getting the information they need.
    It discourages WLS patients from pursuing their healthy lifestyles.

    Avoid Destructive Posts
    Most BariatricPal members are polite, helpful, and encourage. Occasionally, though, members post inappropriate and potentially hurtful posts that put down one type of weight loss surgery or another individual’s choice. In general, a poor post is one that makes a person feel bad and does not offer any useful information. These are examples of unacceptable posts.
    “I didn’t even know they offered the lap-band surgery anymore because it’s so dangerous.”
    “Weight loss is easy with the gastric bypass surgery. The rest of us have to work harder.”
    “You shouldn’t be asking if you can eat that. If you even are thinking about it, you shouldn’t have gotten WLS.”

    It’s okay to offer your opinion, but do it kindly. If you’re not sure if your post is okay, think about it before your post. The rule of thumb is to always err on the side of caution. Think how you would act if you were face-to-face with a good friend who had an opinion with which you disagree. You would listen to his or her position, then acknowledge the reasoning for that opinion. Then you would state your opinion and explain why you feel that way. Remember that feelings are harder to convey in written online conversations, and gentle words of advice can be interpreted harshly.
    What We Have to Gain (or Lose)
    When we all support each other, regardless of type of weight loss surgery, we have a lot to gain.
    Positive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome, so those who need it feel comfortable to come and ask questions
    Unbelievable wealth of experience and knowledge…among people who are kind enough to share it
    A place where open discussions can lead to brainstorming and generation of ideas and strategies for success
    A sense of pride that we are all here, with the same goal through the same means. Let us celebrate!

    When rudeness and disrespect take over, we have just as much to lose. Just think about what would happen if you had a question, asked it, and got told that your question is dumb or that you are doing something wrong in your weight loss journey. Maybe you would leave BariatricPal or, worse, you would be afraid to ask your question anywhere else because you didn’t feel comfortable anymore. Nobody deserves to be treated like that.
    Take a moment when you are on BariatricPal to appreciate the warm community, and think about what it means to you. The next time you post, ask yourself: are you helping to build a stronger weight loss surgery community, or are you tearing it down?
  10. Like
    tammethick got a reaction from DCborn in 2nd day of liquid diet   
    It will get better...The first few days are rough... I'm 6 weeks post-op & I'm loving the results...Hang in there, Handsome...
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    tammethick reacted to dreamscometrue in Follow my Gastric Sleeve journey from Day 1 post op!   
    Well, today has been another great day! No pain meds at all. I worked for the first half of the day and then my husband and I ran a bunch of errands and I got a lot of walking in. I've been thinking of random things that have crossed my mind today that others might find helpful. I went back to the Vitamin Shoppe today because I needed more Protein Powder (ran out of my old kind from months ago) and I decided on the Isopure Dutch chocolate. I highly recommend it and the LOW carbs/HIGH Protein is perfect. Also, if anyone is looking for a shaker, check out the Smart Shaker (I think that's what it is called). It's awesome because two separate parts unscrew from the bottom so you could store Vitamins in one layer and more protein powder in the other. Also, I'm sure that most do this, but if you are prepping for what to buy, the 4 oz. Rubbermaid containers are awesome. I have a week's worth of those filled to the 2 oz. line with French onion Soup broth, Jello, pudding, and refried Beans. Ahhh, refried beans have now been 3 lunches of mine and there are two more baby cups in the fridge. I still cannot even get over that I will have gotten 5 full lunches out of ONE CAN of fat free refried beans. Unbelievably awesome! Oh, and I weighed today... Down 19lbs total. Loving my sleeve! I know there are a lot of negative posts and some people even regret it, but I seriously feel like myself again, am full from small amounts of food, exercising daily, and am losing weight... Seems like a pretty good deal to me. Hope everyone is having a good day with their sleeve!
  12. Like
    tammethick got a reaction from dropdeadweightdiva in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Whew! Hi, My Fellow Sleevers! I was sleeved on 11-11-13! Veteran's Day, Yay! My surgery went well. I was a little nervous. I'm 5 days Post-Op...No problems so far...I have some mild pain around my incision sites...I'm keeping my fluids @ a lil more than 66oz a day... I should be moving to pureed next week (my Post-Op appt) I'm walking about an hour or more a day...I rarely have gas pains...If I do, my Doctor gave me the Okay (please follow your Doctor's instructions) to take Gas X chewables...I use a heating pad @ night, I'm using my Spirometer religiously , and I have a great ab binder (from my Doctor) to hold my stomach in place for coughing, positioning myself for sleep, etc...Overall, no complications... I'm feeling blessed & lucky...I hope all my 11/11 buddies are doing well.... Good luck to all the Pre-Op & Post-Op Sleevers... This is one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself! I'm ready for the good. ..the bad, and,.. the ugly! Negativity doesn't live on this block anymore!!! Good Night... I'll talk to yall soon...♥tammethick♥...
  13. Like
    tammethick got a reaction from dropdeadweightdiva in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Whew! Hi, My Fellow Sleevers! I was sleeved on 11-11-13! Veteran's Day, Yay! My surgery went well. I was a little nervous. I'm 5 days Post-Op...No problems so far...I have some mild pain around my incision sites...I'm keeping my fluids @ a lil more than 66oz a day... I should be moving to pureed next week (my Post-Op appt) I'm walking about an hour or more a day...I rarely have gas pains...If I do, my Doctor gave me the Okay (please follow your Doctor's instructions) to take Gas X chewables...I use a heating pad @ night, I'm using my Spirometer religiously , and I have a great ab binder (from my Doctor) to hold my stomach in place for coughing, positioning myself for sleep, etc...Overall, no complications... I'm feeling blessed & lucky...I hope all my 11/11 buddies are doing well.... Good luck to all the Pre-Op & Post-Op Sleevers... This is one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself! I'm ready for the good. ..the bad, and,.. the ugly! Negativity doesn't live on this block anymore!!! Good Night... I'll talk to yall soon...♥tammethick♥...
  14. Like
    tammethick reacted to cejiogu in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Good luck to you all I had mine of may 1, 2013. I was 306 as of last tues I am 200. It had been worth it. The first month is hard but once you get back to regular food you will all do great. I was having second thoughts up to the. Putting the mask on me in the OR. I woke up an hour and a half later and that was it. I love being back to what I weighted 22years ago. I a
    So have a new relationship with food. I still live food but it does not control my emotions. I have broken down the fat wall and I am now living a live I want. I have Heath that is much better. I made the choice last year to not die of something stupid connected with my weight. The sleeve has been the greatest tool ever!so hang n there guys you will have some pain and discomfort but you will be happy with your journey. Best piece of advise I can say to start get a good abd binder for the first two to three weeks home. Get the doctor to order one for you in the hospital. If not go to medical supply store and get one. Really helps with the pain and positioning yourself while you are sleeping.< /p>
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    tammethick reacted to LipstickLady in Me And 6 Months Later Me.   
    263 vs. 175

  16. Like
    tammethick reacted to dropdeadweightdiva in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Invite sent.. we have one other member being sleeved that date and 8 tomorrow, along with 6 the day after you.. welcome
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    tammethick reacted to peachie86 in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Well wishes to all the Veteran's day new sleevers!
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    tammethick got a reaction from greersc in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Hi, My Fellow Sleevers!..."Today" is my day! 11-11-13...I will never forget this day! Veteran's Day! How Ironic! I've been dealing with this weight since I've came home from the military! I just didn't care anymore...Now, I'm about to Rock this Sleeve! I'm sooooooo happy the Pre-Op diet is over, lol...Good Luck & Best Wishes to all of my buddies being sleeved today! I'll see you on the the Sleeved Side!!!.......Ohhhhhh, I'm 5'2" and 275lbs...ready for whatever the Sleeve brings my way... ♥tammethick♥...
  19. Like
    tammethick got a reaction from greersc in Surgery Tomorrow 11/11/13   
    Hi, My Fellow Sleevers!..."Today" is my day! 11-11-13...I will never forget this day! Veteran's Day! How Ironic! I've been dealing with this weight since I've came home from the military! I just didn't care anymore...Now, I'm about to Rock this Sleeve! I'm sooooooo happy the Pre-Op diet is over, lol...Good Luck & Best Wishes to all of my buddies being sleeved today! I'll see you on the the Sleeved Side!!!.......Ohhhhhh, I'm 5'2" and 275lbs...ready for whatever the Sleeve brings my way... ♥tammethick♥...
  20. Like
    tammethick reacted to newlife27 in best feeling ever   
    I no longer shop n the plus size section i love shoppin now I comfortably cross my legs for hours after a shower I wrap n a normal size bath towel and nothing is hangin out I cn walk in heel for hours I walk up a flight of steps n im not out of breath I have so much energy I webt from a size 24 pants to a 12 3xl shirts to large 3x dress to large a size 9 shoe wide to 8 slim 8 I weigh less then my significant other all this n im still n the 200 but I feel great!! Best decision of my life best feeling ever!!! Hw 294 sw 277 cw 212

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    tammethick reacted to ElginChris in November buddies where are you?   
    Pre-op visit with surgeon today, then surgery on 11/4.
    Not nervous (yet!?!?!) but excited to be past it. I have faith in my surgical team, they are the best in the area, deal with high risk surgeries (me) all the time and I know all will be well.
    Good luck to all of us in November!!!
  22. Like
    tammethick reacted to GBPackerGrl in November buddies where are you?   
    November Sleevers it's almost our time to shine. To think by this time on Friday I will be sleeved and so will a few others to which I wish all the best and my prayers are with you. Then the rest of you will be right behind us. To think we will start a new chapter in our lives is pretty is exciting and I looking forward to hearing about all of your small and large victories. I hope we all keep it touch and remain support for each other. Good luck to all of you.
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    tammethick reacted to GBPackerGrl in November buddies where are you?   
    Oh sorry one last thing THANK GOD PRE-OP will be over in 2 days YAY!!!!! Sorry I had to go there!!
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    tammethick reacted to kristinb720 in November buddies where are you?   
    I'm November 11th!! Can't wait... I start my preop diet Monday!!
  25. Like
    tammethick reacted to Suzannesh in 5 years after having Weight Loss Surgery   
    Hi Everyone,
    I am celebrating year 5 of having a very successful weight loss surgery! I was 63 when I had sleeve surgery done, so it is never too late to have weight loss surgery!!!!
    This was very best choice I have ever made in my life. I had my Weight Loss Surgery in Oct 2008. After a lot of investigating and considering all the doctors and places I could have my surgery. I made the choice to have Dr. Aceves in Mexicalli Mexico do my surgery. I was a self-pay, and believe me I really checked out every option there was. I was an older person and I really took my time to figure out what was best for me. I talked to a lot of different people who had already had weight loss surgery about who their doctors were.
    It wasn’t something I rushed into. It took me about 6 months before I knew for sure that I was going to the right place for me. I also made the choice to have VGS aka the sleeve. I lost of total of 105 pounds and it took me 14 months to do this. Was it easy, yes and no? The 1st month was the hardest month I had to do. After that it just kept getting better and easier each month. It is NOT a magical cure. It is my tool to allow me to use to reach my goal. The big question you are thinking is have I maintained my weight loss goal? The answer is YES, I fluctuate between 5 to 7 pounds sometimes. I still eat healthy, make sure I get enough Protein and stay away from too many carbs. It accurately is a lifestyle change NOT a diet. It is easy for me to live like this and eat like this for the rest of my life. I have some really delicious meals and I never feel deprived at all. Do I eat deserts, yes and it is made healthy and is extremely good. Do I eat deserts every day; the answer is no. I love all the lifestyle changes I have made in my life and it will always work for me.
    I was the person who hated to exercise. Now I do something every day. Last Sept, I thought I would just see if I could walk 7 days a week for a month and I did just that. Well that became a good habit and I walked EVERY DAY for one YEAR without missing a day. Yes, I walked outside when it was raining or not nice weather—I am always coming back home, so I will get dry if I get wet while walking. I walked between 3 ½ miles to 4 miles a day. Five years ago, I could have never walked that much. Find some type of exercise that you like and it will be easier to do. Start out slow and then add to it. You don’t have to do it 7 days a week, but do something at least 3 or 5 times a week.
    I want you to know that you too can become successful at weight loss. I am 68 now and life is so different for me. If you are thinking about having weight loss surgery, I am living proof that it does work and you can do it too.
    Suzanne Beaty
    Sleeved Oct 21, 2008

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