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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. Walked outside for the first time in...FOREVER! It was chilly, but a beautiful day.

  2. Are you a fellow datahead?????? I'm laughing at your spreadsheet...I have one, too. Congrats on your success! You've done great. Our stats are close, expect for height...you tower over me, I'm 5'4" Wishing you continued success and thanks for sharing your journey with us. I always look forward to your posts and stories.
  3. McButterpants

    Do you ever?

    I just showed my hubby the size 14's I bought last week...the ones that were a little too tight last week fit better already this week...He loves them! LOL. Now, I want to go buy some 12's!!!!!!! I have some shorts on order - coming in tomorrow.
  4. McButterpants

    Stress eating

    I am just over 4 months post op In answer to alwaysonadiet's question about hunger - I don't feel hunger like I used to. So it isn't a physical hunger wanting to eat "bad" foods...it's old habits that die hard. I am a stress eater - I've had to learn to control that. Although my life doesn't revolve around food like it used to, it's still a battle with regard to the head hunger - the head hunger won't go away with surgery.
  5. Congrats! Keep up the good work!
  6. McButterpants

    Second thoughts

    Everyone knows someone who knows someone who had complications. I think most people say things like that because they are truly concerned about your health. My suggestion for you to evaluate the risks and incidences of complication if you haven't already. You need to weigh those percentages vs. the benefits, then make the decision on whether you are ready or not. I waffled thru the process...continually asking myself "Is this the right thing to do?" "What if something goes wrong?" "Have I really tried hard enough to lose on my own?" I think it's natural - this is a big decision. This is a life changer. The day before surgery while I was filling out paperwork, I had to review a 4 page document that clearly detailed the risks and the incident rate. It didn't phase me because I had already done my homework - I knew what they were. Arm yourself with information. An Informed Sleever is a successful sleever...
  7. McButterpants

    Stress eating

    Yep - the sleeve can't stop you from putting food in your mouth...You just won't be able to eat as much of it. I have a sleeve of steel, so nothing bothers my tiny tummy - that's a double edged sword. I can eat anything which is nice, but on the flip side, I can eat anything. Sugar, carbs, ice cream, pizza...ANYTHING. One thing that helps me when I find myself reaching for Snacks or stress eating, I make a shake or eat a Protein bar. Or I'll go for a walk, even if it's around the block. Just something to redirect.
  8. McButterpants

    Do you ever?

    I'm a tweener when it comes to jeans lengths. Some Petite lengths are really too short and some Average lengths are way too long! Congrats on your 55 pounds! That's awesome!
  9. McButterpants

    Do you ever?

    It's funny you ask...Just had this experience last week. I don't feel comfortable in the Misses section yet - I'm on the edge of it. But, yes, I feel like an impostor, like I don't belong there. It's been so many years that I have been able to fit into a bigger size 14. So my solution...I went to a CJ Banks / Christopher Banks store - it has both Misses and Plus in the same store. Their jeans are all mixed together in the same section. I felt more comfortable - better because the salesperson wouldn't come up to me and say "You're sizes are over here, honey" and lead me to the Big Girls sizes. I bought a 14W and they are a bit tight, but they'll fit me in a couple of weeks, I'm sure of it.
  10. McButterpants

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Best of luck to you tomorrow! You'll do great! Walk as much as you can after surgery - that will help you get rid of some of that gas they pump into you. Let us know how you're doing!
  11. McButterpants

    A favorite item that you could do without

    Immediately after surgery it was my phone - I set a timer to chime every 5 minutes...that was my reminder to sip and tracked my Protein and Water intake on my phone. Now - it's my Magic Bullet to make my shakes and my FitBit.
  12. McButterpants


    Best of luck to you! I had 2nd thoughts the day before surgery and the morning of. I almost walked out of admitting - all due to fear. What got me thru was looking at my husband and thinking about all the reasons I wanted to have this surgery. I'm just over 4 months out and I can tell you, I am happy I went thru with it. Short of marrying my husband and having my son, it was the best decision of my life. My surgery was done on an outpatient basis, so I was in admitting at 6:00 am and leaving the hospital at noon the same day. I hung out recovery for a little bit after I woke up, then went to another room and they got me walking immediately. I was more comfortable walking than in bed or the chair they provided to me. Once I peed, I was cleared to go home. Once at home, I slept for a few hours. Walking, really, just roaming around the house helped get rid of the gas. I set my phone to chime every 5 minutes to remind me to sip Water. (I couldn't stomach tap water - it was like drinking sandpaper, so I drank Propel Zero.) You're going to do great. Just stay positive and know the first couple of days are going to suck, but they'll be over before you know it. Be kind to yourself - remember, you're recovering from major surgery.
  13. McButterpants


    For the first couple of days after surgery I had those same thoughts, "OMG, what have I done!?" Once I started feeling better and figuring things out, those thoughts went away. (The first time I thought that, I also told myself, "Well, it's irreversible, so what are you going to do?") You're going to be fine - the first few days are the worst. You'll get thru this, it's not going to be easy. Try to stay hydrated - you won't want to get dehydrated, it's only going to make things worse. Walk, walk and walk some more. Even if it's just around the house - move your body, it will help in the healing process. And most of all, be kind to yourself.
  14. McButterpants


    For me, I considered WLS on and off for the past 10 years or so. Something clicked in me last summer - I realized I was wasting time and I wasn't doing it on my own, even though I was trying. I felt like if I didn't do something drastic, my destiny was to be fat, unhealthy and very unhappy the rest of my life. Only you can decide if WLS is right for you - maybe it is somewhere down the line, maybe it isn't. But I will tell you, if you decide to do it, you would be "all in". Best of luck to you you both!
  15. McButterpants

    3 weeks out...struggling!

    Thanks for posting this. I'm very much also struggling this week with water and Protein shakes. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and kinda miserable with the food water circus. Where do I buy Unjury? Go to www.unjury.com
  16. McButterpants

    any November 11 2013 sleevers?

    I'm close - 11/14/13... I'm doing OK - I'm down 44 since surgery, 62 total. I'm losing a lot of hair - A LOT; I hope it stops soon. I haven't found anything that bothers my stomach - that's a double edged sword I feel great - lots of energy I am feeling less and less like a weight loss surgery patient How are you doing????
  17. Four months ago today I had my surgery. I'm down a total of 60 pounds from my high weight - the day I stood on the scale at the doctor's office and cried when I saw the number. This has been an amazing journey. I have met many great people on this forum and have received much support and encouragement. For that I am thankful. Have a great weekend!
  18. McButterpants

    4 months post-op - Pics included

    Many thanks, guys! This has been an amazing journey! I know the next 40 pounds are going to be tough and I'm going to need to keep working hard, but this is so worth it!
  19. McButterpants

    Did anyone have a last meal?

    I had food funerals - I didn't go crazy, but for the two weeks prior to my liquid diet, I went to restaurants that I thought I wouldn't be able to go after surgery. Fast forward to today, 4 months after surgery and I don't even want to go to those places. The thought of sitting down to a huge bowl of Pasta actually makes my stomach hurt. The day before surgery I met with my doctor and he said, "Go out and have a nice dinner with your husband. No restrictions other than don't eat a lot of red meat." I thought he was joking after two weeks on a liquid diet. He assured me he wasn't joking. My husband and I went to macaroni Grill and had a wonderful dinner - appetizers, bread, pasta, and even dessert. The funny thing was, I didn't eat that much. I sampled everything and totally enjoyed the evening and it had very little to do with the food. I'd suggest having your favorite dinner before you start your liquid diet, but don't look at it as a funeral or saying goodbye to your favorites. Because the truth is, you'll be able to eat just about anything (in moderation) post surgery. At four months out, I can eat anything - nothing bothers my stomach and I have no restrictions. I eat a fry every once in a while and I have had chocolate. Just nowhere near the quantities I had pre-surgery. Best of luck to you!!!
  20. McButterpants

    Is a sleeve the answer?

    I am 4 months post-op - I had similar problems as you. I knew my body could not withstand more weight. My joints always ached, I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome (because we didn't want to call it diabetes yet), I was unhappy, exhausted all the time and I was emotionally a wreck. For me, the sleeve was the answer to the question I had been asking for 25 years. I tried to lose weight countless times and would have marginal success, but gain it all back plus a few more pounds for good measure. I was unhappy and felt defeated. So, in August, 2013, I decided to have VSG. It was a decision I did not take lightly (no pun intended). I was scared. I went thru lots of emotions, I changed my mind countless times. I was scared, nervous, mad - name the emotion, I had it. I had my surgery on November 14, 2013 - I call that my re-birth day. I'm down a total of 62 pounds - 44 since surgery. Here's how my life has changed: I don't think about food all the time - in fact, I have become one of those people that forgets to eat! I can walk for 6 or 7 miles without stopping and without feeling pain My headaches are gone I sleep better I do not nap every day I have more energy My mood has changed - I am happy, truly happy My relationship with my husband and son has changed for the better I am stronger mentally and physically When I went into this journey I said I hope that my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner - I can honestly say, that's true. Only you know if VSG is for you - you need to evaluate the risks, lifestyle changes, financial impacts, etc. For me it changed my life and I'm glad I did it. Best of luck to you!
  21. McButterpants

    Decision day 08/21/13

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
