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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. McButterpants


    I wasn't cleared for walking on the treadmill until 4 weeks. I was cleared for walking, but not on the treadmill. You should check with your doctor before starting on the treadmill.
  2. McButterpants

    Pre-op vs. Liquid diet

    Some patients will have an all liquid diet prior to surgery, some don't. My doc's pre-op diet consisted of 2 Protein shakes and one "lean and green" meal per day. The lean and green meal consisted of 4-5 ounces of lean meat and some vegetables. One thing you will find - many doctors prescribe different pre-op diets for their VSG patients. Also, post-op diets and the re-introduction of food differs from doctor to doctor.
  3. McButterpants

    Overdoing it....

    I am four months out...I have yet to find a food that doesn't agree with me. That's a double edged sword. Just because I can eat anything, doesn't mean I should. Please, please, please, make sure you follow the rules your doctor sets forth - they are there for a reason.
  4. McButterpants


    @@lockkill, I almost backed out of surgery the night before and the morning of because I was afraid. I sat in admitting the day of surgery and thought, "I can just walk out of here and I"ll only be out $500." I was so scared. I then thought of all the reasons I wanted and needed to have the surgery and I chose to go thru with it. It was over before I knew it. Again, I am so thankful I had the opportunity to do this and I do not regret it. It hasn't been easy - I've cried, been frustrated, and angry, but it's totally be worth it. You're going to do great on Wednesday!
  5. I waited a week after surgery before going home. There were people that were operated on the same day as I was on a Thursday and they flew out the following Monday after the doctor's follow up. That wasn't for me...I'm more of an "error on the side of caution" type of person. Flying one week after surgery was no issue for me - the only thing I wasn't able to do was pick up my computer bag or luggage.
  6. Everyone recovers at a different pace - I actually had my surgery done on an outpatient basis by a very qualified doctor in Las Vegas (Dr. Umbach - he was ranked #2 on Newsweek's Top Bariatric Surgeons list). I was in at 6:00 am and out by noon that same day, resting peacefully at my condo. That was on a Thursday. I took exactly 3 pain pills during my recovery and that was so I could at night. That was it. I was perfectly capable of working from home starting the following Monday - no one in my office knew then or knows now that I had surgery. In fact, other than my parents, husband, son and best friend, no one knows I had surgery, including my two brothers, one that lives one mile from me. My recovery was seemless - not everyone's recovery is like that. My job consists of work on the computer, as Lipstick says above, I can do my job from the couch, bed, desk, kitchen table or coffee shop - no one knows where I am. Working 1/2 days that first week allowed me time to rest, walk and recover. Maybe that isn't for everyone, like the poster above me, but it's what I did and and it worked for me. WLS's are like snowflakes...no two are the same.
  7. McButterpants

    WLS Medical Alert Bracelet

    You know, I asked my PCP about getting a medicalert bracelet or necklace and she said it probably wasn't necessary. I didn't even think about the NSAIDS, I was thinking directly about the stomach. I just mentioned this to my husband...he's making me get one now!!!!! LOL
  8. McButterpants

    family problems

    When I told my parents, my dad cried and my mom was totally on board. It was interesting. I'll say that my mom has been obese her entire adult life while my dad is a fitness buff and is in great shape. He asked me "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Are you going to be able to give up all the foods you love?" "Why has it come to this?" He didn't understand weight loss surgery, much less the operation where they remove most of your stomach. He wasn't judgmental, it came from a place of concern. I let him say what he needed to say and let him know a few days later that I was going thru it and had not changed my mind. It's interesting how he views this now - he now calls it a "necessary medical procedure" (that made me laugh) He sees my progress and enjoys hearing about how and what I eat. He can tell if eat too much. He asks questions about how things feel in my stomach, what I can eat, etc. He has taken a real interest in the surgery, my recovery and my post-op life. I hope your brother gets over himself and supports you. If he doesn't, it's his problem.
  9. McButterpants

    Easy purée food?

    Here was a favorite of mine - fat free refried Beans with melted cheddar. Top with Greek yogurt (instead of sour cream - this gives you a Protein bump) and some salsa. OMG - it was a treat after the pre-op diet and so many shakes. Once you're approved, you can eat it with part of a Carb Balance tortilla.
  10. McButterpants


    I can tell you, I tried to lose it on my own and wasn't able to. I think that's a common theme to deciding not to have surgery. I wasted too much time, energy and money trying to do it on my own. I wasn't winning the battle and that only made things worse for me. I'd lose 20 pounds, then stop dieting/exercising and gain 25 pounds back. I lost way too much time being stubborn, thinking I could do it on my own. You're young (10 years younger than me) - if you were my little brother, I'd say "Go for it! Don't waste time like I did." If you're ready, do it - it's a life changer.
  11. McButterpants

    family problems

    Surround yourself with positive people. He's voiced his "concern" and said his peace. This is your decision, this is your body. Do what is right for you, not him. Tell him, "Hey, maybe once I'm at goal, you and I can talk about your issues. Maybe I can be your mentor when you have surgery!" I'm joking...I wouldn't say that!
  12. McButterpants

    Energy levels

    What are you taking in with regard to Protein and water/liquids? Are you severely limiting your carbs? Are you walking? If you aren't getting in your nutrition, that can effect your energy. If you are't getting in your liquids, you could be dehydrated. As far as carbs - I went down way low because that's what I thought I should do...I was wrong (I felt better immediately upon increasing my carbs). Exercising - will give you more energy.
  13. I telecommute full time. I had surgery on Thursday and returned to work half days the following Monday. I worked a full day on Tuesday - I was tired. I liked only needing to work 4 hours per day and allowing myself time to rest and walk. I used the excuse that my husband and I were traveling and would work in the morning only (no one knows I had the surgery) Honestly, if I had to, I could have worked full days starting the MOnday after surgery. Best of luck to you
  14. McButterpants

    Easy purée food?

    I was OK'd for salsa at two weeks - it didn't set well the first time I tried it.
  15. McButterpants


    Hi there! What made you back out last time? Why are you waffling now? Only you can decide what's right for you, but I can tell you how my life has changed in the 4 months since I had surgery... I have lost a total of 65 pounds since I decided to have surgery - 47 of that since surgery. That's only part of it - I have gained so much more - self confidence I haven't seen since I was in my 20's (I'm 44 now), I feel better mentally (no more short temper or just plain being negative and miserable), I'm more patient with my family, I feel better physically (no more daily headaches, no more daily naps). When I started to seriously think about this surgery I hoped my only regret was that I didn't do this sooner - that is so true. This was the right thing to do for me. Today my husband and I went on a 6 mile walk - something I couldn't have done a year ago. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and my blood pressure is NORMAL and my cholesterol is lower. I feel healthy for the first time in about 10 years.
  16. McButterpants

    Overdoing it....

    Another thing that happens when you eat out (this happened to me as recently as Monday...), you may eat faster when out and about, not to mention more. I use an app called Eat Slower on my phone - I set it to chime every minute, that's your cue to take a bite. This will slow you down and remind you to chew, chew and chew some more. The other night when we went out to eat, I didn't use it and I didn't measure out my food. I ate fast and too much - it was painful and I didn't feel good for hours.
  17. McButterpants

    Easy purée food?

    You can also add a little vanilla sugar free Torani syrup (or hazelnut would be good too) to the ricotta for a sweet treat.
  18. McButterpants

    Ignorance regarding weight loss surgery

    I probably could have paid for my surgery with all the money I wasted on magic pills and "supplements"!!!!!!
  19. McButterpants

    Easy purée food?

    Fat free refried Beans with some melted cheese on top? That was a go-to for me when I started on food. I was cleared for scrambled egg immediately after surgery - I didn't have an issue eating that either. Also, unjury has an unflavored Protein powder - you can mix that into your pudding to give that a boost.
  20. McButterpants

    Pre-op Liquid Diet Starts Monday

    The first few days of the pre-op diet are really rough - they suck, quite frankly. I was allowed 2 shakes and dinner of Protein and some veggies. I drank a lot of green tea to help thru the initial hunger. Also, take this two weeks as an opportunity to take walks and exercise - this will help in the recovery from surgery. You're going to do great! The 14th will be here in no time! Best of luck to you
  21. McButterpants

    Surgery on Monday!

    You guys are going to do great. Fear is natural. I almost backed out of surgery the night before surgery and they day of surgery...all because I was scared. That was over 4 months ago...I can honestly say, short of marrying my husband and having my son, this was the best decision of my life. Best of luck to you! Keep us updated on how things go.
  22. McButterpants

    Overdoing it....

    Adventurous eating for sure! You're only one month post-op - you're still recovering and healing. Pushing the envelope can cause issues. You may think it's silly, but i agree with Lipstick...you (and anyone reading this thread) should follow your doctor's plan for introducing new foods. Best of luck to you.
  23. McButterpants

    Ignorance regarding weight loss surgery

    LynRN, First, congrats on your success. You didn't let fat win. What you've accomplished is admirable. The stigma behind WLS baffles me. As a society we have no problem purchasing billions of dollars in supplements each year that promise weight loss of 20 pounds in two weeks - that's acceptable. But a medical procedure that forces you to eat less and eat well, is open to ridicule. Watch Dr. Oz for a week and you see how many weight loss products there are out there he endorses - I can attest, I have a closet full of them; money wasted and frustration gained! Our employers and insurance carriers make the decision to treat millions of people for diabetes, sleep apnea, joint replacements, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc., but won't pay for a surgery that would take care of most of those issues in most of the patients. I used to be one of those people that thought that WLS was "the easy way out". It's because I was ignorant about it. Because of my ignorance, I lost about 10 years of my life being fat and unhappy. I wish I would have been better educated and less stubborn about WLS! Looking forward, LynRN, do your best to educate those patients that you treat and the health care provides with which you work. You can't change or help everyone, but if you get thru to a few, we are certainly ahead of the game! Best of luck to you!
  24. McButterpants

    Recommend your non chocolate protein shakes!

    Allergic to chocolate? A fate worse than death! My shake of choice is unjury - the vanilla and strawberry are good. I have a bunch of sugar free Torani syrups I play with as well to change up the flavor. Also, just adding a little bit of fruit - 1/3 of a banana, 3-4 frozen strawberries or 1/4 cup of blueberries will change up the texture (once you're approved for it).
  25. Looking forward to a beautiful weekend and logging some miles on the trails around town!

    1. RJ'S/beginning


      Can't wait for a beautiful day here:(

    2. McButterpants


      I hope it warms up for you! We're still chilly but at least the sun is shining and no snow on the ground!


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