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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. Download the Eat Slower app - you set it for an amount of time you want between bites and will chime when it's time to take another bit. I originally set mine at one minute - I focused on chewing and set my fork down between bites. This helped me immensely. I event use it occasionally now when I need to get back to basics. Also, eat meals at the table without distractions (no TV, no reading, no e-mails, etc) - mindful eating. Focus on the food you are consuming - savor it, enjoy it. You are fueling your body - honor that food that will help take care of you.
  2. McButterpants


    I agree with Bufflehead...your body is just trying to figure out what's going on. It's perfectly normal. Don't panic.
  3. McButterpants

    In need of some advice

    We told my son that we aren't telling anyone about the surgery; I only told 5 people what I was doing. I told him it's not that I'm embarrassed, this is just something that we are not advertising. He hasn't really asked a lot of questions, but did give me the eyeball when I had a Dorito the other day... We also went on a hike yesterday - it's a 339 foot climb uphill to the top of a butte, much like walking up steep stairs, but winding back and forth. I told him it's my goal to make it to the top without stopping. He stayed with me and cheered me on and asked how I was doing. When I said, "I think I'm going to have to stop", he said, "Mom we're almost there. You can't stop now. You can do this!" With that kind of encouragement, how could I stop? Your daughter will come around - you'll be more active and more engaged. You'll have a better life and she'll see that.
  4. McButterpants

    In need of some advice

    My 14 year old son was receptive, but worried. He didn't give me attitude, but if he did, I would wonder why. Is she scared for you? Does she understand the procedure? Does she understand the long-term health risks if you don't have have the surgery. I remember the horrified look on my son's face when we told him what I was doing. He was worried. Then, as probably most teenagers, he wondered how it would affect his life (questions like, "Is my diet going to change?"). You might not be able to change her mind about you "cheating", just ask for her love and understanding - just like everyone else in your life, they have to understand this is your decision and no one else's. You are the only one that has to live in your body. Best of luck to you!
  5. I have a local physician for my aftercare - she charges $190 per visit. (She is a bariatric surgeon, but I opted for a more experienced and cheaper option out of state) So, if you add up all the times I have to go with her in a year's time, I will pay about $1500 for that. My primary care physician orders my labs, so they are covered by insurance. I paid $11K for my surgery.
  6. PDXMan and I share the same surgeon... My doctor performed my surgery on an outpatient bases - I was in at 6:00 am and out the door by noon. He did that for self-pay as well as insurance patients. I was totally fine with it being outpatient - I got to sleep in a much more comfortable bed without interruption. I had a hospital a quick 5 minute drive from the condo I stayed in, so I could get medical attention quickly. Doc gave me his cell phone # in case I needed him. And like PDX states above - the worst place for infection is the hospital (an interesting fact...about 250 people a day die due to secondary infections they get in a hospital).
  7. McButterpants

    Increased calories

    I call it feeding the stall...it has happened to me a couple of times. You can also try mixing up your exercise (if you're approved). There are lots of opinions regarding "starvation mode" - some believe that theory, some don't. I know that when I was restricting carbs, I stopped losing. When I increased them (not a lot, up to 40-50 per day), my body liked that more. Your numbers are your numbers - you may have to play around with them a little to find your sweet spot.
  8. I agree - contact your surgeon.
  9. McButterpants

    Bariatric Advantage Vitamins

    Are they similar to Tums? Or more sour tasting? @@GingerSlim - at first I found them more sour than a Tums. More like bitter. As I kept taking them, I got over that bitterness. Now, I hardly notice it at all. I've gotten used to them now.
  10. McButterpants

    problem with drinking water?

    I am 6 months out and had my first plain Water last week. I couldn't stomach plain water - it was like drinking liquid sandpaper for some reason. I drank Vitamin Water Zero or Propel Zero instead.
  11. McButterpants

    Bariatric Advantage Vitamins

    I take Bariatric Advantage - my doc prescribes 2 per day. The taste is bad at first, but I've gotten used to it - at first they were very bitter. Also, I cannot take them on an empty stomach - I tried again today and felt really sick to my stomach and a little dizzy. If I take it with a shake or a meal, no issues.
  12. McButterpants

    Ice Cream?

    Oikos makes a frozen Greek Yogurt - I put a couple of tablespoons in my shakes to thicken them up. It's a lot of calories though...a serving size is 150 calories for 1/2 cup. Protein is decent in the frozen Greek yogurt, but lots and lots of carbs. I'm not a carb policer, but I try to use them wisely.
  13. McButterpants

    Best Tasting Protein Powders

    I like unjury - vanilla and chocolate Splendor. The strawberry is OK, I just won't buy and entire tub because it's not versatile. I also like Nector Roadside Lemonade. Chike coffee is good for a cold coffee drink.
  14. I'm 6 months out - until recently, I have not been able to tolerate really spicy foods, it just hasn't felt good in my tummy. The past couple of weeks, I have ventured out a little more and found that I can add some heat to my food and I'm doing OK with it. I have found with most foods that disagree with me or don't feel great in my tummy one day are OK later. It's trial and error.
  15. I had significant hair loss - I was prepared for it. I take Biotin, Folic Acid, and use Nioxin shampoo - I still lost it. I started losing at 2 months and it just started slowing down at the 6 month mark. I have noticeable thinning in my bangs and on the sides. I use a product called Toppik to cover the thinning spots. I can also see lots of re-growth right now. Styling is challenging. I will say, even with the hair loss (that really sucks), I would do this all over again. The hair loss, if it happens to you, is temporary. My doc said that anything I lose due the surgery will grow back. It was totally worth it.
  16. McButterpants

    Ice Cream?

    I would suggest staying away from things like that. It's not nutritious in any way.
  17. Not even close to my minimums. I don't think I've heard of anyone getting their mins down immediately after surgery. You just need to do what you can. I set an alarm on my phone to chime every 5 minutes - that reminded me to sip Water. I don't think I could finish a thinned shake for 10 days or so. I had to switch from plain water to Vitamin Water Zero and Propel Zero - that went down easier than plain water. (I'm 6 months out and can just now stomach plain water - prior to this week, it felt gritty for some reason).
  18. McButterpants

    Emotional roller coaster.

    This is going to be an emotional time for you - your body just went thru major surgery, your body is burning fat which releases hormones, and if you're like most of us you haven't eaten much food in the past couple of weeks. Immediately after surgery I would go from low lows to high highs - it's perfectly normal. Hang in there and be kind to your body. You will feel better in the new few days.
  19. McButterpants

    6 months out need info!

    I'm 6 months as well - my hair started falling out at 2 months and is starting to slow down now. Yes, it comes out in clumps. I can see new growth (my doc approved Biotin and Folic Acid; I also use Nioxcin shampoo). For the stall - if you haven't experienced a stall yet, consider yourself lucky. I have lost 3.5 pounds in the past 8 weeks. Talk about frustrating...HOWEVER, I'm taking my measurements and the numbers are coming down. I'm exercising and building muscle, I can see it. As far as calories, I'm doing 1000-1200 per day. I've started drinking shakes again, at least one per day, at my doctor's suggestion.
  20. McButterpants

    Gaining immediately

    Stand down from panic - you're doing fine...If I could make a suggestion...stay off the scale for the next week or so. You're body just went thru major surgery. Be kind to it, take care of it. You need time to recover. Best of luck to you!
  21. McButterpants


    I have stayed away from Cereal because it's processed and it doesn't keep me satisfied long enough. I will have a bowl of Protein oatmeal - I use Health Wise Oatmeal, it has 15 grams of protein.
  22. My hair lost started at 2 months and has been steady until the past week...that's 4 months. Some days it was horrifying the amount of hair I was getting. But, like you, I don't regret this one bit. I can see new growth, so it's coming back...the pounds aren't! LOL
  23. I telecommute full time...I had my surgery on Thursday and was back to work 1/2 days the following Monday (I worked a full day on Tuesday). I had an easy recovery with no issues, but got tired very easily. It was nice to know I could work for a few hours, then focus on me and rest or go for a walk. That Tuesday that I worked a full day, tired me out and in retrospect, I should have only worked 1/2 day that day as well. The following week I was back to full time (45+ hours per week) with no issues.
  24. McButterpants

    Newbie Here - Hi

    Best of luck to you! This is a great forum with lots of great people to help support you. You're going to go thru a lot in the next few months - confusion, anxiety, and maybe some anger and wanting to change your mind. Those are all perfectly normal. This process is a life changer. You'll do great!
  25. 6 miles before 8:30 am!

    1. RJ'S/beginning


      Bragger lol... :)

    2. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      Wow!!! You are inspiring!

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