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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nykee

  1. Nykee, First off, you need to find out what kind of band you have. I'm sure Dr. Ortiz has that information. >>>>>>>>>>I found out when I got home. Its a BioEntrics, 9.75/10.00cm band that holds 4cc fill volume. Secondly, did your doctor give you any post fill instructions about eating? >>>>>>>>>>>>.NO, no one said a single thing to me about that. After an adjustment, I am on liquids for 3 days. I realize that different doctors have different post fill instructions, but I've never heard of anyone "allowing" someone to eat solid food the same day let alone an hour after an adjustment. >>>>>>>>>>>>Like I said, no one said anything. He gave me a galss of Water to drink to make sure I could swallow and sent me on my way. I guess it makes sense, now that you mention it. Did your doctor do your adjustment using Flouro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, and he said he has to every time from now on, because the port id hard to find, deep and it moves.. Today at 11am I tried some grapenuts cerial. I was only able to get 4 bites before the weird feelings came.. Two days ago I could of ate a cup and a half of them. So, ITS working!!! I am very happy.
  2. Nykee

    Nykee's Food Journal

    I got my first fill today. 1.1cc They were not happy that I didnt know anything about my band. They said I need to go to info meetings. They are right, but I bet I wont. It cost 216$ for consult, 150$ fill and 100$ for flouro. He asked me how much I paid, then told me he would have done it for 15,000$... with a smirk he said it.. oh well, too late now. HE said he could only give me 1.1 cc cuz he has no idea what my band is.. it may of been this giant vangard thing that holds like 10cc.. or one that holds 4cc or 3cc.. Once home I found the card that says 4cc. They had a hard time accessing the port. The needle kept falling out and I could feel it. He said he needed a longer needle and something to clamp me down. But he was able to get it eventually, then he told me I would always have to have flouro cuz he could never access it without doing it. That means I have to pay 250$ instead of 150$ every time I go.. Oh well, better than going to mexico! So.. to see how much restriction I had, me and Dawn went to Denny's 2pm One motzerella stick half an onion ring two chicken strips (appetizer size) 3tbs bbQ sauce 1/2 cup broccolii cream soup 5 french fries, dips of ketsup two bites biscuits and gravy 20 ounces milk half a chocolate dipped cone from MCdonalds (the whole cone) 8pm One mini corn muffin Milk 9pm Chilli.. 2 cups or more Lots of milk 10pm 4 nutter butters with like 24 ounces of milk. Soooooooooooo Needless to say I am not happy with my fill thus far. BUT its obviously better becasue I ate alot less at Denny's AND I had some major restriction on the mini corn bread muffin, my chest hurt and I was gulping for that burp and I was covering my mouth and feeling real uncomfortable and everyone in the house was like "here it is!!!" Dawn ran and took my chilli to the kitchen... (LOL LOL LOL) That was the closest I have ever came to feeling anything since the week I got home!!!!!!!!!!! HORRAY It subsided in about 3 minutes and I asked for my chilli about an hour later.. and was able to eat tons of it. Plus milk (I AM GIVING IT UP I SWEAR!!!) Then just recently I am having nutter butters and my son is trying to stop me and saying I dont need to.. The almost PB really freaked him out I guess. I love my son so much, he is so smart.. he is the one who always enforces the no milk rules and all that. I think I was testing my band... I wont do this daily! I will get a fill in MAY and I hope it really makes a big diff then..
  3. Nykee

    how big is the needle!

    I had my first fill today. Many pokes, but it didnt hurt one bit. I was shocled to see how big the needle hole was in my stomach! He had to try over and over cuz the needle wouldnt stay in the port . He once asked the helper if we needed a longer needle. And he wondered how to clamp me down?? Then he said I would have to be under flouro every time becasue my port was most difficult to get to and moved around. Of course! I am always the difficult one!
  4. Nykee

    Why are YOU Fat?

    My MY... These are the days of our lives..huh!? lol I love that you shared that.. Thank you!
  5. Nykee

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    When I had my band there was a 12 yr old having hers done. I didnt meet her but Dr. Ortiz told me all about her.. as she was being prepped.. I had direct view of the surgery room from my bed. Dr. Ortiz was in my room telling me all about it. HE was very excited and very proud and it was easy to tell how much he beleived it was the right thing to do.. His conversation with me included him saying this type of thing: "Many people think the kids need all this couseling first, but its the adults who need the couseling, who have all the issues... ha ha ha (he has the best laugh) "the kids are fat and dont want to be fat any more, its that simple... so what need is there for couseling?" I agree.. If a kid is 12 to 15 and over 250 pounds then why not? As long as the kid and the parents KNOW EVERYTHING there is to know about it. I Dont like to hear about all the things that go wrong witht the band. BUT the band on its merit, doing what it is surpose to do.. simply cuts the intake of food and thats fine by me for a fat kid. For kids 16 and up, I dont see how it should be any different than any other adult. But only significantly overweight ya know. I have three kids Age 18, A son, he is 230 pounds and 6 foot 4.. Big but not really fat. Age 17, Girl, she is 144... 5 foot 6.. (she has lost 12 pounds and still loosing) Age 14, SHE is 135 pounds.. and acts like she is 180 or something! ALL of them became more weighty than I would of liked them to be. I busted my butt all these years to make sure they never got FAT or obese. It worked until they got in the teens and could eat what thet wanted away from the house. I mean I could of tried 100X harder, I feed them junk... I do.. BUT anyway.. It scares me.
  6. Nykee

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Kathy, oooh good! 4 ounces is good.. I hope its getting better! I agree with the others.. in a few days if its not better.. Do something. Most my love!
  7. Nykee

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    I am not so good at advice.. but I do hope your better sooon! I had swelling for a four days and I know the feeling like horses are trompling on your chest and such and spitting up your own saliva! I was told by my doctor NOT to mistake the feeling for heartburn. He said lots of people just think its heartburn and they continue to eat, and that its not heartburn its the NO NO feeling.. (a PB of sorts) I have such little restriction since like day 5... That I actually feel jealous of your tight band stories! LOL Not really, but kinda,, LOVES!!
  8. I dont know if this will help you.. but its what I am feeling. I would tell anyone in my condition (mind and body) to go. But I dont know what your circumstances are. I happened to be at the end of my rope. I had to just go for it, I got money from back pay SSI.. the only money I would ever have in the world EVER (my insurence excluded it and there was no way around paying cash though I had many co morbidities) I found my doctor in one day on the internet and I made an appointment. Then I went. I hardly even talked to anyone. Up until the minute I went to the hospital I wondered if it was all a scam to get my money.. LOL The thing is: Well, I didnt care if I died.. I didnt care what happened to me at all.. All I knew is I HAD TO DO IT, DO IT QUICK and NOT think too much about it and not listen to anyone about what they thought either.. I was too affraid it wouldnt happen andthat was not an option anymore. Its not that I thought it was safe and I was invinsible... ITS just that I truely did not care. Everyone who was concerned and wanted me to do research, I scoffed at becasue It didnt matter to me at all. I made a will and truely knew it was OK if I died.. it was fine.. the kids and everyone would go on just fine and I would no longer be a burdon. NOW that I am loosing and seeing that I may really have a life after all.. Its a different story! I dont want my lapband to erode or slip or anything and I CANT stanf the thought of it happening... I will fight for my self now.. no matter what happens.. I do know I will never have money like that again BUT maybe I will have outstanding bills.?? I dunno, but If my band messes up.. ITS tHE BYPASS FOR ME!! I DONT CARE if its not a good idea.. it's permanant. anyway.. thats my rant
  9. rebecca.. that sounds heavenly. My people WERE in a rush! lol
  10. Wow Alexandrea.. you look amazing.. Congrats all your success. I have some before pics that could make your before pic look like a super model! lol
  11. Wow.. thats amazing. I made two tickers becasue it was too depressing seeing the 179 pounds to go... lol So my first goal will be to be under 350.. I havnt been under 350 in almost 10 years. Then it will to be under 300... and so on. So, your DH (WHAT DOESNT THAT MEAN?? DH) .. He lost that weight with the lapband? Can you tell me about it/him..??
  12. whoa.. thanks for that advice. I want a tight fill so bad and am so ready not to eat.. I think I might let a super tight fill stay that way.. Thank you very much. I am so glad for the advice here.
  13. Nykee

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    Ohhhhh OK Thanks.. But whats the barium? You swallow this? Is it gross?
  14. Nykee

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    OK.. now why would we get sick from flouro? I never had it before and want to be prepared, I am such a baby!
  15. Thanks for that. I have over 200 pounds to loose.. and sometimes it just seems impossible, band or not.
  16. Nykee

    Constitutional change

    I poo alot less and it hurts alot less as well BUT I fart all the time.. and I almost never used to fart.
  17. Nykee

    Diary continued!

    I go to the YMCA to Aqua Aerobics for an hour three times a week. Thats all. I have three herniated discs in my back and thats all I really can do besides take care of my house and many kids.
  18. alexandrea) Tamiko, I'm sure everyone who has ever told anyone about the surgery has experienced this. I know I did. The general public just has absolutely no clue about banding and they expect everyone who's had surgery for weight loss to just magically show up skinny one day. We have to understand it's THEIR misconceptions at work, and not let it get us down. girl) Thanks for saying that! Its sooooooo true! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  19. Nykee

    Goal weighters

    WOW.. you girls are amazing! My goal is to be under 200.. (like 195#) But I hope that when it gets down there I may get a new goal as well!!
  20. Nykee

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Thanks.. This is pretty much my last stop.. lol
  21. Nykee

    Nykee's Food Journal

    12:45 pm 3 ounces Apple juice 3pm 1 cup tomatoe Soup 1 ounce parm cheese 2 ounces soy vanilla milk 5:30 or so One slice of pizza 20 ounces apple juice 6:15 One regular bowel of raison bran 1/2 cup whipping cream spoonfull of sugar 9:40 pm Corn dog from A&W 3/4 of a small rootbeer float 2 cheese curds 4 bites of oreo polor freeze midnight One nancy quiche 12 ounces apple juice later 2 bee chews
  22. Nykee

    Nykee's Food Journal

    I just ordered it.. it was donali that reccomended it. Sounds good huh!
  23. Nykee

    Nykee's Food Journal

    Hi Donali!! I know you know this already, but I'm just going to put this out there - You can eat a greater quantity of food that's less calorically dense and still take in fewer calories than when choosing calorically dense foods. >>>>>>>yes, I do know.. my problem is I wanna eat what I want to eat. I have never needed to eat alot.. (ya know huge amounts.. of course I ate alot) A fascinating book that really shows this principle in "black & white" is Dr. Shapiro's book, "Picture-Perfect Weight Loss." This book has big, beautiful, full color pictures that show you the difference in the amount of food you can eat for the same amount of calories. It also gives suggestions on how to satisfy a sweet tooth with different choices that actually give you MORE food to eat, but satisfies you with less calories. >>>>>>>>>>>>Well, I really wanna try to do right by my self.. and that includes HEALTH! not just weight loss. So I definately will look into it! I can order it off of amazon if I like it. I read your posts alot, and I definately trust you. - since you need a fill, and are undoubtedly hungry, perhaps a book like this could give you some ideas on how to eat more without sacrificing weightloss. >>>>>>>>>>I pretty much eat what I want right now.. BUT when I get my fill I will need to know how to not be hungry ya know! THANKS ALOT! I just ordered it on amazon... it was under 5$ with shipping! Thanks
  24. Nykee

    Band Pictures

    Thank you for sharing.!!
  25. Nykee

    Lap Band Poll

    That makes good sense.. thanks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
