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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nykee

  1. Nykee


    I didnt like reading that thread.. it sounds like so many things can cause hair loss and theres little that can be done about it or not until after the fact. I am denial about this hair loss thing.. I have so little hair and have always wanted hair more than anything BUT a fit body, so, if I get hair loss, I will be very very sad.
  2. Nykee

    Anyone have a SW of 350+ lbs?

    I started at 415 but my doctors office has a scale that goes to 600 pounds sitting in the Lobby... Any hospital should have a scale some where that can weigh you.. even if its a bed one.. its just asking thats the hard part.. but they shouldnt have a problem allowing it.
  3. Nykee

    Is Weight Just a Number?

    Mentally I feel the same. But I cant deny a few changes,, these two lumps on my leg are much much smaller.. and this big crease between my stomach under my boobs is gone, plus that stomach fat is inches lower than it was.. this hard blob of fat on my upper arm is all soft now.. stuff like that I notice.. but I wear the same clothes and dont feel so much smaller.
  4. Nykee

    Glucophage or Metformin

    My doctor told me to crush metformin He refuses to give me glucaphage (I think cuz it leads to weight gain??) the pill is much smaller and thats what i want, I HATE crushing pills and honestly.. I just stopped taking them at all.. and I have been fine. (NOT that a reccomend that)
  5. Nykee

    Your Reason

    I did it because of my 4 children who love me so much and I them.... and I was gonna die of morbid obesity and the comorbidities. I did it cuz I had to lose 100 pounds to have a surgery for three herniated discs in my back and sciatica and that will make me self sufficiantly mobile. I did it cuz I want to look and feel better and DO more.. be in LIFE as I want to be.
  6. Nykee

    average weight loss

    it didnt quite happen that way, but I DO want to lose the 100 pounds in one year .. I have till mid FEB. ... good luck to you
  7. Nykee

    average weight loss

    I guess my average is 2.08 a week (I used a calculator)
  8. Nykee

    The NEVER ENDING BURP- filled too tight?

    I dont think so you dont have pain and you can keep down liquids.. it will be fine.. imo
  9. Ohhhh, thank you I have a GREAT ONE Bran new.. from last night I can weigh on the scale at the YMCA becasue it only goes to 350 pounds and I am 340 now., I used to have to drive to the next town... to a medical clinic just to weigh myself. Now I can do it at the ymca where I go often... Woo Hoo
  10. I eat alot of sweets and I am loosing... Dont let that stop you! Its worth trying!
  11. I think that might of happened autually.. but it hurt to even sip so I didnt do it.. Now I am drinking lots of juice and milk and soup again..(at night) I am alittle unhappy with my level of restriction not being enough right now.. but oh well..I am getting over it.. I MAY have to try that Protein, veggie, carb thing after all. (I dont have another 150$ for a fill until january) I certainly dont want to gain! thanks for the support
  12. Nykee

    Blissfully full-filled!

    Thanks road queen, so much! I think thats gonna be what I am goona have to do.. have small fills more often.. like every 15 pounds or something.. Today I was able to have too much and I wish I was tighter but OH well.. I will try again in January and hope I lose weight in the meantime.. because of not being very tight, I am not all gung ho about my loosing the 100 pounds in one year.. but ya never know... If I went all low carb in January it could happen..lol loves
  13. I hate to NOT be encouraging but my band gives me migranes.. its gave me two and a half since june.. before that I had only had two in the previous year (my first ones) ALL three times was when I was too tight and having some emergency type stress..related all to the band. ALL LAST NIGHT I was fighting one off... I made everyone leave, all lights out, put on two Patches of morphine and was tryinng so hard not to cry becasue I couldnt take my migrane pill... (too tight to even crush it) and if I had to GO to ER to get an injection that would trigger it even worse.. aNYWAY... Thats the first time I had a 1/2 migrane.. I subdued it..(well I did have another half of one nce but that was cuz I took the pill and it didnt blow outta control) and I went for an unfill today and the migrane was a factor.......... I came home feeling great (and allowed everyone to come home) I can suffer ANYTHING but MIGRANES make me suicidal. For those of you who suffer them since you were young or for years... You must be so strong. But I guess it could be like the other pain I have sufferd,and got used to.. but this is new to me and I am so happy the nausia pill they give me helps nip it in the bud, cuz the first times I thought I was gonna die.
  14. Nykee

    Pleasant surprise

    wow, That IS amazing.. as I was reading I was thinking " thats the breaks..it happens" and then they appologize in that way.. wow! my fill doctor is also the nicest person I think I have ever met~ I went in today.. I called her around two and she said come when I can.. even though she had a full day .. it was also for a slight unfill.. and I was so sorry for that ya know and she said I was to come ANYTIME.. and NEVER worry about it.. (these unfills are only 25$!) Salvaging the band is her first priority.... AND THATS SO ADMIRABLE I love her
  15. Nykee

    Blissfully full-filled!

    The bliss ended on monday morning.. I woke feeling my band and I hadnt even tried to drink any juice yet. It was clear I was toooooo tight now OH gawd.. I swelled, I ALWAYS DO THAT.. (makes me mad) It was just too much,, I CAN HANDLE sipping liquids for weeks ( instead of days ) BUT I was having chest pain on my own saliva,, I couldnt sip anything starting Monday morning,, and tonight I had some unfill,, So, NOW I am at 1.7 I am one of those people who are gonna have to get small fills at a time cuz I am such a SWELLER! OH WELL.. ................ Pants, My advice is BAD.... so dont listen, there are experts here you shuld listen to.. WHAT I DO, is eat what I can and NOT eat what I cant, avoid any chest pain at all!!!!! And NO gagging.. the band does not work for me either in the way you thought it was gonna be for you and I have adjusted to the fact that I wont be eating the things I used to eat, not even one bite (maybe a bite and spit it out thing once in a while is all) Getting more fill is important to me when I stop losing, more so than the food I am missing out on.. BUT if your gagging and such, you can lose your band, so THATS most important. good luck.. i know its hard, but it gets easier (so they say)
  16. I cant wait to have ny first PB, so allexandrea can say she told me so! I am serious.. I know its gonna happen, It cant not ever happen in all the time. I HAVE PBed on pills once.. thats huge long story... BUT I never done it on food or not in that situation cuz I always stop when I an surpose to, alwayas chew well enough and slow too.. I am not being 'cocky'.. I am just proud of myself.. I have had amazing "restraint" in this area.. its prolly all fear.. BUT I never would of thought any fear could control my eating, I had a fill from 1.6 to 1.9 on saturday and I didnt eat or drink NOT EVEN ONE SIP from the time I woke on Mondy till this evening.. when I went and got an unfill and now only have 1.7.. I did get hungry this time and want something to drink but my chest hurt the whole time and I got a migrane and I ddint even attempt it... knew I nneded an unfill.. I can be tight,, but not so tight I cant get down mny own saliva I am relly sick of this "swelling" thing. I was FINE on sunday! The thickest thing I had was tomatoe Soup.. THEN BAM.. swelling.. WHY??
  17. i been real lucky too.. (since augest) its been great, like you described
  18. THE impossible thing that is possible Its evident and fact since my fill with good restriction I no longer care about food. I dont mourn it or crave it At all. This is how I feel now and every day. But.. I do not think that is possible. I did not decide that food was no big deal and choose to let it go.. And to be obsessed and unable to control what I ate and lived everyday caring about food more than anything else for 15 years and have tried hundreds ways to find my way to freedom from it.. Obviously when in doubt, you choose whats evident, not what your mind thinks. But its not that easy if what is evident doesnt seem possible and until it can be explained how its possible.. I will be thinking the impossible is possible and well thats just crazy.. Something cant be possibe AND impossible.. ya see how you can go crazy in circles.. To illustrate ... here is how I ate, every month for the last 10 years at leaste. This was the usual, every day basics. I HAD to have fast food daily, many times more than once..I would feel all uptight if I couldnt get my little burger, KFC snacker, cheese curds, hershey pie, egg mcmuffin, ect... I had a rootbeer float or a coffee drink or a smoothie everyday, minus maybe 4 times a month. Sometimes 2 or 3. I had to have one or feel sad. I could drink 1 to 5 slurpies a day in the summer. I drank a gallon of milk and juice per day. There had to be milk in the house at all times and everyone made sure of it, daily ritual. If I was out of juice and no one would get me some I would cry and feel lethargic until It came and then I would gupl it like a maniac feeling blissfully refreshed and alive again. I went out to china, resturants, KFC, buffets, about 4 times a month. I would spent bill money on it unable to resist. I did this all the time.. I spent money we couldnt afford on pizza and fast food all the time. I would seriously be holding the money, knowing i cant do it and the food was just too tempting. The house food I ate was corndogs, nachos, frozen foods, candy, chips and Cookies, cerial.. we made a simple meal maybe once a month. I liked fast small amounts of junk foods over a meal. What different now than then: The only fast food I have now is KFC mashed potaotes and twice a root beer float. I drink 20 to 60 ouces of milk and juice a day, not a gallon. I eat chips and cookies and some other crunchie foods. Whats new basics: sherbert, tomatoe Soup, Everything else I have not done since my fill and I have no desire to. REMEMBER.. I am not resisting anything or controling or having will power. I SIMPLY DO NOT WANT IT.. Do not care. I am gonna break this posts up.. more later
  19. So the changes and challanges were that these stupid food cravings and obsessions were coming back alittle.. and I mean just a litle like 20%.. but I didnt like it one bit. Example: Friday night I went to CHINA BUFFET and if you read any of my ramblings from above you would see how thats different that what I had been feeling like doing.. .. I went late and I ate alot (my last meal.. again..cuz I had a fill on saturday) alenandrea said something about it being like a 'honeymoon period' and to be carefull and thats the best I can describe all my feelings as well. BUT.. I went and got a fill..(yesterday) 1.6 to 1.9.. I am tight tight tight again and I feel ELATION and just so glad I am sipping once again and at night I will be able to get in my needs.. I got in 3 ounces of tomatoe Soup and a drink of grape juice so far.. its 1pm.. I open up quite a bit at night.. so I cant wait till tonight to see what happens.. How tight I am.. This control over food.. (restriction) thats the bliss.. it completely overrides any desire or mourning for the food. Its only been a day though.. I will see if the feelings are the same or if the first few months were just easy or something. I hope its all about the restriciton, but I realize it might not be. All night as I slept I was affraid I went too far and would choke on my saliva (thats the fear) BUT I DIDNT!!! Horray.. its right bacK where it was before. She was gonna put in 2.3!! and I had to like tell her ummmm no.. I am toooo tight in the mornings for that.. so she did 2.0 and I gulped Water (she told me to sip and I told her I couldnt figure out where I was unless I gupled a drink.. and she said ok) and I settled on 1.9 and I happened to be RIGHT ON! anyway.. thats whats going on now
  20. Nykee

    Depressed and ready to give up

    theres a fill doctor in portland... 150$... no questions (asked pretty much)
  21. Nykee

    Depressed and ready to give up

    What I know of it.. medicare will pay 8000...and you can find banding in the states for 12,000 to 15,000 and they bill you for the rest.. this is what I WAS gonna do cuz I didnt care if I had a BILL for the rest.. plus there was a 2000$ co-pay.. so all I was gonna need upfront was 2000$.. this was over a year ago.. BUT I never got medicare like they all said I was gonna get when I got my SSI.. I am still on medicade. and I am shocked they even put 800$ to it.. I mean WHY even bother? I say do it and figure it out as you go.. it will work out!
  22. the only way I know of is to go to photobucket.com and upload a pic from your computer... photobucket will give you a link to post here and when you do, your pic shows up..
  23. Nykee

    Food Journal Thread

    2 slices pumpkin pie with no crust, cool whip tpp small biscuit and gravy (took 4 diff times of the day to eat it all) 2 cups tomatoe soup (twice today) 1 slice of toast with cheese (twice today) chex mix candy (I NEED A FILL!!)
  24. alex) The important thing is to not eat anything that is at ALL uncomfortable, and stay away from anything that does not pulverize completely in your mouth. nykee) I can do the first one with no problem at all.. but the pulverized food... thats hard to stop.. (for me)

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