I do not agree that I should tell anyone other than who I told. One thing about success is everybody is not happy for you. I love my beastie but she did the same when our other friend had lap band. My doctor said to leave the nay Sayers alone so I did. I choose this route because it was the best for me and I didn't need anyone to help me decide. I told my husband I was doing not could I do it. He was not the one living with my health problems so....with that said, my health decision was my own. I don't need anyone to agree or disagree with my decision cause they were not gonna change my mind. I did the research, went to the seminars and all doctors visits on my own except for the one that my husband was required to go. I'm glad I did it and wouldn't change it for the world. I am healthier and happy and my husband is dating a new woman (me 50 lbs less). My kids see how much better I feel and they are happier so all in all I know I made a good decision. Who knows or doesn't know shouldn't matter. What matters is by doing something positive and working out and making good food choices my family may not have to bury me before my time.