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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice--They use a "Huber" needle. I don't think you can get one at the pharmacy--at least not in the USA. Huber needles are used when accesing ports because they prevent coring of the port which would cause damage to the membrane. Your PCP might be able to get ahold of them for you--or you might try a cancer center where they are giving chemotherapy drugs. It does seem to me, however, that accessing lap band ports is a little trickier than chemotherapy ports. They're imnplaned deeper, seen to move more, and there's more subcutaneous (fatty) tissue to deal with. Most chemo ports are on the upper chest and not difficult to access. Yesterday was hard. DH, DS and DIL wanted to go to a county fair that had a demolition derby. OK fine, I don't care all that much, but I'm sick of sitting home alone while he does stuff, so I went along. Turned out that there was no room to sit in the bleachers, so we had to stand in a crowd of ppl that were smoking (sorry Janet, I can take it in small doese, but this was not small) drinking, loud, rude, foul-mouthed. The police would come from time to time and clear them out of the asiles and in front of the barriers, but as soon as the cops left, the ppl came right back. Anyway after an hour of that I got sick of it and decided to walk around the fair grounds. Already frustrated, tired of standing, and now hungry, and with plenty of cash, I "enjoyed" part of a Gyro, Nachos and cheese, and a cookie--oh yes, and a couple of Jack Daniel's and lemonaide. After all that, I went back and spent another hour watching cars try to hit each other. The wierd thing was how often they missed or slowed down just before impacting. It was a bore IMHO! So after 1 really good week, I screwed up again. OH well, Today's the first day. . . Gotta go to work for a bit today to look up some info on students for a reference. Should be sunny this aft,--I might be able to sit on the deck and read a bit. Gotta start watering too in prep for being gone this weekend!
  2. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla--I'm glad you're here--the band is a fussy thing. Just keep asking away! Everyone's experience is different, but we're here to help! Are you going to a Fill Center for fills, or did you find a band doctor to do them? Hopefully you have some source for sound medical adivice. BTW, I don't worry about straws. I've never had a problem. Ibuprofen is in a group of medicines caled NSAID's (Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs) which tend to cause more GI bleeding than acetaminophen (Tylenol). We need to avoid things that are damaging to the lining of the esophagus and/or stomach. Again, everyone is different as to what they can tolerate, but the general rule is to avoid NSAIDs whenever possible.
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla--you've lost weight in the last 1 1/2 months--right? So when you loose weight the fat cells EVERYWHEE shrink, including the ones in you stomach, which means that the opening in banded area actually gets bigger. That's why you need to get fills periodically while you're losing weight. If you feel like you need more restriction, it's time to get a fill. Even as little as 0.1 ml fill can make a difference.
  4. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi--Internet's been down all day--grrrr. Janet--hear it's a little hot in the desert--like 115? You'll enjoy the cooler weather on this side of the world! Wasaga Beach forecast actually sounds warm to me. We are setting record lows for our "high" temperatures today! Low 60's, cloudy and a few dribbles of rain today--same for tomorrow except a little warmer--67? Candice--we're flying American Airlines flight 4111 from ORD and should arrive YYZ @ 4:55. Flight 4111 arrived at Terminal 3 today according to the airport website. Oh, oh, oh I am getting so excited! My baniversary was yesterday--the 16th. Yes, I am not the same person now that I was then in so many ways. I'm thankful for the band, however I have to say that in some ways it was dissapointing. I didn't anticipate having so many problems and needing to have it adjusted so often. I still like amphetamines better, but we all know that down side of that! Janet nailed it--I'm an out and out addict. I miss my eating binges and the good feelings it gave me to be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and as much as I wanted.
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Howdy! Phyl, Karla, Steph, Kari (?) Hope the nasty black clouds are lifting this week. Life is short enough as it is--it's nice to be able to enjoy things from time to time. Karla--I'm thinking that you teach most of the year and then work in a nursery in the summer? Not a lot of down time? Your girls are all moved out right--or do you have some in college that still come home? Dentist was OK. He used the good drugs, so it wasn't an awful experience. Couldn't do the implant right away, so I will be toothless for a couple of months. :wub: Sure am getting excited about next week! Karri--please tell us that you finally got your passport! Like Janet, I'm only bringing shorts, capris, tee shirts, flip-flops, and a bathing suit (imagine that!). Nothing dressy and not even make-up other than sunscreen and tinted moistureizer. If I need more than that I'll just have to shopping and buy it! Early night tonight--it's been quite a day. Tell you more about it next week.
  6. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You guys are making me feel really lazy with your busy lifes these days. I shouldn't worry though, I just got an update from my dean and I will be at 115% next fall, worse in spring, and I WILL HAVE TO WORK NEXT SUMMER! B/C of the economy, people are going back to school for retraining, and health care is #1. Today is Gramy and Cora day. I'll have to run some errands with her cuz I will be sitting around doped up tomorrow! Here she comes!!!!
  7. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice--neither front or molar--it's a bicusped--#12 if that means anything. I won't be doing much smiling for the next several months (except around my friends in Canada--after a couple of thoes marguritas!) Needy patients! I know them. How can people not realize??? Sometimes I feel sorry for them--they really are low functioning, but other times there is just nothing we can do for them but listen and listen and listen. Hummm, maybe I'm a "Needy patient" when it comes to the dentist?
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Cphaber--Congratulations on the band. Where are you and where did you get it done? Gas pains should subside within a week or so. You might feel pain in your shoulder that is the result of gas that they used to inflate your abdomen during surgery. Some ppl used Gas-X strips. Moving about helps also--If you can get outside for short walks that would be great. So--last week it was PS--this week it's a tooth extraction! On Saturday I broke a crown off a tooth that I had a root canal done on 12 years ago--I hate to admit it, but I was eating an itsy bitsy Tootsie Roll and felt something hard. . .I HATE it when that happens! That's what I get for eating a piece of candy. Anyway, I can tolerate PS without anesthesia, but I am the biggest baby when it comes to the dentist; I wouldn't let him pull it out this morning in the office. I am going to the oral surgeon on Wednesday and will let him do it only if he gives me enough Versed! So poor DH has to take yet ANOTHER day off of work to deal with me since I won't be in any condition to drive myself home. So while I have nice eyes, I now look like a Hillbilly with a missing tooth (Hey, Candice, maybe my Hillbilly DH should get a vasectomy?!!) Hopefully I'll be able to have an implant, but that will take several months to complete. Oh, this surely is punishment for my vanity--my mom would feel very validated if she knew all of this). Speaking of dear old mom: I still have a good amount oif bruising on my cheeks that even makeup does not totally cover. She saw me yesterday, but if she noticed, she didn't comment.
  9. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, Carla--Depression sucks! There's just no other word for it. It drains you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm going to pray that today is a better day for both of you.
  10. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karla--Funny thing about families. When I told my family about getting banded they were very negative. "That's dangerous" etc, but they actually knew very little about it. A year later, after I lost 100 lbs, my sister had it done and there was nothing but accolades for her. So it goes. . . Who knows what's behind their atitudes? I just try to be all the more supportive , knowing how few people really care about anything or anyone else besides themselves. As for DD's: I emphasize! My 1 DD did just about everything possible push me over the edge. Now that she is 22 and lives on her own, I can relax. It's her life, and she can deal with the consequences. I did everything I could--she graduated from college and has a good job and no children. As much as I wanted a different kiind of relationship with her, it is what it is. I did and am still taking two kinds of herbal/homeopathic medicines given to me by the PS to minimize brusiing. Sure would hate to see what it would look like without them! I have to say that it is much better today. The make up really does hide the deep purple bruising on my cheeks, and the red eye lids have cleared up a lot. Janet--I'm glad you got to celebrate with the people that matter most. Screw the bosses. Spend your time with people of real character--true friends. I had a boss-friend at work once who was more concerned about impressing the "right people" than spending time with me--even though she considered me a friend. I am so much better off with her out of my life. So, congratulations on 30 years, and we will toast to that too in 2 short weeks! Phyl--what would this forum be like without you? I hope I never have to find out. Love your sense of humor and all that we share! I'm so glad that I'll be seing you again in a couple of weeks! Remind me to have you brief me on Buffalo since #3 son will be moving there next month. That's it, ladies. Today is one of the rare, perfect summer days in Wisconsin, and I'm going to go back outside and enjoy what's left of it. DH should be home soon (he's off fixing something for someone).
  11. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Sorry--don't mean to be mysterious. If you look at my Avatar, you can see that my eyes are pretty much just a couple of slits. This got a lot worse after losing weight. So this week, I finally had them fixed--a little. I had the top lids done. I might have the bottom lids done too some day, and if that's not enough, my plastic surgeon also recommends a brow lift. I'm delighted with the results, however I am bruised beyond belief--even sun glasses don't cover it all. I have fair skin that comes with being a natural blonde (enhanced yes, but blonde none the less), and I tend to bruise easily, but I look absolutely scarry right now. They gave me some make-up yesterday that will allow me to at least go out in public with sunglasses, and they assured me that in a couple more days it will clear up. So I spent this week sitting around with ice on my face, feeling lonely (I didn't tell anyone except DH), eating, and drinking Long Island Iced Teas. Not good.
  12. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning friends, Oh Phyl. I can so relate! My family thinks DH is so good--always johnny on the spot to help out, and is friendly WHILE they're here. As soon as we're alone, everything changes. Then it's all about HIM., and all negativity. I've learned that the only way I can get stuff done around here is to start calling contractors and getting estimates. Then when he thinks I'm going to hire someone, he suddenly gets interested in the project and maybe it will actually get done. Did that with the fire pit, and he's finally ordering the materials. Once he's spent his money, it'll get done! I feel for you, Phly. That's one thing about retirement I am NOT looking forward to! Which brings me to Canada--Candice. I hope you and Peter are serious about bringing electricity out to the shed or wherever you want it. Mel'll be happy as a clam as long as he has a project! When we went to MA last month he put in a generator for DIL's family's house and it was one of the best trips we've taken. He was busy and I could relax and enjoy the visit. Woodworking? Car repairs? My DH can do it all! Empathy? Nurturing?--not so much! I am a disaster as far as eting is concerned. OK, I'll fess up. I had a little procedure done this week, (vanity, vanity--no, not the TT I want--gotta lose 20 more pounds for that). I can not bend, lift, or do any exercising for 3 weeks. Additionally, I'm supposed to increase protein for healing. So. . . I've been sitting around, drinking my protein drinks IN ADDITION to eating more than I should, and I can feel the bulges forming. To tell the truth, I'm actually getting bored and thinking about work. Which leads me to another development. I have to go back to Mall of Amreica! No kidding. I have an accreditation visit in August and the hotel is in Bloomington MN with a shuttle to the mall! I'm flying in on Monday morning and will have all afternoon and evening, plus Tuesday evening and maybe a little time Wednesday afternoon to shop! No complaints there. OK, well I have an appointment to get stitches out in about an hour, so I better go shower and get my self decent. Then I promiced to watch Margo (the 3-year-old that I watch from time to time) for awhile this afternoon--I think I'm going to take her to a l'l kiddie water park. Hopefully I can avoid picking her up or chasing after her too much. . .
  13. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, Accessing a port for chemo is relatively easy compared to our lap band ports. Chemo ports are usually on the chest and pretty stable compared to ours. I had an ansetheologist, who did a lot of epidural and spinal anesthesias, have problems with my lap band port. IF course, with practice, anyone can learn to do it, but the problem is getting the practice! I've been down lately. Lots going on. I don't know. . . Retirement is looking better 'n better, if only DH would let me go. Got a conference call tomorrow and other projects going on, plus I have to watch Margo on Friday. On the good side, today is a perfect day weather-wise, so I'm going to go back on my deck and enjoy what's left of it. And guess what: No clinic tonight!!!! I feel a Long Island Iced Tea comming on!
  14. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Welcome home, Candice! It's good to have you back safely, and to lose weight in france?!--that's amazing! What a sweet ending!! Janet must have had a good weekend at her son's--no posts all weekend = she stayed! Hope I'm right! Sounds like Phyl's doing better too? Nothing like a good 4th cookout to lift one's spirits. Now with the surgery scheduled; in no time after that she'll be headed south again. We had a busy weekend too. Took care of my little friend, Margo on Friday night so her mom could get caught up with some things at home. Then we had our annual cul-de-sac party where we all pull our tables, chairs and grills onto the cul de sac in front of our houses and spend the day eating and drinking and hanging out with each other and whatever family or friends drop in. It's a great time. Yesterday I had a baby shower for my nephew's wife and a graduation party for a co-worker's daughter, so that kept us fed and moving all day. We both crashed when we got home. I ate much less than I would have, but by no means did I eat what I should have. It's a lost cause. I do hate the way that food is a constant obsession no matter what I do or where I go. There should be more to life than constantly worrying about what I am going to eat, what I am eating, or what I just ate. On that note, I have to run. Got a doctor's appointment that I am not particularly looking forward to, but need to get done. Tell you about it in Canada
  15. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy 4th everyone! (Candice too)
  16. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Love you too, Janet! Only 3 weeks till Canada. . .yeah!!! I sure hope your weekend is uneventful--I wonder how Katlin feels about going back to all of that? Phly--I'm so glad that you are joining us in Canada! Sounds like you really need a break and to be sourrounded by friends for a few days. Give the meds a few more days. I remember when I started taking them--i doubted it too, but then one day I found myself sitting on the floor playing with my kids and I realized that I haden't done that for a very long time. that's when I knew that the meds were helping. I'm really glad that you're starting them now b/c as you know, it's not unusual to get really depressed post op with all the pain and narcotics. At least you'll have a decent level of serotonin in your brain to counter some of that. Did your surgeon tell you to add some protein drinks back into your diet? You'll need that for healing. Time to boost up your nutritional status. More important than ever to eat healthy! Candice--I love it that you can keep up while you're in France. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and pics. It'll be so fun to hear the details first hand! Still in the 60's, damp, and cloudy. Will this ever end? Geez!
  17. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl--Great news! I'm so happy!!
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    HI, I'm still with you. I THOUGHT I'd have more time now that it's summer, but somehow it doesn't feel that way. I always think of the 4th as the half way point--can't believe it's this weekend! We had about 2 days when we needed AC, (while I was getting ready for the garage sale) and today I was tempted to turn the fire place on. They predicted 70's and sun today--HA! Try maybe a cloudy 65! How you doin, Phly? Hope you had a great BD, Kari--yesterday was DS's 30th too. Of course that meant going out for dinner and cake, which I managed to avoid mostly. Cora and Grammy day is moved to Tuesdays now b/c mom's work schedule got changed. It was too cold to do much more than take her to Target and do some other errands--hoing to take her to a little Water park next week--we'll see. She is getting more mobile now, and i've forgotten how much exercise you get running after a baby in an un-babyproofed house! We did get a baby gate for the stairs, but this week she was facinated by the dog's food and water dishes and all the new nooks and crannys to explore. LOVE IT! Attached (I hope) a new pic of her and all 5 teeth:
  19. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh, Steph--what a horrible experience for you. I don't know about Montana, but in WI, nurses and child care workers have to inform their administrators immediately if they recieve any kind of citation. Something like that definitely could affect our employment--even if it is unfounded. Everyone is so concerned about abuse these days that often things go to extremes. Just yesterday there was an article in the paper about a single mom who was charged with abuse and jailed b/c her 2-year-old had a 3/4 x 1/8 inch mark on his leg. There may be more to it, but again, it sounds extreme--especially since I know the girl and her family. I left my kids in their carseats from time to time to run into the grocery store for a minute and things like that. Again, I lived in a small town and no one thought much of it. Things are just so different now. I think you used reasonable judgement; I hope the courts think so too. Problem is that it's going to cause a lot of hassle for you now to hire a lawyer and appear in court and all of that! Man, life sure is not fair! Hugs friend. I'm on your side.
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kari--Thanks so much for the recipes! Love the format you used! I'm having major mother and DH issues this weekend! Mother: Now realize that she was once quite overweight (obese?), but through sheer will power, she's managed to lose it and more or less keep it off since my youngest sister's (the doctor's) wedding 20 years ago. None the less, she never complements me on my weight loss, and when I mentioned that I was considering a tummy tuck, her response was something about "Vanity." OK, with that background, my mom is always baking stuff, and then because SHE doesn't want to eat it, she gives it away. Yesterday at noon, when I was all alone, starving and sick and tired of the whole garage sale, she and my dad come over with delicious (but greesy) hamburgers from the best hamburger place in town and a plate of brownies and cake. She expects all kinds of gratidute, and I just wanted to throw it all in her face. I did not need that! But instead, like the "good" daughter that I am, (of course, never good enough, you understand) I ate the whole hamburger and a brownie. I can't throw the sh__ away, because they're "really" for DH as a thank you for fixing their leaking kitchen faucet earlier that morning, so technically, they're not mine to throw away! Of course, DH will eat them S L O W L Y over the next couple of days until they are stale. DH: he's another story. Let's just say that he had lots of other things that were more important than helping out with the garage sale this weekend. So basically, I was alone most of the day with all this stinking food, and the brunt of the work. No, my parents weren't there to help me, just to bring food, (and sit down to eat with me) to thank DH for spending 1/2 hour fixing the faucet--and DH had already left for the day to do his own thing! Janet--living alone sounds so good! Kari and others with "mom" issues: I'm with you. Mine isn't an alcoholic, but you need to know that when I was in therapy, my psychiatrist used to say that God consults my mother before he makes a decision. Here I am a 50+-year-old professional woman with advanced degrees, four great kids that I raised pretty much alone, (DH always has more important things to do) two successful careers, and I still have "mother" issues! How sad is that? Do I sound angry? Guess so.
  21. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Morning friends! Neighborhood garage sale is tomorrow and Saturday so I spent yesterday digging out all my plus sized clothes and labeled them. Hopefully the word will get out and ppl will come and buy! Have more to do today, plus go through all the junk we have stored in the basement. DH "cleaned" the garage, but not to my satisfaction, so I have to redo that and get things set up. I do have Salvation Army Clinic duty tonight, so I'll have to quit early and shower and get my butt over there. We've gone from one extreme to the other weather-wise. Had to turn the AC on yesterday--temps in the 90s with humidity! So now I still can't sit out on my deck! Guess I'll have enough to do the next couple of days so I couldn't sit around anyway :bored: Kari--as long as you're sending out recipes, can you send some my way too? I am the most unimaginative cook ever--when I try adapting something it tastes awful--other than substituting things like low fat mayo or Splenda, I have yet to create low cal, high protein dishes that actually taste decent. Some of the things you and Janet talk about sound so wonderful, but I don't know where to start! Have a great day, ladies. Remember the 5 pounds by Canada challenge--MMM that Margurita you're gonna be buying me is going to be mighty fine!
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OH Candice--so good of you to post from your vacation! Can you bring some of that wine back for us??? Can't wait to see the pics! Where are you anyway?
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl--I'm sorry to hear that you're getting down. It's good that you can talk about it, and your friends here care about you. I hope whatever weather system that is messing with you will move on out--you need some sun shine for sure! I really admire you, Phyl, and I hope that you feel better soon. I don't know about they Synthroid, but I do know that a little SSRI goes a long way in lifting that gray cloud that sometimes skews our perspective. Good luck with the doctor. The weather here has been wonderful for the last couple of days. It's true that southern Wisconsin got some severe storms and flooding last week, but we are just north of all of that and it FINALLY warmed up to the point where I can sit on my deck and read a book withour a sweatshirt. Karri--I'll take you up on the 5 pounds by Canada challenge! I'm not all that competative like Janet and Kari--I think that competativeness is what made them so successful at losing the weight, and I wish I could muster up their kind of discipline. For me, it just helps to know that there is someone else struggling with me. Now that I think about it, it was about the time that Kari and Janet reached their goal that I stopped losing. I wonder. . . Well anyway--I'll be looking for weekly updates from you for the next month! I do vaguely remember Green. I guess I thought he was a guy. He/She posted quite a bit in rants and raves which I used to read, but haven't for months. He seemed pretty intelligent and articulate and it was intresting to read his posts. Keep us posted, Janet, if you hear any more. Well, I had a dentist appointment today for a cleaning, etc. I brought a huge chunk of cheese cake that was left over from yesterdaty to them just to get it out of the house. I couldn't bear to throw it away, but I know that i can't keep it in the house either. . .
  24. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OK It's official: I regained the whole pound that I lost during the 2-week challenge So now I'm back to square one. I'm going to have to redouble my efforts. I can do better than this. I know what I have to do. I just have to do it! Why is this so difficlut? I'm pretty sure I'm tight enough--I still have reflux sometimes and can't sleep if I eat after 6 pm. I know I need to be more disciplined. Get tough. Just do it! Time to leave for church. Then it's the Dad's day pig-out and Bible Study tonight. I know it sounds selfish, but I'd rather just stay in bed all day than have to deal with all the people and food.
  25. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, If I had that much to do, I wouldn't even think about eating! I, on the other hand, have spent the day so far planning for Sunday. Having my dad and mom, DS and DIL over for Father's Day. Since my parents are comming, we can't just throw some burgers on and call it a party--it'll have to be a full meal--appetiizer, hamburgers AND Brats, baked beans, broccoli salad, desert (strawberry pie). Then, we're having our neighborhood Bible study at night, so I have to make another desert for that! The trick will be not to eat any of it in the process! And, since DD and BF are not comming for Dad's Day, (which is also DH's B-day) we are meeting them half way tonight and going out to dinner with them. Food, food, food, every time I turn around there is food in my face. Wow, Phyl. Just knowing that you will be getting your surgery would really be motivational! Get yourself a zero gravity lounge chair and one of thoes machines that circulates ice water. My mom swore by thoes two things the first couple of weeks after her surgery last year Karla, I don't think we properly "met." I'm thinking that you're a teacher? You are right; These ladiies are my best friends. They know me like no one else--They're intelligent and brutally honest Janet--Your memory is good. I did buy some soaps and stuff in Palm Springs to bring back for DD and DIL. That was a great day! I would definitely go back someitgme if given a chance, and I found out that a small Moca Frappichino lite is OK once in awhile!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
