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Everything posted by lindaa
Mall of America is close to the airport in Minneapolis. It might be 30 minutes from downtown, but it is definitely in the cities! Plus, I for one will have a car. I agree about the availability of exercise equipment in whatever hotel we decide to go to. As I recall, the hotels in the area are relatively new and well maintained. Anyone of them would be fine with me. To tell you the truth, it can get warm in Minneapolis in the summer although most things have A/C.
Lynette, Great to hear from you! Chim--you too!! And yes, it was a day for rejoicing! But not from the food perspective. . .it was not good for me. When my family gets together, it is all about the food, and only the food. Parties are always at my house, but my mother rules. I spend days cleaning the house, making some of the food she wants, setting the tables, and then cleaning up. My mom and my sister bring the rest of the food; my ktichen-gifts don't quite measure up to their standards. These events are so stressful, but my mom lives for them, and I don't know how to get out of it without feeling like a big black sheep. There was three times as much food as we needed, and while I avoided the deserts and candy, I did eat meat and salads and a little cornbread casserole. That wasn't so bad, but then after everyone left and it was just me and the kids, someone mentioned Brandy Alexanders. That was when I lost it. Later, in the usual manner, I thought "What the heck?" and joined dh and the kids as they raided the leftovers. Sure, it was only another small plate of meat and broccoli salad, but now I can't sleep because 3 hours later, my stomach is still gurgling. It was NOT worth it. (Except for the Brandy Alexander--honestly, it was fabulous) Soo, tomorrow I start yet again. Yes, the gym! I am going to push harder for dh to buy a treadmill for our basement. We do have a beautiful gym that is free only 2 miles from my house, but the hours we can use it are limited, and not always convenient for me. With all the beautiful new snow, it's impossible to go outside and walk and we dont have sidewalks in my little subdivision. OK, I'm going to try sleeping again. Morning comes faster and faster these days.
Hi All. I'm from Sheboygan. Got my band in Mexico, but I've been going to Dr. Chua's group for fills. I'd lke to meet others and chat sometime although I have to say that this site has been really helpful and supportive.
Man, the pages are loading slowly. . . I tried several times today, but nothing was moving. Janet, I have no idea about the "friends" thing. Hope to see your new pics soon. Ya, you and Phyl can send that sunshine and warm temps east, PLEASE! It's snowing here too--this is definitely not Easter weather! Makes me want to wrap up in a warm blanket with a glass of wine or something stronger and watch TV. If DH didn't have some car auction thing on, I would do just that. Maybe I'll climb into bed and watch What Not to Wear. . .
Chim, I'm glad you checked in and that you're getting back on track. It is a constant battle, isn't it? 50 pounds is still 50 pounds, and that's a huge change from last year! You just took a little break, but now you're back. You're not alone in this--we need you too. Peaches--Be sure to keep us posted as to your surgery next week. I'm so glad that you're not giving up. Row away!
Hi all! Back from my li'l trip. Missed LBT! Next time, I'm bringing a laptop so I can keep up. I seem to have picked up a cold or something along the way--all I want to do today is sleep, but the coughing keeps waking me up. Hopefully tonight will be better. Karri--I sure hope that you can get to feeling better soon! Popcorn and Crystal lite would get old very, very fast. Everything else I can think of is dairy, and I know you can't to that either. What a tough place to be at, and to think that it could be resolved in 5 minutes by a very simple procedure that even I could do if I had the right kind of needle! I can understand why any old doctor or nurse wouldn't want to be responsible for filling a band, but a little unfill? that's a no-brainer! Nurses work with implanted ports all the time--it's really not a big deal. This banding business is not like anything else I've ever encountered in 35 years of health care! Speaking of nurses: Oh Pnyl, Where are you? I'm going to be happy when you get home and start posting regularly again. Well, I was no sooner home than my mom called to plan the annual Easter feast. Oh, no! Here we go: Tenderloin and ham, sweet potato casserole, rolls, and some kind of cornbread casserole, two kinds of salads and a hot vegetable, deserts. . .not to mention Easter candy all around. All of this for maybe 12 people! (lots of the college aged kids aren't comming) Now, understand, my 300+ pound sister is scheduled to be banded in April, I don't need to eat all of this, my dad doesn't need to eat all this (he's 79, has health issues, and has been overweight/obese all his married life), my mom has struggled with weight issues since she was in her 20's--she doesn't need to eat all of this, so who are they (my mom and sister) making all this food for? arrrrggggg! To top it off, the party is at my house. ttyl
Hi Patti. You've already gotten the best advice there is, so all I can do is to tell you that you have the power to make this happen. It was good to read Phyl's and Karri's posts because I messed up today and I have to get my act together. It really is all about head work, Patti. We talk about our food demons--we all have them--and how they keep trying sneaky ways to make us think that we have to eat. You have to stand up to them again, and again, and again, but the more often you do it, the less they will bug you. Like me, you will mess up once in a while, but then you pick yourself up and get right back to work. It does no good to berate yourself about it. Let go of it and start fresh. Make a commitment with me right now: I am an intelligent, healthy, sane woman. Today, I will make rational, reasonable decisions about food.
Peaches--Non-smoker, social-drinker: That'd be me! A little 'bout me: I'm a nurse, the first half of my life was in obstetrics--delivered 10 babies myself including my nephew, but for the last 20 or so years I've been involved in nursing/medical assisting education in one way or another. I'm married;4 kids all soon to be college graduates. First grandchild (Son #1) and second dauther-in-law (Son #3) due in August. I enjoy shopping and watching home improvement shows on TV. I have a thing for Palm trees (even have one tattoed on my ankle) and anything else that evoks feelings associated with warm and sunny places. My ancestors were dutch, sweedish, and german, and I'd say that their legacy to me is a pretty strong sense of moral and spiritual values. Like many of us, I've been fat since I was 7, dieted too many times to count, and struggled with depression related to family and self esteem issues. I have a lot of friends, but no "best friend" and I spend my empty nest time volunteering for the Salvation Army Free Clinic where I also am a preceptor for nursing students. I also mentor female inmates. My current mentee is giving me a run for my money as she was just back in jail on a probation violation. In fact I have to call her now as she left a message on my cell phone that she is out. I wonder where she plans to spend the night. . .
Yup, Peaches--you and I are roomies! I'm looking forward to that, and I feel much better knowing that you have ear plugs--just don't forget to bring 'em along! I am going for another sleep apnea test in May to see if I still need the #!_~ machine. I'm thinking not, but we'll see. So I went out and bought a sports bra and some work out clothes. Nothing fancy--went to my fav store--TJ Maxx! Maybe I'll turn into a Gym rat yet!
OK, believe it or not, but dd took me to the gym today and pushed me to do 1+ mile on the treadmill with inclines. I made one mile in 20 min and then did another 5 or so of cooling down. Then she showed me how to do some abs with the ball and floor exercises. We did some free weights for triceps and then some things on the machines. DD plays soccer in college and works in the university's exercise room so she knows a lot about all of this. I have to tell you that we can do this all in a beautiful new facility for free! Well, our taxes pay for it. I am even entitled to 3 sessions with a trainer. There are 3 facilities in the state in a high schools and open to the public. The one we went to is about 2 miles from my house, so there really is NO excuse for me not to start doing this regularly. I do need the toning, and hopefully this will help take off the last 25 or so pounds that I as struggling with. Janet and Phyl--have a great time together. I wish I could join you guys. I really need to support. It's nice when dd is home, but I have to find other ppl b/c she has her own life. It's hard letting go of her. I think that's part of my depression lately. It was good to read Jackie's post--i have to be grateful when dd wants to do things with me, but I can't expect it.
thanks Janet. I'm just having a down day I guess. Had some liquid calories with the kids and I am about to go to bed and hope that tomorrow will be another day. They're partying on. . . Oh to be 21 and in love again! Anyway, here's the reply from my bro: There are over 2 dozen hotels with in less than a mile of the mall. It really comes down to price as most are somewhat new being built along with the growth of that area. The Days Inn is 5 miles away, but its a 4 lane "interstate" quality highway. The area is fine. I would not hesitate to stay there I'm fine with residence inn or whatever you pick. I can do my own room, or room with Peaches if she wants, or anyone else for that matter--as long as I can have my own bed and a cool room. DH tells me that my snoring is much better now, but I still do it sometimes, so that might not be attractive to some ppl. have a feeling that some of us will be up most of the night anyway. No, I can't eat soft bread, I just WANT to, and today I'm unhappy because I can't have what I want. It's not just about food either. It's just that food used to be something that I COULD have, and now that's gone too. I don't want to bring anyone else down with me, so I won't go on about it anymore. I'll just go to bed now. See you tomorrow!
OH I GET IT! Pi = 3.1415927. . . . (#1 son actually KNEW the number!)
don't know what Pi day is about. Sorry. I'm bumed. Despite sticking to the plan and even walking twice this week, I didn't loose. In fact I gained 1 1/2. Now, maybe it's because I moved the scale to another room b/c dd is home, but none the less I am really down. I have to travel next week, so it will be harder to stick to the program, but I will. Then I have to deal with Easter. . . This is getting old. Unlike most of you, food still is calling me. Oh, for a McDonalds fish sandwich, a Ruben Sandwich, or Bailey's Irish Cream to celebrate St. Patty's. I am hopeless. Utterly hopeless.
My regret: That I didn't know about the Mexico option sooner.
The fact of the matter, Janet, is that you have enough--as you say it--drama--in your own life right now--who cares what's going on across the country with yet another celeb? It really hurts us when our kids are hurting, and I'm sure seing your ds and dil unhappy is taking its toll on you--even more so since you can't do anyting about it. Just be there for the kidos. Karri--Without knowing a lot more about your situation, about all I can say is to think it through before you pick up and move to follow someone who doesn't have a secure job and no prospect of one in the future. It's a lot easier to get a job while you're still employed than to move and start looking for one afterwards. OK, I'll admit it, I am jealous of all you size 8's and what? an XS top?!! Man on Man! Maybe if I can swing a TT i might, someday, fit into an 8, but right now, I was thinking I was doing pretty good at 14. Hats off to you guys! As my kids would say: You rock! Ruby, I said a prayer for you just now. It will be good to see you check in and let us know that all went well and you are delighted with the results.
Some say the there are enzymes in pineapple juice that help dissolve stuck food. Others say to buy papaya enzyme tablets. I do think you should call your doctor about what you should be eating at this point. Your esophagus is going to be irritated and swollen after this and you need to let things heal up. It wouldn't surprise me if they tell you to stick to liquids for awhile.
I emailed my bro about the hotel, I'll let you know what he says. I think I stayed at an Embasy Suites one time. That could be fun too. As for what else to do? There are a lot of art festivles in the summer, also lakes and beaches. Night clubs, I'm sure there will be plenty to do that weekend. Here in the north, we take full advantage of our summers as the rest of the year it's just too cold. I'm sure that as we get closer to July I can have my bro check into what's going on locally.
Wheetsin--Have you considered a nurse-midwife? They have a more holistic, patient-centered approach that might be a fit for you. Look for the credential CNM--they have a master's degree in nursing and only care for healthy moms. Lay midwives are uncredentialed and unregulated--some are good, others not so much. CNM's usualy deliver in hospitals and have physician back up to doeal with complicatons. My sister is an OB-GYN, but she has a lot of confidence in the CNMs she worked with. Good luck!
Karri--Where are you going for $8500? After reading your posts, I'm thinking that now is the time to start looking into it. I can not wait to see your after pics! I can see why the doctor told you to up your calories. Once you have the surgery, you'll be able to see more of the positive results of all your hard work, and you'll realize how thin the rest of you really is!
Wow, Karri. You've had a really good day! I am very happy for you. Did you ever in your wildest imagination ever think that you would ever be a modle in a photo shoot? You're going to have to start practicing posing and whatever else modles have to do! Hair, makeup, wardrobe--what fun!!! Well, you deserve it, kiddo. Of course, it goes without saying that you'll have to post the pics for us. Just think of all the people that will be inspired by you! Congratulations!
Ruby--That's so cute!
Just so ya know where I'm coming from, Peaches. I adore my future daughter-in-law who was born in London and has family in Sarnia too. She has dual citizenship now, but she claims Canada as "home." What's amazing is that one of my son's best friends who is standing up in his wedding also married a Canadian girl and I adore her too. Can't say that I've ever met a Canadian that I didn't like!
Oh, Stephanie. You have me seriously worried hon. Keep sipping the fluids, and let us know what happens to you.
While I agree that quoting unreferenced statistics may not be particularly helpful, sometimes you have to be a little confrontational to be supportive. I think that thoes of us who's reply could be considered "confrontational" had the intent to encourage the OP to consider other options instead of her "either-or thinking." Enabling behaviors that accept all things may give a person a warm and fuzzy feeling of being OK, but do not promote the kind of personal growth or change in attitude that this OP needs.
I get you, Janet. Even though I am technically married, in many ways I am single like you. DH has his own life, his own interests, his own work-ethic, which has always come first in his life leaving me pretty much alone most of the time. Sure, now he enjoys some things about our kids, but never the disciplining, homework, feeding, nurturing, day-to-day parenting stuff. Just the fun stuff like working on projects together or joking around (often at my expense). If he were out of my life, I woundn't be looking to replace him either. Sure, I'd miss some things. He's great at home improvement projects (when he thinks they're important) and he's been financially agressive when it comes to saving and investing so we should have a fairly decent retirement. So, yeah, I get it. I do think that to some degree my eating habit stems from not being satisfied in my marriage among other things.