Hey, I'm new here. I'm sure this has been said time and time again not only in this support site but in general. I am yo-yo'ing with my decision.
I want the outcome. I want to be successful. I want (and need personally & medically) to lose weight.
I am going through the steps to get the surgery. I will likely get it done. However, from time-to-time in my head I back out and have a 'normal' life.
I really thought that after the group consultation (1st initial meeting) and some more reading I was set on surgery. VSG in particular.
Today I went to my first dietician appt (I had previously seen a diabetes dietician...about 2 months prior). I have to write down what I eat and show it for the next 3 classes.
I don't like this feeling. I don't want someone to scrutinize my eating habits. (Please be assured I know that the we have to record it to track eating patterns, be accountable, show that I'm making changes, and all that jazz.) I just feel that this woman who hasn't had the same struggle with weight (severe obesity) is going to look at my log and make me feel bad if I went and had some fast food. I feel like I won't get to have surgery if I write down I had a cookie. Do I have to put why I ate the damn cookie? Can't I want a cookie...I wasn't sad or stressed or lonely or depressed...I just wanted a cookie. I don't know why.
I'm also feeling I'm going to struggle with this non-starchy vegetable thing. The only veggies I really like are the bad ones apparently. Just make myself choke down some non-iceberg lettuce with dinner?
If I'm feeling like this now how will I feel post-op? (Which due to my work schedule may not be until the end of March...and I'm doing this all now...luckily I was told to do the food journal now for all of my classwork and it'll be good for a year)
After all of my yo-yoing I'm sure I won't pass the psych eval so I'm probably worried over nothing... (kinda sarcasm here)
I just don't want a life that revolves around food. It just seems that's what my life will be. Calories, Proteins, carbs, calories, proteins, carbs, repeat. Oh...and exercise.
I don't even know if I have a question. This seems more like a blog post than a forum one and for that I'm sorry. I just wanted to get this out there in sleeve land. I haven't really seen any posts where people regret it.
I guess my biggest fear is that I'll fail. (No, I don't want to sit around eating Cookies all the time...I've even lost 20 pounds before any pre-op stuff...I just want to not feel guilty if a cookie is enjoyed. No, a cookie probably does not taste better than healthy feels...but hell, I wouldn't really know. It's just I guess that 'cookie' is representative of free will or whatever...)
I want to be post-op, healthier, fitter, leaner, and feel normal not like a calorie hawk.
Again, sorry for just rambling what is in my mind.