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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to BillieLou in Rebooting the system   
    Hi. Wanted to give an update on the System Reboot now that week 1 is done. It has been a very good week, I have not felt hungry, I have been getting all my Fluid (except for Saturday - which I will get into in a moment), and I have lost 4 pounds.
    Overall last week was typical and I maintained eating 4 ounces of Protein and 3 ounces of fruits or veggies at each meal. I have found the wonderful Koolaid SF liquid flavoring (Cherry is my fav) and it has helped me to control my sweet craving and get all my Fluid in. Saturday was a bit of a crazy day - was so busy and I didn't have any way to carry my Water with me. Need to not let this happen.
    My goal for this week is to start adding in a some exercise now that I have been cleared by the Dr. I am going to start by using my stationary bike and doing some basic strength exercise at home.
    Thank you everyone for your support.
  2. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to Alex Brecher in VSG to DS   
    Not yet. We plan on launching our new site September 29th. Please connect with me after that point and I'll get it set up asap.
  3. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to buplee in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    It's not too late to get started again. You lost 100lbs and have maintained a 92lb loss for 2 years. Give yourself a hand. Wake up tomorrow and throw out the carbs and start back on your exercise regiment. You did it once and can get where you want to be. Good luck to you.
  4. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from Victorian in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Wow, thank you guys!. I wasn't expecting to get such postive responses. It's very motivational.
    AtlantaRed: I would advise you to keep that attitude - that foods are drugs. I played fast and loose with those danger foods and now the monkey is back. I went for a year with no white bread, candy or soft drinks. Then i thought well I'll see if a little bit won't hurt and it will taste so good since I haven't had it for so long. But a little bit turned into more and now I can eat a whole Reeses with no problem and eat a cheeseburger with the bun and all. Something I couldn't do at first. Wish I had never started it back.
    I do not regret the sleeve. I still think it's the best I could have done for me. I now feel like I have the ability to control my weight - I just have to actually exert some effort.
    But yes, you guys have inspired me. I will drink a Protein shake today and go for a walk.
  5. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  6. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to BillieLou in Rebooting the system   
    Hello. I am new to Vertical Sleeve Talk but I am not new to a sleeve. I had my surgery on 4/25/2011. I did really good for the first year but this year has been a bit rough. I have had some health issues (wrist injury) which caused me to be pretty much house bound for 6 weeks but it interfered with my ability to exercise for the past 3 months. Before this issue I had hit a plateau about half way to my goal weight.
    At this point I have decided that I need to do a system reboot. This system reboot includes:
    1. Finding a support community that understands what it is like to live with a VSG
    2. Start eating according to plan again
    3. Re-read my bariatric support books that helped me learn about life after surgery
    4. Start a new exercise program that will accommodate my healing process (post ECU translocation)
    5. Find out the true size of my sleeve by doing the Cottage cheese test (it is 6 - 7 ounces)
    I am hoping that this thread will be beneficial to anyone who is also in need of a "System Reboot" and that together we can make it to our final goal weights together.
  7. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to FRED1977 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    I think you may want to do more cardio to help with such a small amount to loose and lower your carb intake. I think my body at times refuses to drop weight when I have to many carbs in my system. I have noticed that carbs do keep me feeling fuller at times. I also noticed that I feel like certain foods stick to my sleeve (maybe its in my head). If you can try walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day at a 10% incline to see if you can burn enough calories over a period of a couple of weeks.
  8. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to slimagainsoon in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Wow, after two years you only gained eight pounds after losing 100! That's amazing! I will be 49 in a few months and yes the back pain does not goes away. I was hoping it would because the doctors said if you lose weight it may go away. However, I have degenerate disk disease so I have to tolerate it. I hate taking pain meds but sometimes it gets so bad and I can't sleep like now, and I have to. I am nine months out and had joined a gym but only went a few times. I bought some weights to tone my arms. I believe, I can exercise better at home. I am going to get a bike to ride with my foster son. He is more excited then I am. I am also going to get a stationary bike to exercise when weather is too bad. Drink plenty of Water and eat five to six small meals a day. My dr said more is less to get the metabolism moving. So good luck, and stay encouraged you can do this! You have done great!
  9. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to barbmeow in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Sharon your story is all our story. You just hit it before some of us have. We will all find ourself at the crossroads of old eating behaviors, and I don't feel like exercising today. We all got overweight by doing that behavior for years. Your cautionary tale will help me. Thank you for your brave words and for taking hold of your weight gain, before you lose control completely. You just need to get back on the right way of eating and take a little walk from time to time.Find a place outside your home you like to be, go out and take in the beautiful sites, even if it is a mall.100 pounds amazing. Congratulations.
  10. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to ArnoldS in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Thank you for your post, Sharon. I appreciate your stepping up and sharing your experience. I think that took a lot of courage. You helped me. I will forever remember your words. So, thanks again.
    I do wish the best for you. Hopefully, you'll get motivated to give up those carbs again.
    Hugs, Sharon
  11. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to AtlantaRed in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Thank you for posting! I'm not sleeved yet. However, I was just talking with my husband today and said I hoped I would be able to not even "try" the foods that I shouldn't eat. I'm hoping to be able to treat them like drugs, so instead of trying bread or Pasta to see if I can eat them, I hope to never find out in the first place and assume that I can't tolerate them!
    I actually like low carb foods and really enjoy exercising, just harder to do these days at this weight.
    Since you've only regained 8 pounds so far, it's a great time to nip it in the bud and get back to it!
    I'm hoping to have my surgery in December. What advice would you be giving me? Let's do this!
  12. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to gamergirl in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    There's a vets forum where people might be able to help you as well. Several if them are dealing with what you seem to be feeling re being able to eat more etc. if you lost 100 lbs and have only gained back 8, that's pretty fantastic though, right? You seem to be catching the regain early.
  13. Like
    Weyrwoman reacted to Masf1220 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    I am sorry you didn't get to were you wanted to be in your weight. But remember why you did it in the first place. You were strong enough to do the surgery and lose the weight. Now you have to find that interperson and listen to it again and start eating right and getting more active. I have not had my surgery yet. It is the 24th of this month, and I know it is hard to exercise when you don't have anyone to do it with. But we both have to get moving for a better life.
  14. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  15. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  16. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  17. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  18. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.
  19. Like
    Weyrwoman got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in 2 years out and still obese. :(   
    Hi. I'm Sharon and I'm 49 years old. I had the sleeve in 2011. I lost 100 lbs. over the next 11 months or so. Then it stopped. This past year I have held steady mostly but crept up about 8 lbs. give or take.
    I know I didn't do it right. The first year was wonderful. I could eat just a little bit and have that full feeling and still lose weight. But now I can eat a lot more before I feel full and it's causing me not to lose weight. I also eat carbs again. And I don't exercise enough.
    LOL. So yes, I've done everything wrong. But I'm still glad I had the sleeve. It's made it possible to wear clothes that are not made by a tent-maker and I can move around without as many aches and pains. Still have a lot of back pain but that's arthritis that weight loss has not helped.
    I never got my BMI under 30. I have considered doing the DS but I know that if I keep eating carbs it probably won't help much in the long run.
    Just thought I would come here and see if I could get motivated to do the whole diet and exercise thing again. And maybe recapture some of the excitement of those first months when I was losing and feeling so great!
    Just take my advice anyone who is new: Do NOT eat until you feel full and keep exercising and don't go back to the carbs. It is a good thing to have a VSG but it is still diet and exercise that you have to do.

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