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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SuperFab

  1. So I've been using a Protein Shake for the last 6 months that I love. I actually brought it with me to my nutritionist appt and it was better than the bariatric shake suggestions!! Nutritional value and taste! 26g Protein in 1 serving So I wanted to share since I've been reading about everyone's shake nightmares. Slim Fit by Numedica. Dutch chocolate www.naturalhealinghouse.com

    Do you know how many carbs are in it and the % RDA of Vitamins?

  2. It's so nice to have a bunch of people going through this together and all being sleeved so close together. I love it!

    Me too. You feel less alone. Your friends make you stronger and it makes you feel good to be there for them and know they are cheering you on as well. It's so great to actually talk to someone who honestly knows what you're going through and creates a sort of kinship.

  3. Just don't stress too much. It didn't help me at all. I think your approach to the diet is smart and will prevent detox headaches. But you also have a lot of time and don't need to deprive yourself of some foods you enjoy now that you may not be able to enjoy post-op. for me, I enjoy spicy foods. So when I could, I would get them because a lot of folks on here can't handle them post op. some people can't handle eggs, or dairy. So if an opportunity presents itself for you to enjoy something like that take it.

    I agree. I didn't go all out on a rampage, but there were some foods that I needed to say goodbye to. Not "see ya later", but "goodbye".

    I have my favorite little Italian place and went there for me favorite Pasta. Had my favorite deep dish pizza and my fave Mexican dish. I planned those out and I'm glad I did. There are alternatives to those. Like using thin layers of zucchini in place of Pasta in my lasagna, or using a cauliflower Pizza Crust, etc. and I'll take advantage of those sometime down the road. But I needed my goodbye. It really helped with my pre-op diet.

  4. My surgery is Monday at 11:00am and I know where you are right now. What has helped me get over the jitters is to keep reminding myself why I decided to do this in the first place and what I can look forward to because of it. God bless and prayers for a successful and uneventful surgery and recovery.

    Lots of good luck and wishing you well tomorrow!!!!

  5. I have surgery tomorrow. (If you count today Monday) and I'm still excited. I'm sure the nerves will get to me eventually.

    But... The past month I have been overly emotional and I know that it's because I'm feeling so many different emotions about this surgery all at once. There were more days of excitement than anything, but I get bitchy, sad, scared, depressed. Lol. It doesn't help that I have bipolar disorder either :)

  6. Does it ever become a bit much, watching others take the steps we are anxiously awaiting? I want to write a post about my surgery date. I'm sorry guys I'm just venting. This is more mental than physical right now.

    I didn't get my surgery date til the end of January and I started this process in September. It's been 6 months and it seems to have really went by super fast.

    Watching others only motivates me more. I get to see so many successes. It's great.

    I can honestly say that I'm happy I had sessions with my nutritionist. She only works with bariatric patients and at each appointment I gained a wealth of knowledge. Also, this site has helped prepare me in so many ways.


  7. Be careful! You have further to travel than I did. And I was too out of it to care about my phone or iPad. I just wanted to sleep. So I bought an extension cord just for the stay and it didn't get touched until I got home Friday night. Lol.

    I will probably update. I just can't be held responsible for and grammatical errors. Lol

  8. Oh girls. Tonight has been an epic fail on trying new stuff. Haha I tried the Soups my doc sells. Terrible. I tried the strawberry Protein powder. Terrible. The only thing that turned out is that I bleached my hooker roots, and it went as it usually does. Though it should since I'm licensed and stuff. Hah.

    That sucks. What soups were they?

    I made my New Direction broc n cheddar Soup with home made chicken stock that was seasoned deliciously. It was so good.

    Thank goodness your hooker roots are gone. Thought we were gonna have to change your name into a hooker name. Like "Cinnamon" or something.

  9. Tomorrow is the day for my surgery. On all liquids now. A lady I met at the pre-op meeting had her's Fri and she is keeping me up on how she did and is doing. She'll stop in Tues to see me since she will be at the hosp for the post op learn how to eat class. Glitter and KS how are you guys going? Super F how are you and Sara Jane? I'm not nervous but will be glad when it's over and I'm on the way to better health. It's our week ladies and we're going to rock it. :)

    So excited for you!!! We will be with you all the way!!!

    I'm doing well, still excited. Lol, like Jen, I'll pack my bags tomorrow. At the last minute. Haha

  10. That pain from coughing can be nasty. That may be what caused my pain in my ribs. I originally thought it was trapped gas. I only worried about a possible clot after the calf pain started. I am not having a terrible recovery, however this is the toughest time I have bad recovering from an operation. This is the third time many of my incisions were used for a laparoscopic procedure and I had so much trouble waking up from anesthesia that its just been harder than I'm used to.

    Ok, I just got on and I almost freaked out reading what was going on. Seriously. Thank goodness you are all right. I was scared for you. You better take it easy and get all your fluids and I won't come kick your butt.

    Just keep swimming, Dory!

  11. I am day three post op today i had some greek yogurt my doc said i could go right to pureed foods but i did not feel ready just trying to get my Protein in. My 10 day liquid was tough day one and ten day i had gotten huge headache probably detoxing from the 200 grams of carbs daily (i have been using lose it app to track food) thank goodness i was able to take an excedrin migraine! Day before surgery no protein clear liquids was tough felt hunger pangs but figured i had enough fat to survive the day (ha ha!) in the end i did a good liquid diet doc said my left lobe shrunk and he said that helped surgery go well i was not supposed to eat but i had a piece of grilled chicken the first couple of nights and then on occasion at night I also had a yogurt everyday finally five days before surgery we had a big party and I had a piece of steak shrimp and chicken and my liver still shrunk! I guess no fat / carbs is the trick i figured post op protein is the key so that's what i did pre op i was hardly hungry and drank a lot of everything.

    Glad everything went well. I'm starting day 13 today.

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