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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SuperFab

  1. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Thank u! Thought it's time to change it. Lol. I'm so glad that you're doing so well. Was sooo happy to finally hear from you. I think I was more nervous than anyone. I'm a freak like that.
  2. So that's a no. Premier is the most recommended RTD shake on this site. I love it with a splash of torani sf raspberry syrup and it has 30g carbs. Some ppl, like me, aren't allowed Greek yogurt on their preop. But I'll definitely give it a try after I'm cleared to. I've tried unjury, about time, new direction, bariatric fusion and Bariatric Advantage. The only one that didn't make me gag or make me sick was about time. It has like 5 ingredients and you can pronounce every one. Uses stevia as a sweetener.
  3. SuperFab

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Oh hell no. No way. I could not do it. I'm getting light-headed just thinking about it.
  4. SuperFab

    Pre op diet

    Lol. I call that "hangry". Hungry+angry= hangry
  5. Have u tried premier? I found them the most palatable of all I've tried
  6. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I hope everything goes well. It's a very difficult diet. My son brought home a little Caesars pizza and crazy bread. But I didn't partake Bc I'm needing to know I have control over my eating habits. Me. In control. Sweety, please, please, please get back on track tomorrow. We are here for you and I know it's hard but this is go time. We are in the end zone here.
  7. SuperFab

    Premier Protein Shakes

    I get mine from SAMs in Sherman tx I know SAMs and costco carry them.
  8. SuperFab

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Too bad we aren't at the same hospital. We could race around the floor trying not to tangle our IV's. Why do they want us 2 and a half hours early. Bad as catching a dang plane.
  9. You can thin it with a little almond milk or branch out n try different types and textures. It's definitely hit or miss with them.
  10. Gotta try different types. My favorite are premier chocolate. Yum
  11. SuperFab

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Hey there!!! Yeah I'm really excited, but dang am I wiped out. It's like this lack of calories just caught up with me today. No energy at all. I was a bit disappointed. I was told to call today between 2-5 and they would tell me when to be at the hospital for surgery Tuesday. Nope. I have to call Monday. So I won't know what time til Monday afternoon. Also, this pre-op diet stinks. Just getting that out there. In case nobody knew. Lol I can't see the moon for the clouds, but maybe they'll part for me.
  12. SuperFab

    Premier Protein Shakes

    Jeez I'm blind!!! U said 24 pack. Ok ok. I'm on the same page as u now.
  13. SuperFab

    Premier Protein Shakes

    My 12 pack is $19.88 of premier. Yours is almost double that
  14. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Me too! You're the leader of our pack!! Lol I'm happy as heck to see you on here. Now you're gonna have to let us know how things go once you get home, sista
  15. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I actually got a full 4 hrs strait with it on last night, which is rare. Mine has a memory card instead of a modem and they check it every 90 days. I'm hoping to get some rest and wake up refreshed tomorrow Bc I've got a whole apartment to pack up. Moving around the first of March. We can do it, it just isn't easy.
  16. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Thanks Jen. I know. I just didn't want to place myself in a position to be overcome with the food around me. But I'll be ok. It does totally suck balls though
  17. SuperFab

    Headache Anyone?

    Omg. Days 1-3 were killer. I wasn't a soda or coffee drinker but I was a carb freak. I must've been getting all the carbs n sugar out of my system Bc it felt like my head was in a vice. April
  18. SuperFab

    Pre op diet

    You did not go through everything you have to weaken now. You're stronger than this pre-op diet. I've read your journey as you posted. You got this.
  19. SuperFab

    Premier Protein Shakes

    That's a lot more than I pay so I'll probably pass, but it sounds divine
  20. SuperFab

    Pre op diet

    Shaylove, go read the encouragement needed thread. Yes, you can do this. I'm on day 11 and haven't snapped and roasted my dog for dinner yet. If I can do this so can you
  21. SuperFab

    Premier Protein Shakes

    There's a strawberry?!?!?! Woohoo!!!!!!!
  22. SuperFab

    Encouragement needed preop diet blues

    Day 11 for me. First, put the candy away. If it's your kid's have them put it away. I'm gonna tell you what they said to me about pre-op diets. It's not just about shrinking your liver. It's about whether or not you can even be compliant. They may not know if you cheat. But YOU'LL know. You'll know whether or not you are ready for this type of change. After surgery is easier with true hunger. But you'll have to have your head on straight to fight head hunger. This is a way to see if you can do it. And you know what, you can. This is hard. It sucks. I'm tired. I'm hangry (hungry+Angry= hangry) but I'm not going to fail this and neither are you. This is your restart. You actually get to reset your metabolism and it's a one-time opportunity. Guzzle Water, eat sf Jello, eat sf pudding. Chew on a staw if you need to chew something, but do not let food beat you.
  23. SuperFab

    Pre op diet

    I'm drinking a TON of water and it doesn't help me. I have to take 2 stool softeners a day and I MIGHT, if I'm lucky, go.
  24. SuperFab

    Day two post op

    Jeez girl, sorry it's been rough for you. Hang in there. I was actually thinking about you last night wondering how u were doing
  25. SuperFab

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Day 11 of my pre-op diet I'm really tired. I don't feel like I'm gonna roast my dog and eat her anymore or anything and the hunger is still gone but I still feel "empty". I guess I was used to always feeling full Bc I was such a volume eater. I am a bit concerned Bc the scale went down the first 3 days and that's it. But I'm following my plan so it is what it is. Of course on day 13, which is Sunday, I'll be around all kinds of food which sucks. We always have a "The Walking Dead" watch party at my sister's on Sundays and there will be a lot of food. I'm gonna take my lil puddin cup and some protein powder and some soup I guess. Maybe a shake. Ugh. April

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