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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ksprite0305

  1. I was sleeved 10/28/13. I have lost 42 lbs, but I've stalled. I haven't lost a single pound in a MONTH! I take all my vitamins, focus on protein, and never eat more than 4 oz at a time. I'm thinking I've stalled because I don't work out anymore. I know that's a HUGE part of the process, but I'm so tired. I have to have at least 10 hours of sleep or I can't function. And I sleep straight through like the dead. It's not the kind of tired where u work 8 hrs a day and have to live life kind of tired, but the "I've been hit by a bus tired. " I have zero energy. My husband has to wake me up at 730 at night to go get in the bed because I pass out wherever I'm at. Over the weekend we shopped at one store and then went to a restaurant and I almost fell asleep in the booth! My bloodwork came back normal so my surgeon says he doesn't have an answer for me. Is anyone else dealing with this or dealt with it? And why am I such a space cadet these days? Sometimes I walk into a room and forget what I'm doing there. ... and no I'm not pregnant. ... just so so tired. Someone please relate! In the mean time I'm going to crawl under my desk and take a nap and hope nobody needs me or walks in my office.
  2. ksprite0305

    pain... pain... pain

    Same problem here. Had to go back and see my doc the pain was so bad. Tomorrow I'll be sleeved 3 weeks. I took two weeks off of work to recover and felt pretty good. By the second day back at work i couldn't move or touch that area. My doc said maybe I just over did it and gave me some mobic. I wear a brace around my stomach 24/7 and I swear by it.
  3. I need some advice. I'm on pureed foods right now. I'm having sooooo much trouble getting anything down smoothly outside of water. My husband says I'm eating everything to fast (everything meaning the cream soups I've tried and the sugar free pudding). When I eat these foods I get alot of stomach pains and air in my chest and throat. Its awful and sounds like there is a little monster trying to claw its way out. I feel like I'm eating slowly and I can't imagine how to slow it down anymore. Any thoughts? ........ cause this s%#t sucks!
  4. ksprite0305

    Some advice please

    Thanks guys. I'm just so paranoid that I'm not cut out for this. I'm never hungry. I just eat because I know I'm supposed to and I guess I'm just inhaling it to get it over with. I'm sooooo scared I'm going to stretch my sleeve out. It's the only thing I think about while I chug LOL! Baby spoons. Good idea. I'll still definitely talk to my doc on Thursday at my first post op appt. Thanks again!
  5. I'm new here and this is my first post. My husband suggested I reach out and talk to the people who know best (I think he was referring to health care professionals....but if you want the nitty gritty, you have to go to the people who REALLY know!) I am a military wife and am moving right along with the steps to the surgery. My husband was/is very supportive about this decision. My mother is not, but she keeps quiet ( I think it's more out of fear because I am her only daughter and the youngest and besides....Mamma's don't like their babies having the majority of one of their organs removed!) My best friend (and Im not talking about someone I've known for like a year or two, I mean attached at the hip for the last 15 years type of best friend) she is definitely NOT in support of this decision. More on all this at a later post. I wonder if I'm taking this SERIOUSLY. I know all about the hard work, the ups and downs and the losing and regaining, the slowly not being able to fit into those FANTASTIC jeans that you loved so much and were soooo proud of when you could finally get down to the size to fit them but as you gain weight they just get a little tighter and tighter until they also go into that stock pile of "my skinny" clothes that lurk in the back of the closet. BELIEVE ME, I KNOW!!!! I have battled my weight as far back as I can remember. I remember the elementary school wanting to put me on a "suggested" diet in the 2nd grade and me going on my first "official" diet when I was 12.......18 years later....here I am!!! Ok. So what I'm getting at is that I'm no stranger to being overweight, losing it, and putting it right back on.....but when I think about my stomach being "mostly" cut out.....I don't really feel anything. No jitters or butterflies.......almost like it's not real. The hard work does not frighten me. The pain that comes with the surgery does not frighten me. My eye is on the prize. I imagine my perfect self (and in this order.....a little vain, but come on, you've done it too) 1. Wearing a very fashionable, classy, and slimming outfit that becomes me so I can show myself off...you know, the kind that turn a few heads and gets u a little attention 2. Jogging the neighborhood with my husband and keeping up with him (and yes I'm talking about one of them "commercial" jogs. You know the ones where you are just trotting along, not out of breath and smiling, waving at the neighbors.....and nothing is jiggling that shouldn't be jiggling) and 3. playing in the front yard with my future kid. I mean REALLY playing and not sitting on the front steps and just watching the action. That's me. My perfect self. It's far fetched I know. Real world is that heavy or not, 1. the perfect outfit is out there its just by the time I put it all together I'm super late for whatever I'm wearing it for, my husband is aggravated and cussing and it usually rains during all my special occasions and my hair frizzes 2. Anybody who is jogging, smiling and waving at the same time deserves to be run over. 3. I know the future kid is out there, but get real. There has to be a reason that I am 30 years old and only own two dogs...right.....right? So, is this real? Are there other pre-stomachless people out there who feel the same as me? Undaunted by surgery, the risks, and "THE DIET OF ALL DIETS" and living in some la-la land dreaming about my perfect self??
  6. I appreciate the comments on this topic. I don't even want to get into my many diet stories/nightmares. Hard work, sweat, and tears.....been there, done that. I did not wake up one morning and say....."you know what, I think I'll have my stomach removed in the following months. Let me mark my calendar." I have thought about this for a while now. I actually have a couple of girlfriends who have had WLS and one is in incredible shape and the other did not lose the weight and is still quite heavy. So, I think I know a little bit about both sides of the coin. I do take the surgery quite seriously.....it was not even my first choice of WLS, the LapBand was. But, after reading all the negative things that may come with the LapBand in years down the road, I opted for the more "drastic" approach. Yes. I am scared. Not being able to guzzle water after a good workout. Not being able to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner and eat until my heart's content all those wonderful foods that don't come around often. Losing my hair. Leaks in my staples. Possible DVT after surgery!! Hell, I even read about this weird DNA mutation that has happened to people who have had WLS where if they eat to much protein their body rejects it and if they don't get enough nutrients...well, we all know what happens there! I won't go into detail some of the more disturbing possibilities that have went through my head. I could write a horror movie OK? I really do appreciate the comments and I respect them and take them to heart. But I do want to thank Gomekast. I think you were exactly what I needed in this bump in the road. I know the risks to the surgery. I was just doubting myself for a minute because I was confused that my mind wasn't thinking about what everyone else was thinking about. I guess......well, for example...I know that doing a "commercial" jog around the neighborhood would make me healthier. I know if I did it religiously and ate celery morning,noon, and night I may could get to that "perfect" self. I also know that I could be attacked by a dog during that "commercial" run and left in the middle of the road unable to crawl away just to be run over by a car like a speed bump. Yes, I know there is work to be done and scary things can happen, but that's just not me. I would rather laugh then cry (or cry and laugh at the same time because it's equally good) I would rather focus on all the good that can come because that is what makes the hard things worth it. Thank you Gomekast!!! I am not a freak of nature....my stride is just a little different....just like yours I suppose? ( I hope this isn't offensive, but what's your picture about anyway...it looks like you are holding a pair of rabbit balls???)
  7. LOL! Yeah you get my drift! Lets go for our "commercial" run but lets pretend that we are wearing our "perfect" outfits while we do it! That will get us closer to perfection! I'm very open about this stuff you know? I refuse to believe that there is a single soul out there who is like "I just want to be healthy".....and nothing else?.......not a single little something else? Of course! I want to be healthy. I don't want diabetes like my father's entire side of the family, but I want to like what I see in the mirror too!!! Give me a tank top and let me rock it for once with some confidence!! That's all I'm saying. I don't have any famous people quotes to add to this
  8. You are absolutely right LI Gemini NY! Being smaller would not make me perfect......what? with this foul temper of mine!?!...it would take A LOT more than a surgery to get me there. The fact is I'm far from perfect, as are most people. And that is the main reason for my post. Like I said, I have lost and regained and experienced the highs and lows....so I know what is coming. The surgery is not the perfect fix. I have to do the work to get the results....to get that "perfect self"......and I feel that the risks and the work should be at the forefront of my mind. This is serious!!!!! This is going to be sooooo hard!!!..... BUT, its not. I feel like my mind is kind of skipping a step and going for the gold. It's skipping right to the things that I would be able to do....the things that I think and dream about doing all the time ( and yes, I would have to be smaller to make those things a reality for me) and that is why I am concerned. Is this a sign that I'm not that serious about the surgery....or not ready for it?

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