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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FitnFabfor2014

  1. FitnFabfor2014

    How long did you lose weight for?

    Hello Everyone, It's been a while since I have been on here. It will be 2.5 years in June. I was steadily loosing until November 2015. And the holiday pounds crept up on me and I gained 10lbs. It might as well be 50lbs. I am determined to NOT gain any more weight, but boy it's hard to get it off. I have started running and working out again, but it SUCKS. I look in the mirror and see those pounds trying to creep back up. I refuse to get back where I was. REFUSE! Now when I feel like I'm lazy I look in the mirror (and sad as it sounds) I am disgusted that I let myself gain it. The good thing is I now know what my major weight gainers are.....CARBS....those EVIL carbs. That I cut out 100%. They came knocking at my door all nice and sweet. Well, they just got the door slammed in their face! It's not happening. I used to like looking in the mirror, but those 10lbs have GOT TO GO!!!!! Good luck to everyone!
  2. Hi Everyone! I usually don't do much topic starting, but I thought I would share. One of the things I wondered about pre-sleeve is if I was going to be successful. I was the world's WORST dieter. I was even worse with sticking to anything long term. The sleeve has changed my life 100% for the better. Granted, there have been some adjustments that have to be made (like new allergic reactions to foods etc), but I wouldn't change this. I was walking in the mall last weekend and walked by Victoria's Secret. I have never purchased any bras (or anything matter of fact) from in there, my chest was just too big. I thought, what the heck, lemme check it out. I need new bras anyway (semi-annual sale, extra 25% COME ON!!). Let me start by saying I was a 42DD (even a 44DD at times this time last year), so I was a little apprehensive. I still think of myself as big (that still is taking some time to adjust to). I walked out of the store with a 34DDD and a 36DD, And they were sexy bras (too bad I am the only one that sees them lol)! I skipped all the way to the car! Woohoo!! I finally cut up my Torrid credit card (plus size store), and paid off the bill. Victoria's Secret here I come! I've gone from a tight 20, to a size 8/10, size medium/large shirts. The only thing that hasn't changed are my feet.....still an 11, but now I don't have to get wide width calves! I never thought I would have this opportunity! Thanks for reading, and have a FABULOUS day!
  3. Isn't it a great feeling to at least have the option to go into the store?! I love it!
  4. FitnFabfor2014

    soft food stage

    It was frustrating for me too during the soft stage. I couldn't stomach the protein shakes anymore. I did eat tuna, chicken salad, but I couldn't get much in (i got as close as I could). I was afraid when I went for my labs and the Dr saw my protein levels I would be so low. My labs were actually great. Just try to get as close as you possibly can. I stressed myself out so bad about getting in ALL the protein I think that is why I got kicked back to the pureed stage. My stomach just couldn't handle the soft foods yet. I ended up staying on pureed foods for 2 months (my choice, since soft foods became such a chore). You can try beans, chili, and cheese. There are tons of options (if ur able to tolerate them). Try a google search. Good luck to you!!
  5. FitnFabfor2014

    Choosing a goal weight- questions

    My Dr. said early on I should have a BMI of 25 and under. So for me 150-155lbs. I told myself my goal would be 160 first and then go from there. The thing is (and I'm sure you're heard this a million times), everyone's body is so different (body type, size etc). I love that I lost all the weight, plus some, but I am 100% happy at where my weight is now. I'm am currently hoping to tone, and maintain. I'm fine with no more weight loss, and my Dr. said I could stop loosing if I was comfortable with where I was with my weight. I just would look anorexic if I was in a size 5/6 (currently I am a 8/10). That's just me, I just don't have the body type to be super thin. Some people look great, I look like a bobble head.
  6. FitnFabfor2014


    Hi @@Jazmundo Try to think out things one at a time. I found myself getting overwhelmed trying to get fluids, Protein, walk, and deal with everyday life. I found that if I slowed down and tackled the most important (Water, fluids & rest early on), it was a little bearable. It's a major change, and does a serious head trip on you. Don't worry so much about the Vitamins, protein right now. Try drinking room temp, or warm liquids to start. When your comfortable try to incorporate protein. It's difficult in the beginning, I had buyers remorse too, but pretty soon you will be loving the new you even more than the previous you! Nothing says "I've made it", by getting on the scale and seeing you've lost the equivalent of a small human (I lost a 100lb human lol). Good luck! You can do it!
  7. FitnFabfor2014

    Question for 1 year post op...

    For me no bun, no burger (I can't eat bread anymore it makes me nauseous, great part of the sleeve). There is no want to eat burgers for me. I have tried fries, I can only eat a few (a quarter max of small fries). No shake. It will make me sick from all the sugar. My tastes have changed 100%. I'm not by any means saying I stick 100% to my program, but I have given up a lot for my new sleeve life. I must say something about McDonald's fries always sound good....in theory, until I get one in and my stomach says NOPE.
  8. Oh ya....that's exactly what happened to me! I was so excited about loosing, I never thought I would get any smaller. Ha, I proved myself wrong and didn't mean to! Congrats to everyone on your success!!
  9. FitnFabfor2014


    I find that when I get dizzy when I don't drink enough Water &/or haven't eaten enough. I have had a few of those drunk walking moments (when you are walking sideways into the wall to prevent yourself from falling on your face).
  10. FitnFabfor2014

    This surgery feels like a big mistake.

    I'm a year out. So I can eat more portions (not much). But even a small meal at a Japanese restaurant is good for me, and I brought food home. I can only eat about a few tablespoons of chicken & veggies (i don't eat rice or pasta), I've learned that is my norm....without pushing it. I also eat something every three hours. It helps me from feeling like I'm starving and over eating. I remember feeling the exact same way you did after surgery. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
  11. FitnFabfor2014

    This surgery feels like a big mistake.

    Hi, The first couple of weeks were very frustrating. I had to go back to the pureed stage for an additional month. It wasn't a cake walk, but it was the best thing for me. I learned what I could and couldn't tolerate. I am a year our and I can eat "almost" anything. There are some foods (pork) that my stomach can't stand. Some people can eat anything, but I am not one of them. It's ok with me though. There are so many other options out there. I never thought I would be able to eat anything good again. I was (and am) able to. Just went out for a friend's birthday dinner tonight. It felt great to look at the menu and order something I really wanted, instead of something that would have the biggest serving. When I was recovering I was really frustrated when people would tell me "It will get better"....it truly pissed me off lol, because I was so miserable. You will be able to enjoy food again, on a whole new level!!!
  12. FitnFabfor2014


    I love popcorn!!!! I don't eat it every day, but Skinny Pop is my favorite!!!! My treat food.
  13. FitnFabfor2014

    Arms ?

    I'm a year out, and I call them bat wings. I hate the sound they make when I put my arms down. If I could afford it that would be the first surgery I would get. In between my legs is bad too. I've been lifting weights and working out, but my body is still trying to catch up with the weight loss.
  14. FitnFabfor2014


    I was in the hospital for 2 nights/3 days (in on Monday out on Wednesday). I can understand your concern. When my Mom had her hysterectomy (in her 30's) she couldn't move. I'm hoping you will have low pain...
  15. FitnFabfor2014

    LOTS of post-op pain

    Nope! You are right! I was popping pain meds the first two weeks like candy. After I had my drain out I was all good. I don't know if it was a combination of the two or what, but it was not a walk in the park. I was out of work for 6 weeks, and thank goodness I had the time to recover!! Please don't feel like you are alone. I was not one of those who recovered and was back to work in 3-4 days . Everyone is different, but you will hopefully start feeling better after your first two weeks.
  16. FitnFabfor2014

    Anyone have regrets?

    I had buyers remorse also. So hard completely changing your life, when you have been living a certain way for so long. It's all about finding what works for you. Even if it means eating the same thing over and over because it's the only thing that doesn't make you sick. I remember being tired, in PAIN (because of the drain), hungry (and not at the same time lol), trying to get in my fluids and protein....so frustrated! I got tired of hearing "it will get better", because I was sure it wasn't. I was beyond frustrated. So I won't say those 4 little words, but just know it does.
  17. FitnFabfor2014


    Hi! Congrats on your approval. I was scared out of my mind also. Once I was in the room with the Dr. he calmed my nerves. The nurses were great and answered any questions I had. I found talking about random things helped calm my nerves. When I woke up in recovery the first thing the nurses asked me was if I was in pain. Don't be shy about saying YES if you are. I wasn't in much pain, very little on a scale of 1 to 10 (maybe a 3), but after I left the hospital my recovery went really well. I had a drain for two weeks, some people don't go home with one. It just depends on your doctor. The drain was the only set back for me. Otherwise ALL GOOD. Good Luck!!! And Congrats!
  18. FitnFabfor2014

    new to site

    Welcome! Good to hear you are doing good. I'm sure you've read all the different outcomes on here regarding the sleeve . At first it freaked me out, but I found out how lucky I was with my recovery. Good luck to you on your journey!
  19. I am one of those people who always had ALOT of hair, and hair loss (prior to surgery). I did notice more than usual hair loss between months 5-9, but it has really slowed down (back to whatever normal loss was). I stopped taking biotin because it didn't seem to be helping much. I'm trying to grow my hair out right now, tired of the short hair and its freaking cold outside!
  20. FitnFabfor2014

    Caffein free and craving orange juice

    I lived off of diluted orange juice. I started drinking it around month 3-4. It definitely helped me get my fluids in.
  21. We are in the exact same boat. I'm 5'5" I'm 155lbs now. A few people have asked me that question (are you sick? Is everything ok?), people have literally said, "Ok, stop loosing". I'm a size 8/10 depending on the clothes. My doctor told me with my height and body frame (and BMI) I can stop loosing weight and just maintain if I want, but I want wiggle room. I was told to start incorporating whole grains, and increase calories. I don't want to start eating carbs or increase calories just yet. I am increasing my workout to try and tone up....hoping I will look toned instead of "sick". I would have never in a million years have thought that I couldn't stop loosing weight haha, but I'll take it!!!!!
  22. I have a varsity football player, who is going into college ball. It actually makes cooking easier because I make sure he gets in more protein and less carbs, lots of veggies. I say what I eat, he eats. He's actually gotten used to it. He doesn't complain, and definitely isn't starving. The only difference is I have my tiny bowl, he has his mega plate haha.
  23. FitnFabfor2014

    Really constipated.. I think...

    Milk of magnesia works WONDERS, but you should take it before you get stopped up. I know this is TMI, but just imagine the plug already there and everything stopped up inside lol. It's not a pretty feeling when you actually do go. I was in extreme pain (I compared it to labor, but only the early contractions). I would suggest once you do go take a fiber supplement (you can get sme to add to your water) to help regulate. I had two bad occurrences in 1 year. Let's just say, that's the once thing I make sure I'm on top of haha .
  24. FitnFabfor2014

    Rant time.

    Hi, I was down after I had the surgery too. I couldn't drink, could eat, couldn't sleep. I actually had to go back to liquid/pureed at about 2 months. I was concerned things would never get better. They did. Your body will work it out. Just stick with what you can eat. Even if It's the same thing over and over. That's what saved me. As for the constipation, lemme tell you I was MISERABLE! I bought a huge jar of kirkland opitfiber (Costco brand of a fiber supplement) and Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Life changers! There is no feeling like being blocked up!!! That did the trick! You will find your groove, don't worry. It's just when it hits you all at once it feels like too much. Good Luck!!!

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