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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FitnFabfor2014

  1. FitnFabfor2014

    How long FMLA process takes?

    Hi. I gave my job 3 weeks notice (right after I was approved and got my time off letter from my doctor) . My job was really accommodating.
  2. FitnFabfor2014

    What happens to the boobies sfter the sleeve?

    haha, I can't afford one either. I wish! They are not firm, definitely not pancakes though (that goodness). Just, flabby. With the right bra they look great .
  3. Hi! That sucks that you had a rough start. I too had a drain after my surgery, it was taken out a week later. 90% of my pain was from the drain. I was popping percocet' s for the pain. Once the drain was removed I felt a LOT better. Hopefully the same will happen to you. Good luck with your recovery.
  4. FitnFabfor2014

    What happens to the boobies sfter the sleeve?

    Mine have sadly deflated! I went from a 42DD to (so far) a 38DD and I thank goodness for push up bras. The girls need as much help as they can get.
  5. FitnFabfor2014

    Does the number really matter?

    You can be successful. I read your post about the girl with the cheetos and M&M's. That was one of my fears, that I would revert back to old eating habits. The funny thing about the sleeve is some things you can not tolerate anymore and others you don't crave. I'm not saying everything goes away, the erg is still there. Today I tried a cookie...one cookie. I felt so sick and I threw it up. I won't be doing that any time soon. You can do it. The more you lose the more determined you become! Some people just lose slower than others. Good luck to you!
  6. FitnFabfor2014

    Does the number really matter?

    Hi. Because I know my OCD tendencies I choose not to own a scale. I am more than happy working on my body on my own without being obsessed with the scale. The last time I weighed myself was at my last Dr appointment in Feb. My next appointment in April I will find out how much more I have lost. So far I have gone from a size 20 to a 14 in 2.5 months. It works for me.
  7. FitnFabfor2014

    Throwing up white foam?!?

    Hi, I have that happen to me too, and I'm 2.5 months out. It always accompanies something that doesn't agree with me stomach. First my mouth fills up with saliva, then I vomit with the foam or slime. So wonderful.
  8. FitnFabfor2014

    Surprised in the fitting room :)

    ​Inspiring! I'm afraid if I lose too much I will look like a bobble head. You look amazing! I hear you about the deflating, If it were an option I would get a boob job. My girls are hanging low! Thank goodness for bras that perform magic tricks .
  9. Hi Everyone, I have struggled like nobody’s business post-surgery, at times it was hard to find where that limit was when I basically just threw up from being so full. Yup, that happened A LOT. I would eat a couple of bites and my food would make a special appearance. This was with measuring/weighing my food. I think I have finally figured out (YES FINALLY) what my limit is. Don't get me wrong this is still a work in progress. A lot of it had to do with foods my body just cannot tolerate anymore (like pork). I don't own a scale so I haven't weighed myself since my last Dr. appointment. I go to my appointment next month and I will find out my current weight is. So, today I finally decided I needed to go pick up a few pairs of pants and shirts. My clothes (18 pants and 2xl shirts) were so baggy they were dragging on the floor and baggy EVERYWHERE, not a cute look. So today I went to the mall. I walked into the store and immediately started feeling anxiety. I haven't tried on any new clothes since before my surgery; I wasn't sure how this was going to work out. I picked up a few outfits and handed them to the store clerk. Funny how when you have been large for so long you are used to picking up the sizes you are used to. SO, I picked up a few 16's (pre-surgery I was a tight 20 and 3xl shirts) and a few 2xl shirts. I tried them all on.....all of them were too big. I was swimming in them. The clerk came over to the room and asked if everything was ok. I said something I have NEVER said, "They are too big, do you have a smaller size?" She said "Sure, what size?" I said in a low unsure voice "How about a 14 pants and a XL shirt?" So she goes out and brings me back the smaller sizes. I try them on and they are TOO BIG!" WTH!?!?! A size 14 was too BIG. The XL shirts fit with plenty of room. To make a long story short I walked out of the store with a size 12 pants and a size L shirt. I would have NEVER thought I would be at this point in my life. I think the last time I wore a size 12 pants I was in 7th grade...I'm serious! I felt so great driving home. At 2.5 months post op I am at a size 12...a freakin size 12 !!!! On the flip side I need to do some serious butt toning exercises. I don't know where it went. I looked in the mirror and it disappeared! I hope I am not getting that horrible disease.....noassatall. I will be REALLY UPSET!
  10. FitnFabfor2014


    Congratulations! I know what you mean, I just posted my story on here. I went to the mall yesterday, because all my clothes are basically hanging off me and automatically went for the bigger sizes. When I walked out of the store I had (2) size 12 pants and (2) large shirts. I was a tight 20, and 3xl shirt post surgery. It takes some getting used to (this new size). I look at all the cute small shirts and think "no way", but now I may actually fit them! Great news on your weightloss!
  11. FitnFabfor2014

    Surprised in the fitting room :)

    Wow! Two years out? Congratulations! Thank you for sharing! Do you mind if I ask what size you started at and what size you are currently? It looks like you have done amazing! Are you happy with where you are currently? Thank you so much for your kind words. I can't remember the last time I was in this size to really enjoy and appreciate it. I will now! Good luck to you!!!
  12. FitnFabfor2014

    Driving After Sleeve

    My doctor said 1 week and as long as I was off all pain meds.
  13. FitnFabfor2014

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    HI! I'm on my fitness pal too if anyone would like to add me. It would be great to see what other sleevers are eating. My fitness pal is fitnfab42014.
  14. FitnFabfor2014

    3days post op pain

    I am getting a drain, I'm afraid of the pain when they take it out. Is that super painful? Some will say when they had it removed it didn't hurt. Mine sure the heck did. It only hurt for a second when he yanked it out. If the doctor was any closer he would have caught my foot for sure! The pain was really quick, but I think it HURT so much for me because having the stupid thing in was painful anyway.
  15. FitnFabfor2014

    3days post op pain

    I did! I had a drain for a week after surgery, and it was the cause of most of my pain. Once the drain came out so did 90% of the pain. I was living on percocet with that darn drain in! Hopefully you feel better soon!
  16. Hi when I was on pureed foods I did buy a few baby food fruits. Since I couldn't stomach the applesauce. My Dr. Said they were ok, as long as the sugar wasn't too high, but told me I shouldn't eat them after the pureed stage. I stayed mostly on liquids during the pureed stage (except for the occasional tuna or chicken salad). I am a texture person. I can't stand mushy foods . Good luck on your journey.
  17. I refuse to as well. I've been wearing leggings with long shirts for a month and a half. Actually, my leggings are starting to get too big, so I guess that's a good thing!!! Are you on Pinterest? I've found a ton if recipes that are similar in order to change things up a bit. For example, crock pot chicken recipes that change up the seasonings or sauces! You're doing great-keep on doing what you're doing! . Hi! I can relate with the leggings! I thought about buying some more yesterday, but I decided to wait. No I'm not on pinterest, thanks for the idea I will take a look. I have two cook books for weightloss surgery patients, but a lot of the breakfasts are for people who like eggs (I don't), and the dinners are "ok". I will take a look at pinterest, some new disease nice! Thanks, and good luck to you also!
  18. FitnFabfor2014


    I am only 2 months out, but I have gone from a 42DD to a 38DD. For now the cups still runneth over. I'm hoping they stay that way!
  19. Hi Jan. sleevers! My surgery was Jan. 7th. I couldn't wait until I was on soft foods, now that I am, it's a challenge, but I'm plugging along. I found my sleeve DOES NOT like pork. I'm not drinking Protein shakes (they just make me gag), getting most of my protein through food. Once in a while I have yogurts, but I'm sick of those too. I have been eating chicken, cheese, Beans and Turkey or chicken lunch meats that sit great in my stomach. I'm getting between 600-700 calories a day, but most days it's around 650. I walk daily for an hour, two days a week I walk 3.5 miles (we walk the lake). I'm so glad for the time change, now I can walk later and its still light out. It seems like I am able to hold less and less these days. My starting weight was 245, at my last appointment I was 207 (that was Feb), I won't know how much I weigh until my next appointment in April (I don't own a scale and don't want one). I do know I have dropped 3 pant sizes, 3 shirt sizes and 2 belt sizes (on notch 4 of 7 on my current belt). I'm taking all my Vitamins like a good girl. I refuse to buy new clothes, so I look a bit ridiculous with my baggy clothes, but I have my belt wrapped snug around my pants. I told myself I would splurge on month 5 or 6 (just in time for summer). It's strange seeing my reflection in the mirror when I walk by. I'm so used to seeing my stomach first. This transformation definitely takes some getting used to. Good luck everyone.
  20. I had the exact same problem. I took benefiber (from Costco) and put two scoops in my food or liquid (it just can be to hot liquids). I also purchased prunes (when I was approved for soft foods). The prunes work wonders. I eat 2-4 a day. After I started eating them I was "normal" again. I started going daily. I know you are probably still on liquids, but maybe you can dilute some prune juice or try some can of powdered Fiber to add. Boy, I was miserable too. Good Luck!
  21. FitnFabfor2014

    Not to Long Before My Surgery

    ​Congratulations! It will be here in no time!
  22. Leftovers. I am having chicken Soup from La Pinata. Chicken breast chunks, with potatoes, carrots and avocado. Delicious, and tender. It's taking me forever to finish it though. I think I'm good for one more night.
  23. FitnFabfor2014

    Got my date!

    Hi, when I was approved I was SO excited! Then I thought, oh crap what am I doing? Am I sure I want to do this? Am I going to be able to "follow the rules"? I can relate to what your saying. When the day came I was so nervous, but it went fine. Everyday is different, but I definitely don't regret it.
  24. FitnFabfor2014

    Very light headed- is this normal?

    I do remember when I went to my appointment my doctor said that if your B12 or B1 is off that can affect you (nausea etc). Just a thought, it may not apply to you, but it doesn't hurt to have it checked out. Are you taking any B1 or B12 supplements? My B1 was very low, I was so nauseous and dizzy (it didn't help that I was throwing up like a rock star), but I started taking my B supplements and noticed a definite difference.
  25. FitnFabfor2014

    Very light headed- is this normal?

    I was lightheaded and dizzy due to medication, and not drinking enough, but it sounds like you are drinking enough. Are you on any medications?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
