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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FitnFabfor2014

  1. FitnFabfor2014

    To Tell Or Not To Tell?

    I haven't told anyone at all. I just finished my six month requirement and Im waiting for approval. When/If I do get approved I will only tell one person and that's because I need a ride home from the hospital. Why should I tell anyone? If I loose or gain my business, my body.
  2. I will say a prayer for both of us! My paperwork was submitted to the insurance companythis morning (I called my insurance company to confirm it was received). The insurance comapny says 5 days for a response. I am on pins and needles. Good luck and hopefully you hear back soon. How long did you have for your insurance requirements? I had a six month waiting period. My last weigh in was yesterday.
  3. FitnFabfor2014

    Anyone Waiting On Approval?

    I am "officially" waiting for an approval. I called my insurance company and they received the claim this morning 12/06. They said I will have an answer within 5 days. Here come the pins and needles. "I hate this part right here!"
  4. FitnFabfor2014

    Anyone Waiting On Approval?

    Me too. My final weigh in is Thursday. I've completed everything. I'm a wreck! I hope I get approved. I've been waiting 6 months! They won't even tentatively schedule me until I am official....ugh!
  5. December seems so far away! I haven't been approved yet but, I am hoping since my last weigh in is December 5th my insurance will approve it in time for me to be sleeved by the end of December. Anyone one else out there not yet approved and hoping for a December sleeve? I see quite a few people already have their December date. How did your date get scheduled out so far in advance? My Dr. probably won't even try to schedule me until my insurance gives the OK.
  6. FitnFabfor2014

    Just Got Sleeved 11/26

    Congratulations! How is your recovery going now? How much time did you take off for your recovery?
  7. FitnFabfor2014

    My Mom Just Worked My Nerves

    Hi I am not telling anyone. My Mother is a worry wart and will ask me 21 questions until my ears bleed. I am hoping to have my surgery during the winter break so my son will be away visiting relatives. That will give me time to heal. I just don't want to hear anything until I'm ready to share. Jus1Nita I feel for you and the comparisons. In a few years you'll be able to see who is better off with the weight loss and maintaining. It's better that the pounds come of slowly instead of instantly. It gives your body the chance to catch up and you don't look so sickly. Good luck!
  8. I was nosing around the "other" forums and saw a lot of talk about the sleeve (nothing bad). Someone had mentioned possibly getting the sleeve instead of the bypass or band and they were directed to the Sleeve Plication forum. I am hopefully going to be approved for the sleeve but, I have never heard of sleeve plication until now (wasn't an option at my seminar). I just watched a utube video about it....interesting. Anyone else heard of it?
  9. That also was mentioned. That the hunger would still be there, unlike the sleeve. It's strange how the stomach is folded. It doesn't seem like it would be beneficial.
  10. FitnFabfor2014

    Still In A Coma!

    Thank you for sharing your experience with me...I am touched by your kindness..... I suffer from chronic depression and have for 14 years now......So as soon as you think you are ahead of the game something else takes you down again....the knowledge that everyone kept going on with their lives affected my family more then me at that time...My hubby still talks about a year later how the world never stopped when he almost lost me... I meant that the people in my life changed, those I thought were my family and friends forgot about me and did not even send me a card or flowers or even, even send my hubby a small meal to help him as he drove 1 1/2 hours back and forth to the hospital every single day....I am having trouble dealing with those people as well who were so wrapped up in there own lives they did not help me or mine when I was in need..... I was always there for them and now it is being all brought back to my mind and my heart hurts...I never realized how alone I was or am in my world and have been trying so hard to deal with the changes... People who I thought would always be there and saw me as a friend abandoned me and mine...I can't go past that and forgive them...I can't...I have to let it all go I know but it is like it is all coming back up in my face and hurting me so much.....So many things happened that I can not understand.....I have not spent time with any of them after I came home because of how things went down.....some are now trying to return to our friendship now that I am out of the worst of it....But I will not ever let them....... Every day I look at my differences that I have made and the strength that I have had to bring from deep inside and wonder why....What made them all forget about me when I was in the hospital?...What could my family have done to be not helped or even given a second thought.....It is so much pain and right now it is all back in my face...It is like I am reliving it...... Sorry for the venting....I have had years of therapy to help me with all my issues....I can no longer look to others for help..I have to find it within myself....I will do that and get a balance on all of it.......I promise! Hi RJ, I can completely relate with what you are saying. I went through something similar regarding so called "friends" and them not being there when we really thought they would be. I really had to step back and decide if those are people that I wanted in my life. Although it was not easy to make the decision, it was a decision we had to make. Especially when it gets to the point where they try to turn the tables and make it about us. At some point we have to do what is healthy for us mentally so we can get better physically. In life there will be people that will come in and out of our lives. We accept that and it sure does not make it any easier. I am so sorry to hear about your journey but, you can say this.....you are here and you are alive. You are able to spend another day and another holiday with your friends and family. Even though your spirits are low hopefully you can take comfort in the fact that you have weathered through the storm. Hopefully you have gone through the eye of the storm and this minor setback will give you more strength to continue. I understand that the constant medical issues are enough to drive you crazy. Hopefully you don't let it consume you. I have read a lot of your comments on here. You sound like a loving and caring person. I am sure you have friends and family that would move heaven and earth for you (one sounds like your amazing husband). Stay strong and keep your head up. You ARE amazing!
  11. FitnFabfor2014

    I'm so excited but still seems so far away

    The dietians and Doctors recommend you start drinking Protein shakes before you have your surgery and after. There are so many different tastes and brands it's best to try out a few before your surgery so you have an idea of what you like later. Unfortately after your surgery your taste buds will change and what you liked before might make you sick after the surgery.
  12. FitnFabfor2014

    December Sleevers?

    Hi I saw it was https://www.facebook...yet?ref=tn_tnmn. She says send a request and she will add you. Congrats everyone on your upcoming surgeries!
  13. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    Well regardless of what you decide. Good luck and still feel free to post on here. I would be interested in hearing how your process and recovery goes. We can compare.
  14. WOW! That is amazing! You must feel like a whole new person!
  15. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    Sorry I am new and posted in the sleeve forum... Sorry.. The surgeon I was going to first said she would never suggest the sleeve and did not like even doing it. haha. It's no problem. You are getting the sleeve now? Why wouldn't she suggest them? It is because she doesn't do them regularly?
  16. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    I couldn't do the lap band either. I originally was leaning towards the lap band but after reading through all the information I decided to get the sleeve. Good luck to you also!!
  17. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    I've jumped through all the hoops and hopefully they don't make excuses. I have been following their requirements. The insurance co. told me my BMI had to be over 40 which it is. I even made sure if that if I lost any weight it would not go against me. I have been told (by my insurance and my dietician) that it won't. I guess I am just expecting the worst and hoping for the best. As soon as I hear I will post........Thanks for the good luck wish!
  18. FitnFabfor2014

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    I LOVE Torrid. It's a plus size store but, their sizes start at 12. So even if I do get approved for this surgery I will still be able to shop there. :wub:
  19. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    Ok, Now I would really be interested in comparing with you about Hills Physician's (if you don't mind). My BMI is 40.5 I have a six month weight management program that I must attend. I have no comorbidities and have done all the pre-requisites. I have my final weigh in December 5th and I am noticing I am having a lot of anxiety about the approval. Do you have the same requirements?
  20. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    I am seeing Dr. Upadahay in Oakland. I have Hills Physician's too! I have so much anxiety about being approved!
  21. FitnFabfor2014

    How Many Days/nights In Hospital?

    4 kids? You mean you wanted a mini vacation!?!?! LOL I am hoping for an in/out. Nothing is ever simple for me....fingers crossed.
  22. FitnFabfor2014

    Barium Swallow Tomorrow..ugh!

    I had my barium test a few months back. There were two technicians and they were great. The tast wasn't so bad it was the texture and the amount that I had to drink. One was very "chalky". I know it's TMI but, your BM will be a chalky color for a day or so too lol. They also made me drink upside down. Now that was interesting. The surprising part was they only found mild acid reflux. My chest says differently!!! You'll do great. It's painless.
  23. My doctor says I will not have to do the liquid diet. I'm told it all depends on the amount of weight you need to lose before the surgery. There are quite a few people on this site that didn't need to be on a liquid diet. If your doctor hasn't mentioned it you probably won't need to be on one. I would double check just to be sure. Nothing worse that a surprise liquid diet a week before surgery .
  24. FitnFabfor2014

    Northern California Sleevers

    Hi! I'm in the East Bay (Oakland/San Leandro, CA area). I haven't had my surgery yet. I am hoping for the last two weeks of December but, it all depends on the insurance approval. At this point I am just hoping for an approval...Dec or Jan I don't even care anymore I just want an approval.
  25. FitnFabfor2014

    Uhc - Not Covered?

    Some employers insurance plans do not cover it. To be safe I would call again and speak with someone else. Maybe that person was incorrect (goodness knows we don't always get the correct information when we call). You might want to bring up the link you put your information into and ask them why it says you are covered. Good luck!!

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