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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FitnFabfor2014

  1. FitnFabfor2014

    OK, I made the leap!

    Congratulations! We are both the same days out post-op. Way to go passing through the first week. I agree with you about the exhaustion!
  2. FitnFabfor2014

    Greek Yogurt

    I wonder the same thing. I see ALOT of people posting about the Greek yogurts, but the sugar on most of them are very high. I was at the store and one had 22g of sugar! My doctors requirements are the sugar intake ideally should be less than 6-10 grams (avoid foods that have more than 14g of sugar per serving). It's very obvious that each doctors approach is VERY different. More like all across the board actually.
  3. FitnFabfor2014

    Not doing good with foods!

    Try eating less. Maybe a tablespoon is all your body can handle right now. Believe me any less and I would be eating air. I have found that some of the foods I loved and could tolerate before DO NOT agree with my body. I have to stick with water and lowfat, no fruit yogurts for now. The sugar content in most of those Greek yogurts are ridiculous. I haven't touched those. My sugar intake should be less than 10g. I ate a small amount of butternut squash Soup and I can already feel that's not gonna work for me either. By the time I'm done with this pre-op diet I will be on a whole different diet. Not complaining, actually excited to see where this will go. I will find a whole knew way of eating....goodness knows I don't need to go back into old eating habits.
  4. FitnFabfor2014

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    You should still go! Ask all your questions!
  5. FitnFabfor2014

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Good luck! Hopefully you get some good news! Waiting is definitely the hardest part.
  6. ​Hi, I wish I was closer to you I would definitely help you out. I chose not to share this with anyone in my family except for my Mother (I haven't even told my son). It was a personal decision. I am not someone who shares their personal life with people anyway (because to me it is personal)...No judgement, no prying. My hospital would not let me schedule unless I had someone coming to pick me up (I had to give the hospital her contact information prior to my surgery). Once I was home I was ok on my own. There were a few things I was grateful to have my son and Mother around for (the little thing like bending down or reaching up), but for the most part I have just been trying to figure out the sleeve and how to make this work. To answer your question, no I don't think you are crazy. This is completely your decision. However you choose to deal with it is entirely up to you. You will always have support here without any judgement.
  7. What are paper panties? Was wondering the same thing! lol! I took a robe and slippers, 2 tubes of chapstick and toothbrush and hair brush. didn't need anything more. I tend to pack light. I can pack for a 10 day trip in small carry on. When I went in for my surgery I was on my period. So the gave me hospital underwear and pads. They were cloth w/elastic. Nothing wrong with them, I had other things to worry about other than underwear . They did the job .
  8. FitnFabfor2014

    Not doing good with foods!

    I'm not surprised you are having issues. Your food stages seem awfully advanced. I was on liquids only for 17 days post op. I'm now 23 days out and can barely eat 1/4 cup of puréed anything no more than 2x day. Still getting most of my protein from shakes. Nibbling on Beans or even applesauce would have been out of the question for me at 6 days out. Maybe give yourself a little more time. Including my preop diet, I was on liquids only (shakes, broth, cream soups, etc.) for 33 days, so you can do it! Hang in there. My pre-op states I can have yogurt, very creamy, non-fat, no fruit. I have tried...and that obviously doesn't work. At this point everything is a turn off even broth. Applesauce doesn't sit well at all either (not to mention the high sugar). I will just be sticking to Water. My doctor has given me a complete step by step, but of course it's only for what you can handle (within each stage). Some can proceed a little faster than others. I'm not that person.
  9. FitnFabfor2014

    Not doing good with foods!

    I just had yogurt mixed in with my chocolate cake cake batter Protein and I am in PAIN!!!!! I only had 3 small (and by small I mean tiny tip of spoon small) and I feel like I overate a flippin' entire turkey! I am soo discouraged to eat anything. I went on Amazon and bought two cookbooks, Weightloss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies and Eating well After WeightLoss Surgery delivered right to my Kindle. I can't go on another day with horrible food and horrible pains! Yes, I know it will get better, but that doesn't help the here and now!
  10. ​Hello Everyone, I am only 4 days post op, but I can say that my skin looks amazing. Not just on my face, but on my body. The nurse even complimented me on my skin that made me smile even with all the pain. Prior to surgery I didn't have horrible skin, but it wasn't clear like it is now. I truely hope this stays! I'll give up some hair loss for clear skin! Has anyone else had something happen with their body that they were happy with after surgery (besides the weight loss)?
  11. FitnFabfor2014

    Dry heaves? Vomiting?

    I haven't had that problem, but you should definitely call your doctor. That was one thing my doctor said I should call for if it happened to me. I hear you about not being hungry. I can't stand the broths or creamy Soups they just sit there for hours and leave a disgusting taste in my mouth. I have been mixing baby food fruits with yogurt. That's all I can stand. I hope you feel better really soon.
  12. Congratulations on your new journey! I'm still adjusting. You will do great. Everyone's recovery is different, but you'll do great. Try to do all your cleaning and shopping prior to surgery. The simplest things for me are exhausting right now (I.e. walking the dog).
  13. FitnFabfor2014

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    My surgeon put the drain in during the gastric sleeve surgery. Yes, some doctors do send you home with the drain (mine did). I've read that quite a few people had their drains out before they left the hospital (LUCKY them). It depends on the doctor. U usually have to keep it in for 7-10 days. I had mine inserted on the 7th, I get it out on the 15th. It doesn't hurt, but for me it's uncomfortable (it's just hanging around). I have a safety pin to secure it so I don't accidentally pull it. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
  14. FitnFabfor2014

    question on frozen yogurt

    Hi, I am by no means an expert in this. I'm still trying to find my footing. My doctor gave me this huge binder during our nutrition class and one of the thing we touched on were do's and don't' s. Every doctor of course is different. My info package says I should have at least 80 grams of Protein a day. Less than 3 grams of carbs, as well as less than 6-10 grams of sugar (less is better). Frozen Yogurt is on my list of a high sugar food (unless there is a sugar free form). I hope that helps you. It's a full time job trying to find low carb, low sugar items that my stomach can tolerate. There is a war in my stomach!
  15. FitnFabfor2014

    Staple foods for puree (phase 2)

    Hi there. I don't have an opinion on this because my plan did not specifically call for sugar free food. I tend to think that if it is sugar free, it might contain a lot of chemicals. This thread is specifically for people to list off what foods they found helpful during the purée phase. You might find more people see your question if you post it to the Food and Nutrition forum as a new question. I can actually do that on your behalf if you would like. By the way an apple still has 15 grams of (natural) sugar. There is nothing wrong with an apple! Yes, I understand that an Apple has natural sugar. It has also been suggested to stay away from watermelons and grapes during the first several months because they have high amounts of sugar. I am in no way planning on cutting off my sugar intake I am simply following my doctors plan for the first several months.
  16. FitnFabfor2014

    Staple foods for puree (phase 2)

    My doctor has regular foods introduced at 8 weeks out.
  17. FitnFabfor2014

    OK....how did you know.....

    I'm 5 days out and I'm still trying to figure it out. Everything hurts going down. My stomach sounds like world war 3. I haven't been nauseous or had to vomit after eating anything in particular. I had some Beans today and I have to say the pain and the sounds together was a good example to me of a food my body is not ready to accept, which sucks because I loved beans .
  18. FitnFabfor2014

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    It takes me a very long time to drink anything. I had pain after the jello cup. I have to learn how to listen to my sleeve. Now I know how over eating feels. Can you say gas out of this world. I thought I was doing great until that last spoonful. I will never do that again. Oh wow! I'm wondering what your pain feels like when your full? I get this gurgling (or maybe it's growling) feeling in my stomach. Whatever the sound is someone is in there and cussing me out. Since almost everything hurts when it goes down I can't tell if It's cuz I'm full or its just a random healing pain, but I stop eating.
  19. FitnFabfor2014

    Staple foods for puree (phase 2)

    I'm interested to get other opinion on sugar intake. I have been following my doctors post diet plan (I am on phase 2) and a lot of it circles around no & low sugar foods. I bought Apple sauce (no sugar added) & it still has 15 grams of sugar. Definitely can't eat that. I bought some baby food (fruit) and it has 11grams of sugar...by the way they are delicious. I am so sick of broth, I tried Beans and my stomach said (and an hour later still says) "oh heck no". I bought some "natural yogurt" and it has 11 grams of sugar....come on! My plan says stay away from sugar for now and later stay between 6-10 grams of sugar. Trying to get all the right food in is a full time job!
  20. FitnFabfor2014

    Dry heaves? Vomiting?

    I was sleeved 5 days ago. They gave me the anti-nausea patch behind my ear right before I went into surgery. I still woke up nauseous. I was dry heaving (no vomiting), but we found out it was because they gave me a pain killer that did not work well with me. You'll do great don't worry. If dry heaving is the worse of it then you're golden. It will pass, and the meds they give you to get over it are amazing! I went in expecting the worse recovery and it wasn't so bad, it has just taken me a bit to get used to it....I'm still learning.
  21. FitnFabfor2014

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    In one sitting? With no pain? You are LUCKY!! It took me two hours to eat my jello cup today. Yesterday I couldn't do it. I think it really does depend on your healing process. It looks like mine is going to take awhile. I can't tolerate hardly anything. I just asked my mother to go buy me jars of baby food....something has to work! It took me 24 hours to drink a 16.9 oz bottle of water!!!!
  22. FitnFabfor2014

    Insurance Issues ?

    You should have a case manager assigned to you through the insurance company that can confirm all the requirements with you. I know with my insurance company they only go by the doctors initial weigh in. If your insurance company doesn't require you to lose a percentage of your weight then you'll just need to maintain your weight (don't gain). I was told it didn't matter if you lost weight (again this is through my Dr' s office and insurance company) during the process, they only looked at the first weigh in. And make sure you are completing all the requirements. I know exactly how you feel because I was in that same boat. Right on the line (i was 40.1), and since I was losing weight I thought for sure they would deny me. I lost 15lbs during the 6 month required check in. I was second guessing everything until I got that approval letter in the mail!! Feel free to message me if you have any questions and don't want to put it out here in the forums. I know I drove myself crazy with all my doubts and questions!
  23. FitnFabfor2014

    Not doing good with foods!

    ​OK, note to self. Wait on the mushed up Beans. My stomach is having a party...it's sounds like a volcano getting ready to erupt!!! This sounds crazy!
  24. FitnFabfor2014

    Not doing good with foods!

    I think I am going to have to go check into the baby food. I am not doing well on the stage two...can't drink anymore broth or creamed Soups. I made some Beans and I'm thinking I will mush those up to eat. I tasted one bean and it was the best taste ever! Haha. I was eating gogurts and they really agreed with my stomach until I saw they have 9 grams of sugar, so I cut those out. Even my applesauce (with no added sugar) is 15 grams of sugar. I wasn't too upset about the Apple sauce because it wasn't agreeing with my stomach. Hope I can find something in the baby food isle. Even if It's just fruit uhg.
  25. FitnFabfor2014

    Insurance Issues ?

    Hi, I was told reasons for denial from my insurance company (health net): 1. BMI must be over 40 (if I didn't have any co-morbidities) 2. Under 40 BMI you must have at least two co-morbidities (diabetes, sleep apnea,etc.) 3. I had to go through 6 months of monitored weight loss and lose 10% of my weight (I lost 15lbs) 4. I didn't have to prove any previous weight issues which h was great to hear. Waiting to be approved was the most stressful time for me. I worried everyday that I wouldn't qualify. There are so many different requirements for the insurance companies. I made sure I called my insurance company to confirm the requirements. My doctors office is great...they did all the work, I just needed to show up and follow the rules. I still couldn't help but worry.

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