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LAP-BAND Patients
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About AppleBlossom

  • Rank
    7/9/07 Dr. Ortiz
  • Birthday 01/01/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    Married, 3 kiddos
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday AppleBlossom!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday AppleBlossom!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary AppleBlossom!

  4. AppleBlossom

    Having trouble getting into a routine....

    Congratulations Annie! You're doing great! You just have to decide in your mind that this is how your day starts or it ends- whatever fits your schedule and you just make yourself do it. No options. Your mind is strong enough and the more you practice making it comply they easier and more routine it will become. There are days I hate to go, but I do. I have driven past my gym b/c I'm so not in the mood. I've gone around the block and back and then just made myself turn in. (Isn't that funny!) If I'm really frumpy, I've gotten a Starbucks before I go (I go in the morning) I sit in a really beautiful sitting area of our gym, drink my coffee, read the paper and give myself time to be peaceful and in the environment makes me ready to go. Then like a previous member mentioned, I figure I'll maybe do just a short work out, but once I'm on the equipment it ends up feeling good and I get it all done even if I give myself some mind talk for "just another 5 mintues" a few times. It's those days when I get it done regardless that the reward of having done it feels so extra good! Also, having lost my weight more than once and fallen in and out of exercise, I have found that I need a gym I REALLY LIKE. I need to like the atmosphere, the equipment, the clientele and it has to be spotless. A gym works for me because it's always there and weather is not a factor. Find what you like and do not let your mind fault you.
  5. AppleBlossom

    For Those Who Exercise- Question Please

    I eat a protein bar just before I work out. I'm not a low carb person, but they are good and never get stuck. I had a trainer for a while that said to eat one 1/2 hour before I work out. I think I remember accurately in quoting her as saying "it will help keep my blood sugar stable and make my metabolism burn at a higher rate longer after the workout due to having "ready fuel". Anyhow, for what it's worth, that's me just doing what I was told and believing what was said to me b/c she was the trainer and I was the client. I just do it out of habit now and I've held my goal weight within 2-3 lbs since April. The bar is 160 calories and I burn much more than that during my workout - around 450 in cardio and then whatever stength training burns.
  6. AppleBlossom

    I want a soda pop!

    You will be able to have it again Angie. I passed the time with tea and crystal light. I drank so much of it that I had depleted my magnesium level. I never knew why my legs hurt so bad that I could hardly stand the first 2 days of each monthly cycle. My nutritionist had me supplement magnesium and I no longer have the problem. I can have soda now but I very rarely do and don't even finish a can or small cup. The remembrance of the cramps, the possible links to this and that from the artificial sweetener just don't make it worth it very often anymore. This WILL happen for you also. I know it will. Hang in there.
  7. AppleBlossom

    Abdominal Crunches After Surgery

    I don't do them. I have tried and it just makes my port feel stingy and like it's going to pop up and out. I've had a tummy tuck (prior to lap band surgery....before my last yo-yo) I was able to do them 3 months after the tuck, but it just doesn't work for me now. My stomach is flat from the tuck- even though I had relapsed and other exercises work the area. I don't focus on it because it hurts.
  8. AppleBlossom

    A sucess story -- Mostly

    It's not spicy enough for me unless my tongue burns and I'm sweating! I concur about it not being related to spicy food unless you had an ulcer which should have shown in your radiology work. It does sound like slips that I have read of or seen debated over, but that should have shown up also. Best of Luck.
  9. AppleBlossom

    Does Anyone Else Have This Problem?

    What benefit will criticism bring? Food is not more important than the beautiful people you are hurting. Congratulations though on your weight loss.
  10. AppleBlossom

    alcohol post-op?

    No nutrition in alcohol, in dark wine there might be, but there is stress relief. Avoid anything bubbly. Journal it. That said, live A LITTLE!
  11. AppleBlossom

    newly working out...port pain. anyone else

    You did the right thing. You are very newly banded and should not do anything that causes any pain. I still don't do crunches. I'm 10 months out. I am thinking I will never be able to do them. I've had a tummy tuck though and I'm not a spring chick anymore so it's all good.
  12. AppleBlossom

    No hope for me to get approved? (BC/BS)

    Like Kat said. Mexico is an option. I felt the facility was cleaner than our local hospitals. My Dr. treated me with more kindness and respect than any Dr ever had in my past. My care very much exceeded my expectations. My initial thought was no way, absolutely not a chance, but research put my mind at ease. I'll admit being nervous- but in hindsight I had nothing to fret over. Best of Luck.
  13. AppleBlossom


    Support: Congratulations on losing weight thus far. Keep believing in yourself!! Advise: Get an unfill. You need solid food. Keep a journal and slowly work on changing unhealthy foods into healthy, just as tasty food. Enjoy a treat in small quantity every so often! Your band will not make you thin. Your food choices will. Surround yourself with positive reinforcement.
  14. AppleBlossom

    I am really struggling

    Hello 80's chick! You are not a failure. I applaude you for your honesty. I too am an all or nothing personality but I'm working on that and I'm sure you are too. It takes lots of time- in fact a lifetime for some of us. I still have the tendency, okay, huge tendency, to be all or nothing when it comes to weight, but I recognize it now and I forgive myself. I suggest that you look into your life and see if you have given weight your reason for happiness or not. I had given my weight entirely too much control over my happiness. When in reality, it should have nothing to do with my happiness. I still eat when I'm not hungry, I eat the "wrong" foods and I don't follow many of the band "rules". But, over time, I have gone from more bad habits to more good habits and that has given me the results I was looking for. I have yo-yo'd many times in the past. Each time I got a little better at maintenance, meaning I kept the weight off a little longer, but eventually I reverted. That was my reason for chosing the band and I haven't had it long enough to know if it's my "final" answer. I do know though that IT is not my final answer, but IT stops me when I binge and that has been my biggest reason for re-gain. With the band I've been able to recognize every time I over eat- no one can miss the PBing or discomfort. This leads me to think things over, and try again, but I get to try again before its 20, 30 or more lbs put back on. I've slowly incorporated exercise. I'm not a gym nut. I've learned what is do-able for me. You just took a huge leap and got the band. It will need another fill to get proper restriction. Maybe more. I only had 2 fills- others had quite a few. I regained most of my pre-op loss before I was properly filled, but it didn't change the fact that I made it to goal. It proved that my habits hadn't changed yet. I suggest that the very first thing you do is locate yourself a fill Dr near you. I didn't get my fills from my surgeon simply b/c I wanted my fills to be more convenient than a flight in case I needed lots of fills- turned out I didn't need but the 2, but I didn't know this when I was first banded. I found a holistic Dr nearby from OCC's website. It does not have to be a bariatic surgeon- use these boards for guidance. You've just taken a huge leap in a positive direction by getting the band. Now take babysteps changing your life. IMHO, you can't just get the band and say, I just spent X dollars so it's going to work. Money has nothing to do with it's success the same as weight has nothing to do with your worthiness of happiness. You have to say, I'm going to work at this until it's mastered. Make your environment positive. Read good books, fill your house with healthy food. Visit healthy websites, listen to positive radio- I love Oprah and friends on XM. Accept that your progress is YOUR JOURNEY. You might get to goal in 6 months and you might take 2 years. Who cares.....really. You need to have happiness now and start analyzing what will make this happen for you and lastly, keep a journal so you know can have a clear picture of what needs to change. Do not use your journal to criticize yourself. Please don't criticize yourself. Believe in yourself, love yourself and spoil yourself.
  15. AppleBlossom

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl- I hope you are home and definately NOT sick. Sunny- Hugs to you. I'm sorry you've had the ankle problem. That's no help for exercise efforts. I don't think you need an unfill, just take time to change habits and work on quality of food. Maybe micro bites and chewing. Just hang in there. I know that in the larger picture- a year from now your loss will be grand. Ruby- Thanks for the the compliment. Congrats on the scale moving downward again. I love Quizno's. Honey Bourbon chicken in my favorite. I'd only maybe be able to eat some chicken from it now. I can relate! Lynette- Have a great trip.CONGRATULATIONS on the well deserved goal achievement! I got a new tidbit of motivation. DH has a convention to go to for work in February. It's either Vegas or San Diego. I'm going with him and hope for Vegas. I would love a sexy new dress! Gladster- I "can" eat as many points as I used to if I chose poor quality foods. On good days I eat about 17 points on average.

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