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Northern Mist

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Northern Mist

  1. Are you having surgery in February? Lets start a thread and keep in touch! Answer the questions you are comfortable with and we will get to know eachother a little better. #1. Surgery date? #2. State you live in? #3. Doctor/Surgery Center? #4. Insurance or self pay? #5. Age and height #6. Current weight and goal weight? #7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? #7. Do you have the support of family and friends? #8. Concerns and questions? .......................and anything else you would like to add! We all know this is going to be a long road and we will all handle things differently so let's be there for eachother and make this journey a little easier!
  2. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Hi All - I have not been on here in a long time and am so glad to see all the success. I am doing well.....better than I thought I would. I was slow and steady until I started my new job July 1st and boom....I dropped 15 + like it was nothing. The oddest thing happened....the stress made me NOT eat. What?! Certainly not the "old" response. Body image is a tough one. I feel fantastic and am full of energy, but when I look in the mirrror my image doesn't seem to match. I try to focus on my health and how I feel rather than how I look :smile2:
  3. Northern Mist

    Am I too tight or not?

    I had to stop eating Malt-o-meal and pinto beans/re-fried beans because they act as a stopper for some reason......and i'm tight in the am most of the time and by dinner I'm ok most times. I'm still trying to figure out this friend of mine too :scared2:
  4. Northern Mist

    Finicky Band

    Anyone else have a band that will tolerate a certain food one day and then a week later you cannot eat it? But then the next time you try it it's fine? (just about all food groups) These things I CANNOT eat ever - bread (actually I never eat it because all the stories scare me!), dry meat, pinto Beans, Malt-o-meal, etc.... I'm talking about normal everyday, healthy things like green beans, moist chicken, yogurt, string cheese, salad, Soups, cooked veggies, oatmeal, lean cuisines, etc... When I'm on my period or swollen/retaining Water I especially have issues!! Has anyone asked for a water pill and just taken it when needed? And yes - I watch my sodium intake. I'm still trying to work with this tool of mine and not against it but sometimes it gets a little frustrating.
  5. Northern Mist

    Hair Loss??? How many have it?

    I was banded in February of this year and had a Uterine Ablasion done 4 weeks later (both with general anesthesia) and have not lost more hair than I usually do....I do have pretty thick hair and have ate a pretty balanced diet and most of the time just chew a kids vitamin or two a day. I'm lucky.
  6. 6 days and then I went back and forth for awhile....fun!
  7. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I'm in the PB and Slime club too. 5 days after my 2nd fill I tried Tuna (not enough mayo), a small, tiny bite of steak on Mothers Day and a quickly swallowed peice of ham because I was talking......none of those were fun - I took it easy the rest of the day then I was fine. My third fill is this thursday and I know I'm getting close to the "Sweet Spot" - I'm going to ask the nurse/surgeon to be conservative from here on out.
  8. Thank you for saying this colorado....... It's sometimes easy to forget the average weight loss is much lower and slower than the bypass. I'm in this for the long haul too - I will not get discouraged!!!!
  9. I have had two fills and am confused. I have a hard time eating dry meat ie: chicken, steak, etc.... and crisp/crunchy veggies but I'm able to eat more than 1 - 1 1/2 cups of food at times and sometimes I'm hungry a couple hours later but not always. I know everyone is different but how do I know I'm at the right spot or if I need a fill? What does your sweet spot feel like? The first week of the second fill was tough - I swelled and had a hard time eating anything close to solid for a week or better. I'm going to take it slow from here on out.
  10. Northern Mist

    Very confused..Pls explain

    I took the classes, have the binder of info. and have a great nutritionist and great surgeons.....I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. I basically wanted to know what the "Sweet" spot felt like.....if I was having a hard time with certain foods, which I knew could happen, did this mean I was at my sweet spot even though I felt I was eating too much and at times would get hungry a couple hours later? I follow the no drinking rule most of the time, 95%, but on occasion I grab something without even thinking - it's a habit thing that is getting better :smile2: I know this feeling varies greatly but I was curious and was wondering if I was having a hard time with dry meats and raw veggies (carrots and radishes - not fibery celery, etc..) did this mean I was at the "Sweet Spot" I appreciate the advice and have been taking tiny, tiny bites, dipping dry meats and chewing, chewing, chewing....this site has helped with the learning process that's for sure!
  11. Northern Mist


    Pre-op was a rollercoaster of emotions for me as well. I remember falling apart a couple days before my pre-op diet was about to start. I spent the better part of a day in turmoil - in bed crying, mad at my family, disliking my job/co-workers, worrying and then crying again.....Blah! Not a good time for me or my family. I apologized for my emotional tantrum, etc.... and moved forward. I have had a couple mini "episodes" since but Its par for the course....I know this is what is right for me and I also knew from the begining it wasn't going to be easy. I'm sure many are feeling the same way and it's normal to go through all these emotions and doubts. On a lighter note...my surgery was Feb. 8th and I'm doing and feeling great! I'm not losing as fast as I was on my pre-op diet but I'm losing......and I will be happy with that!
  12. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Good luck Kathy - I'm in the same boat. I ate a couple bites of fried potatoes and chicken last night and chewed like crazy...everything went down fine. I did feel fuller, quicker though - my next fill isn't for a month......I hope I have some kind of restriction. A month is a long time to not have restriction For the most part I'm pretty good but I have those days were I know I ate too much or I grazed and shouldn't have. I haven't gained but it's always knocking on my door!
  13. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I got my first fill on Wednesday - it was a breeze. They gave me a shot to numb the area and then gave me my fill. Surgeon was on vaca so the nurse did it and it didn't take too long for her to find the port - thank goodness! I was told to eat all types/textures of foods so they would know if I had any restriction or not when the time came for my first fill. I told them I was eating all meats, fruits, all veggies, pasta, bread, etc...and 1 1/2 to 2 cups a meal and was HUNGRY 3-4 hours later! What I have lost is pure will power....not restriction. They gave me 2cc's - the max they give at the first fill. I was on clear liquids Wednesday, full liquids yesterday and can start on soft foods today - Yay! soup for lunch! I am down to 263 pounds from 289 - I'm on my way!
  14. I was expecting "Gas" pain/pressure in chest/shoulder because I have had a lapro. surgery before - but this time it lasted 18 days! That was a surprise.
  15. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I have zero restriction and can do all foods - I'm thinking this isn't a good thing and hoping my will power holds out until the 24th - first fill. I have not gained but I have not lost in the last week. It seems as if my body is hanging on to all those calories! (1,000 - 1,300) I'm exercising 3 times a week and as soon as my second job starts in April I'll be physically active 5-6 days a week so that should help. Good luck to everyone!
  16. Northern Mist

    Left shoulder pain

    Dont panic........I know this is easily said and hard to do but I had shoulder pain for 18 days and I'm just fine now. ( I did sorta panic though - especially after I read some of the nerve related things on here) liquids, full liquids, soft foods, semi deep inhalation, hiccup, burping, laying down on any side or back, bending over, waste bands, sitting to long, etc.... would set off my shoulder pain. Some of these things would trigger the pain every time and sometimes they wouldn't trigger the pain at all.......weird, huh? At my 2 week check up I asked if it was normal because it could be very intense through-out the day and wake me up or keep me up at night. They said a small percentage of people could have this up to a few weeks and it would be "normal". They said we would address it at the 6 week check up (first fill) - I was sure it would kill me by then.......a couple days later it wasn't to bad and at day 18 it was very faint.....have not felt it since!:w00t:
  17. Northern Mist

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    My surgery was on Feb. 8th and was pretty standard. Just about the same procedure as everyone else except my "Gas" pressure lasted about 18 days. Ofcourse I thought the worst but at my two week appt. they let me know it is normal for a small amount of people to go up to a few weeks with that pain/pressure. It's gone now and I'm feeling great!
  18. Northern Mist

    New Band= Constipation

    I didn't go until day 6......and then I bounced back and forth between can't go and then can't stop! Fun. My doctor said Metamucil (sp?) will help but drinking and moving is a must too. Breathing deep was very hard for the first few days and then it got a little better each day but it did take a while to feel normal again. Good luck.
  19. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Why would I be afraid - these were my doctors orders. Besides the lengthy shoulder pain I'm great :w00t:
  20. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Yes - I was answering a question and forgot to quote it....it was a little confusing - Sorry.
  21. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Ok - I was at a little get together with friends tonight and had a half a glass of wine - boy, I immediatly got a head ache :wink2: that will teach me. And no..... it's not allowed per my doctor - I just wanted a little and am now paying for it. I was good with everything else - yay! I'm 20 days out and feeling great - just minor twinges in the shoulder now. I wish I would've known that the "gas" pains could last a lot longer than a week or two. Oh, and I feel as if I could eat a lot more now that the swelling is down - I'm hoping my will power lasts and I dont gain anything back! Nurse said I may gain some during this healing time - Yuck!
  22. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    My breakfasts are cream of wheat or oatmeal w/ Protein powder (1/2 scoop) and my lunch is primarily a blended/cream Soup still - dinner is where I try to add the different textures in. I'm still cautious but I know I have to do it. I'm craving salad but for some reason it scares me. I remember going on the full liquids and thinking everything tasted great! The best sugar free pudding ever, the greatest yogurt ever, etc.... LOL! I can finally say my shoulder pain is getting less and less painfull by the day - I was in a panic once two weeks hit and I was still in terrible pain. I'm breathing easier now. Good luck and Yay for full liquids!
  23. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I started with fish, tuna and beans - very small bites and chewed more than I thought I had to. I just made beef stew - slow cooked the beef all day and it fell apart. Kinda scared me to eat it but again I took small bites, etc... Heated it up for lunch today and after one bite I knew it was too tough and I stopped - I was a chicken :cursing:
  24. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    My doctor released me at two weeks to start working in all foods - even bread and meats, oh my! The purpose behind this is to see how restricted I am and he will adjust the first fill (in about three weeks) according to what I can handle. I'm eating healthy and my portions are way, way smaller than they used to be. I eat protein first and then work in veggies, etc... if I can. The "rules" may change after my fills but we all know the doctors orders vary greatly on here. :eek:
  25. Northern Mist

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Went to my 2 wk post op appt. - everything is great. Incisions look good and only bother me if a waist band rubs them the wrong way. No port pain at all. My biggest concern was the pain in my shoulder that most bandsters get over in a week or so. It was good to know that the pain in my shoulder is experienced by approx. 5% of their patients up to 6 weeks. I have hope it's going to go away! Besides that it's been a relativly easy ride. The first week I was "full" on half a popsicle or half a jello but now the hungry monster is back and I have to pay attention to what i eat or I could go overboard. I was released to try everything so they know how aggressive to be with the first fill. If I can handle all types of food then they will give me more of a fill - if I'm getting stuck or that full sensation on a cup or less they will only give me a little bit of a fill. This makes sense but I'm afraid of bread and red meat......isn't that funny!

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