there are abunch of threads about this.
I traveled less than 10 days after surgury, a business trip combined with taking my wife and 3 kids (including twin 1 year olds) to disneyworld. I had no problem.
in the 9 months since then, I have flown probrably 12 trips (maybe 100 legs) without any problems. the biggest problem is that flying will effect the tightness of the band, and in an unpredictable way. that is, 9 legs out of 10, there will be little or no effect, and then that 10nth time I will be very tight for 2-3 days, and I have no way of telling - it isn't an issue of smaller planes, for instance.
I don't plan on eating airplace food, unless it is very good business (for instance, some airlines serve soup in business). I carry protien powder, instance soup and tuna, as well as wasabi peas and beef jerkey.
for business meals, I eat a lot of crab cakes - I find that most steak houses and fish resteraunts have them and I get an appetizer as a main course and soup as an appetizer. the best business meal I have discovered is brazilian grill - nobody really notices how much or little you eat.