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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Vickybli got a reaction from LipstickLady in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  2. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LipstickLady in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  3. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LipstickLady in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  4. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LipstickLady in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  5. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LipstickLady in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  6. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from NorCalGirl48 in Coffee frap maybe   
    I wouldn't try coffee just yet. You don't want anything that may aggravate your sensitive stomach and even potentially cause a leak. You'll be able to enjoy the real stuff soon enough.
  7. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Robert Angel in 5 1/2 weeks Post-Op update and Struggles   
    I love cooking and i've got tons of recipies for just about anything. Tell me what kind of food you like and I can send you some. Just about any recipie can be made healthy by the way. For example if a recipie calls for frying vegetables you can just spray them with olive oil, stick them under the grill and get the same effect. A good source of recipies that are low carb, low calorie and dead easy to make is www.everydaydiabeticrecipes.com. Generally any site for diabetics has great recipies that are just as good for us.
  8. Like
    Vickybli reacted to Arts137 in Does the sleeve make food a non issue?   
    OK... Here's the deal. We won't be like "normal" people. Nobody's "normal" . And each of us in the world have things we are good at and things we struggle with. On this board, let me posit that we do NOT have a normal relationship with food, and working on this will be a lifelong commitment. "Just eating" is not in the cards for me. I don't "worry" about it any more than I worry that I need glasses to drive. Just a fact of life.
    For the rest of my life I will have to think about eating and activity. OK, I can deal with that. I might be healthier and live longer...
  9. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from gamergirl in Today I am...in pain :(   
    I suffer from RA too and i haven't seen any difference in the pain but i am a little less stiff so walking is easier but not stairs ans things like that. Actually last week i had an extremely painful attack of gout arthritis, which i never had before. My dr said that quick weight loss can bring it on. So much for not hurting. My sister and my best friend both suffer from RA as well and they've never been one pound overweight in their life. So i guess it's just not realistic to expect that it will go away just because we lose weight but i'm sure that it will be more manageable since we will take off some of the stress at least. I mean they hurt but they can still walk around and go about their chores. At 451lbs when i had an attack i could barely move around the house without help.
    Talk to your dr about your exersice routine. Although working out is very good for you on many levels the wrong kind or the wrong intensity can be bad for your RA. I'm not allowed on the treadmill of the step master. My friend was told to stay away from the bikes.
    Hope you feel better again soon. :wub:
  10. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LOVE4JEH in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I won't miss:
    1. not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning
    2. sleep apnea
    3. people looking at me with pity
    4. or worse - when they say "you have such a pretty face ..."
    5. complete strangers stopping me in the street to ask about my medical condition
    6. relying on others to do the shopping for me because I can't walk the 4 blocks to the grocery store
    7. needing help to get on and off buses
    8. people offering me their seats in public transport like they would for senior citizens
    9. not wearing socks because i can't bend down enough to put them on
    10. being turned down at job interviews although i have more than enough qualifications.
    and everything everyone else wrote. the list is endless
  11. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from steffranco in 4 months out and falling off wagon   
    I am so happy you have Iron will and a no bullshit attitude but tell why did you need to get sleeved? wasn't your iron will enough to get you through a diet?
  12. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What happens if i follow all the rules?   
    Every surgery has some risks but if you choose an experienced surgeon and follow their guidelines carefully these are very small. The risks of obessity are much higher. That is as far as major complications are concerned smaller complication are very common and have happened to everyone i know. i have been very careful about following the rules but still - nausea, vomiting, diarrea - i get them all. but i'm told these will soon pass
  13. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from JCassell in I'm embarrassed...   
    I am much heavier and much older than you and besides my huge body i am also struggling with arthritis and basically i needed help from the trainers to even get on and off some of the machines. so when i started off at the gym i naturally felt like you and thought everyone would be laughing at me - they did so in the street after all and their i wasn't dressed in thight-fitting gym clothes ( you see they don't really come out in my size). But i have to tell you that in fact my experience was very different. I have made tons of new friends. People are coming up to me all the time and telling me how much they admire me for having the courage to try so hard. This has motiveted me so much. If i miss practice at least 5 or 6 people will ask me what happened. i feel that if i give up i'll be letting them all down.
    But since i suppose not all gyms are like that if you have a few options in your area i would ask them if they can let you go in a couple of times as a "guest" before you enroll. Most gyms do that. That way you will see if the atmosphere is suited to you - if the trainers care and if they have the knowledge to deal with people like us and how the other members behave towards you - before committing to a full year membership.
    good luck - let us know how it goes
  14. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in I lost 5 wiener dogs!   
    i lost an elephant penis and an adult maltese dog.
  15. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in I lost 5 wiener dogs!   
    i lost an elephant penis and an adult maltese dog.
  16. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from LOVE4JEH in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I won't miss:
    1. not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning
    2. sleep apnea
    3. people looking at me with pity
    4. or worse - when they say "you have such a pretty face ..."
    5. complete strangers stopping me in the street to ask about my medical condition
    6. relying on others to do the shopping for me because I can't walk the 4 blocks to the grocery store
    7. needing help to get on and off buses
    8. people offering me their seats in public transport like they would for senior citizens
    9. not wearing socks because i can't bend down enough to put them on
    10. being turned down at job interviews although i have more than enough qualifications.
    and everything everyone else wrote. the list is endless
  17. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from JCassell in I'm embarrassed...   
    I am much heavier and much older than you and besides my huge body i am also struggling with arthritis and basically i needed help from the trainers to even get on and off some of the machines. so when i started off at the gym i naturally felt like you and thought everyone would be laughing at me - they did so in the street after all and their i wasn't dressed in thight-fitting gym clothes ( you see they don't really come out in my size). But i have to tell you that in fact my experience was very different. I have made tons of new friends. People are coming up to me all the time and telling me how much they admire me for having the courage to try so hard. This has motiveted me so much. If i miss practice at least 5 or 6 people will ask me what happened. i feel that if i give up i'll be letting them all down.
    But since i suppose not all gyms are like that if you have a few options in your area i would ask them if they can let you go in a couple of times as a "guest" before you enroll. Most gyms do that. That way you will see if the atmosphere is suited to you - if the trainers care and if they have the knowledge to deal with people like us and how the other members behave towards you - before committing to a full year membership.
    good luck - let us know how it goes
  18. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from JCassell in I'm embarrassed...   
    I am much heavier and much older than you and besides my huge body i am also struggling with arthritis and basically i needed help from the trainers to even get on and off some of the machines. so when i started off at the gym i naturally felt like you and thought everyone would be laughing at me - they did so in the street after all and their i wasn't dressed in thight-fitting gym clothes ( you see they don't really come out in my size). But i have to tell you that in fact my experience was very different. I have made tons of new friends. People are coming up to me all the time and telling me how much they admire me for having the courage to try so hard. This has motiveted me so much. If i miss practice at least 5 or 6 people will ask me what happened. i feel that if i give up i'll be letting them all down.
    But since i suppose not all gyms are like that if you have a few options in your area i would ask them if they can let you go in a couple of times as a "guest" before you enroll. Most gyms do that. That way you will see if the atmosphere is suited to you - if the trainers care and if they have the knowledge to deal with people like us and how the other members behave towards you - before committing to a full year membership.
    good luck - let us know how it goes
  19. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from JCassell in I'm embarrassed...   
    I am much heavier and much older than you and besides my huge body i am also struggling with arthritis and basically i needed help from the trainers to even get on and off some of the machines. so when i started off at the gym i naturally felt like you and thought everyone would be laughing at me - they did so in the street after all and their i wasn't dressed in thight-fitting gym clothes ( you see they don't really come out in my size). But i have to tell you that in fact my experience was very different. I have made tons of new friends. People are coming up to me all the time and telling me how much they admire me for having the courage to try so hard. This has motiveted me so much. If i miss practice at least 5 or 6 people will ask me what happened. i feel that if i give up i'll be letting them all down.
    But since i suppose not all gyms are like that if you have a few options in your area i would ask them if they can let you go in a couple of times as a "guest" before you enroll. Most gyms do that. That way you will see if the atmosphere is suited to you - if the trainers care and if they have the knowledge to deal with people like us and how the other members behave towards you - before committing to a full year membership.
    good luck - let us know how it goes
  20. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Bea Amaya in July Sleevers List   
    july 22
  21. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Arts137 in Hurts to drink   
    take very small sips and make sure it's not too cold or too warm. Room temperature is best for the first couple of weeks.

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