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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Vickybli reacted to chanelle102 in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    New pic sorry!!!!
    Surgery date dec 10
    87 pounds down working hard
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    Vickybli got a reaction from JamesGz in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    That's great. You're a big inspiration to keep us going. pictures?
  3. Like
    Vickybli reacted to badabing40 in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    At my first Dr. appt on Oct 22,2013 I was 455, day of surgery I was 424, today exactly 3 weeks post op I weighed in at 396! down 28 lbs. since surgery and 59lbs total. Feels good. I have been very fortunate to have not had any issues no pain, nausea nothing at all, that I was expecting and prepared to face,, Best of luck to everyone!
  4. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Bandista in Visiting austria ? Protien   
    I live in Greece and I can assure you that you can find the exact same products here as you do in the States. I'm sure if you can get them here you can get them in Germany and anywhere else in Europe. Sorry I can't recommend a particular brand because I've never used one - doctors in Europe don't recommend shakes but taking Protein from food but they are available in pharmacies, health food stores and sports stores. Hope you have a nice trip.
  5. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from DLCoggin in Pain?   
    That sounds like too much pain. Call your doctor only he can determine how serious that is. it could be something as simple as gas that happens quite a lot but still better be safe than sorry. Hope you feel better soon
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    Vickybli got a reaction from JamesGz in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    that's great.keep up the good work
  7. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from earnestclark in Surgery Tomorrow   
    Good luck tomorrow - you will be in my prayers tonight. As for the pain it varies from person to person but for most of us it's not very bad. Just the stitches pulling and itching but totally tolerable. Most people go home the next day. Me - I started off at a very high weight and I also had my gall bladder removed at the same time so I was in ICU for tive days and then another day in a ward but even so it was not bad at all and I was up and walking on the afternoon of day one. So I don;t think you need to worry much. Let us know how it went.
  8. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from sandisleeve in 1.5 weeks out, first restaurant trip   
    you`re very brave. I didn`t go to a restaurant until month four and then could only manage half a kid`s hamburger which took me an hour and a half to eat. Talk to your husband and let him know there are other things we can do besides eating when we go out. People who haven`t experienced it can`t know what we're feeling no matter how well meaning and understanding they may be
  9. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Butterflyhigh in How Important Is In-Person Support Post-Op?   
    for me it was very difficult. l really needed my family. but as you said everyone is different. you are choosing the harder road. it`s worth looking into professional help. most bariatric teams include a psycologist. mine does and she has been very helpful as has everyone on this forum.
    good luck and keep us posted on how you`re doing
  10. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in I can't even imagine what it would be like...   
    I imagine we all were like you - I know I was and that's what stopped me from having the surgery for so many years but in the end it;s all in our head. After the surgery you;ll still be able to occasionally enjoy your favourite foods - you just won't need so much. You don't really need large quantities to enjoy something.
    Anyway you will get so much out of the experience that you won't need food.
  11. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in I can't even imagine what it would be like...   
    I imagine we all were like you - I know I was and that's what stopped me from having the surgery for so many years but in the end it;s all in our head. After the surgery you;ll still be able to occasionally enjoy your favourite foods - you just won't need so much. You don't really need large quantities to enjoy something.
    Anyway you will get so much out of the experience that you won't need food.
  12. Like
    Vickybli reacted to rbtnln in Does your spouse know how much you weigh?   
    I told my husband after I started losing weight where I started. My weight has never mattered to him and he's my biggest cheerleader. I finally told him and my daughter where I started with my weight loss because 1) I wanted them to know how far I've come and 2) I want to be held accountable. They DO NOT care how much I used to weigh or how much I weigh now. I could be 50 pounds or 500 pounds and they wouldn't love me any differently. They just want me to be happy and health and able to participate in activities with them. How lucky am I?
  13. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Danni-doinit4me in Does your spouse know how much you weigh?   
    only my best friend and my doctor know - oh, and everyone on this foroum
  14. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Danni-doinit4me in Does your spouse know how much you weigh?   
    only my best friend and my doctor know - oh, and everyone on this foroum
  15. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from _imgood_ in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I won't miss:
    1. not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning
    2. sleep apnea
    3. people looking at me with pity
    4. or worse - when they say "you have such a pretty face ..."
    5. complete strangers stopping me in the street to ask about my medical condition
    6. relying on others to do the shopping for me because I can't walk the 4 blocks to the grocery store
    7. needing help to get on and off buses
    8. people offering me their seats in public transport like they would for senior citizens
    9. not wearing socks because i can't bend down enough to put them on
    10. being turned down at job interviews although i have more than enough qualifications.
    and everything everyone else wrote. the list is endless
  16. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from _imgood_ in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I won't miss:
    1. not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning
    2. sleep apnea
    3. people looking at me with pity
    4. or worse - when they say "you have such a pretty face ..."
    5. complete strangers stopping me in the street to ask about my medical condition
    6. relying on others to do the shopping for me because I can't walk the 4 blocks to the grocery store
    7. needing help to get on and off buses
    8. people offering me their seats in public transport like they would for senior citizens
    9. not wearing socks because i can't bend down enough to put them on
    10. being turned down at job interviews although i have more than enough qualifications.
    and everything everyone else wrote. the list is endless
  17. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from _imgood_ in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I won't miss:
    1. not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning
    2. sleep apnea
    3. people looking at me with pity
    4. or worse - when they say "you have such a pretty face ..."
    5. complete strangers stopping me in the street to ask about my medical condition
    6. relying on others to do the shopping for me because I can't walk the 4 blocks to the grocery store
    7. needing help to get on and off buses
    8. people offering me their seats in public transport like they would for senior citizens
    9. not wearing socks because i can't bend down enough to put them on
    10. being turned down at job interviews although i have more than enough qualifications.
    and everything everyone else wrote. the list is endless
  18. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from HR Pro in I just cant do the protien shakes! Help!   
    i`ve never had Protein Shakes. doctors in greece don`t prescribe them and yet we survive. you can get all the Protein you need from normal food. ask your nut to help you with this but generally if you eat lots of chicken, fish and yougurt you should be covered
  19. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Scorpion11 in Cheating....?   
    only your doctor can answer that question.
  20. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Auntvick in Coffee   
    i drink regular coffee most days
  21. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from Scorpion11 in Cheating....?   
    only your doctor can answer that question.
  22. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BethinPA in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  23. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BethinPA in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  24. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BethinPA in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.
  25. Like
    Vickybli got a reaction from BethinPA in So, I consider myself fairly tolerant of stupid people (or I mask it well), but...   
    The things people say without realising they are being offensive - it;s amazing. Once the secretary at the school I used to work told me that EVERYONE was amazed at how well I dressed and that all my clothes matched!!! She said that I had great taste for a fat person - and she actually did mean it as a compliment. I smiled and explained that a high precentage of body fat does not usually interfere with a person eyesight and that people who are overweight do not have bad taste - just a much harder time finding affordable clothes that suit them. Then I asked her if she thought that if I ever managed to lose a lot of weight that I would lose my sense of decency along with it and become as ignorant and rude as the rest of them. She never made another comment to me. In fact I think she was afraid to speak to me at all for a while.

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