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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ElginChris

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 09/20/1966

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  1. ElginChris

    How much has everyone lost

    Hw: 494 10/16 Sw: 462. 11/4 Cw: 402 Gw: 275
  2. ElginChris

    How much has everyone lost

    Hw: 494 Sw: 462 11/4 Cw: 402 Gw: 275
  3. Joan, I am 5+ weeks out and would recommend this to anyone. I am about 90#s down since the middle if October and feel great. The two things I can say us follow your Dr.'s advice, their program will work!!! The second thing would be be prepared for the worst, and hope for the best. It is major surgery, there is a possibility of some issues!! But even a few minor things make this surgery worth it!!!
  4. ElginChris

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Surgery was 11/4. Down 45 pounds since surgery, 75 since 10/16. Everything went well.
  5. Lyn, Just about 3 weeks out here and nothing out of the ordinary!!! I think recovery is about attitude, not all of it but a good part of it is. This process isnt painless , it isnt easy but it is worth it!!!
  6. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    Good luck Mage!!!
  7. I have no problem talking about my surgery but understand why others do. I know people judge me by my weight, HW was almost 500, why do I care if they judge me about how I am trying to lose it? I dont... What I do care about is my health. If you are supportive of my decision, thanks!! If you have negative comments, oh well.
  8. ElginChris

    Incision Pain

    Have the same pain as well, i just figured it was the biggest hole so it would hurt the most..
  9. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    I think I am calling my stomach the Gurgler.. all it does is gurgle.
  10. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    Day 3 post op . It does get easier as you go. Having a hard time drinking cold water. Gas pain is gone for the most part, but very sore. Taking a lot less pain medication. Glad to be home and clean!!! Walking a lot, trying to drink a lot and sipping, sipping, sipping. Having trouble figuring out being full but getting better at it. Overall it is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.
  11. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    Well its done !!! I am fatigued and sore but no real pain. Now watching the Bears kick sone Packer butt!!!
  12. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    At the hospital now.. Only a couple of hours till its my time...
  13. ElginChris

    Nov 4th

    12 1/2 hours and counting for me... Best of luck to all of us...!!!!
  14. ElginChris

    Diet Coke Withdrawal!

    I used to drink at least a 2 liter if Coke a day.. I wonder why I am 250 # over weight ... It was a hard habit to break
  15. ElginChris

    November buddies where are you?

    Ladyscorpio, Tignet and I are close.. We both gave Dr. Rantis... Sounds like you have a doc in his practice...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
