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About Bandwagon

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/12/1977
  1. Happy 36th Birthday Bandwagon!

  2. Happy 35th Birthday Bandwagon!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Bandwagon!

  4. Bandwagon

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    Hi, Fellow October bandster here - October 24th!!! At the moment I am struggling like mad between binging on junk food and then trying to correct that by going on stupid diets - not good! I just want it to hurry up and be October already so I can get down to business..have got a 2 week pre-op diet to follow which looks quite brutal but I suppose nothing in life worth having is easy... Good luck to everybody! :clap2: Bandwagon
  5. Bandwagon

    Limbo-time before surgery

    I think I just need to get myself under control..after all, if I can't do it now, how am I going to cope after surgery?! The thought of trying to binge and causing band slippage will hopefully be enough to deter me after the operation....:nervous Thanks for replying! Bandwagon
  6. Hello all, I have finally been given a date for my surgery of 24th October!! :whoo:but ever since I decided to go ahead with surgery I have been in a strange 'eating limbo' where I have alternated from going on fad diets to binging and eating anything I can lay my hands on. Has anybody else experienced this? It is like I don't know what to do with myself while I am waiting for the surgery! Part of me thinks I should be really good and try to lose as much as I can before I have to go on the pre-op diet but the other half of me (the naughty half!) is saying 'go on, eat what you want now, the surgery will sort you out!' I hope I get my head straight before October :confused: Bandwagon
  7. Hi, As unbelievable as this may seem, I am currently going through more or less the same thing as you. I am a self payer (I live in the UK by the way) and I am hoping to have the band surgery done towards the end of the year. However (and this is the big 'but'!) I have recently been having pain in my right side, under my rib cage and when my Doctor sent me for an ultrasound scan to see if it was my gall bladder, they said that the GB was normal but that the liver was enlarged and 'fatty'! So now I am having blood tests done to see what it is..am a little scared like you but at least by addressing things early and not burying your head, anything that needs fixing should get fixed. And this better not stop me having my band fitted or I will NOT be pleased!! Best of luck - let me know how you get on :nervous BandWagon.
  8. Hello everybody, This is my first post so forgive me if I get things a bit muddled up! I live in the UK and no insurance company in the world over here will cover us for lap band surgery, so I am a self-payer. I have so far had appointments with both my surgeon and the dietician and I hope to schedule my surgery in for October/November this year :whoo: My question is this. I am a huge emotional eater and firmly believe that I got as big as I am because I eat whether I am hungry or not - happy, sad, bored, depressed, nervous, upset, it doesn't matter - I will eat!! So anyway, the dietician I saw was very thorough and the minute I said I was an emotional eater she said she was concerned that if I didn't address this, the band would not work for me! So can I just ask all the emotional/comfort eaters out there what you did to help the 'head hunger' side of things? I know the band will only ever be a tool but I am very worried that if I don't get my head sorted out before surgery, I will cheat my way to failure, because that's what I am like! Thank you in advance. By the way, this board is the greatest and you all rock! :clap2: Bandwagon

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