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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by awold0

  1. awold0

    Rosie O'Donnell new pics posted today

    That was freaking funny pdxman...I have always thought that.
  2. Carbsmart. I love their choc bars with nuts.
  3. awold0

    Crossfit and WLS - considering WLS

    My 2 sisters do cross fit and love it. For me I do cardiovascular at gym and started lifting weights at 2.5 months. I have done weight training ever since surgery. I think it is important. now i feel I am stronger then I have ever been.
  4. awold0


    Also 14 lbs at 2 weeks is great. I can't believe your doc said on slow side!Your doing great.
  5. awold0


    I did tuna and low fat mayo. I also did hard boiled egg with mayo. I don't think that is cheating as long as it is moist and mashed. I did this at 2 to 3 weeks out and was fine. Everyone is differant. I too just had like 4 bites and was stuffed.
  6. awold0

    how to get it right

    What are the wrong reasons for you?
  7. awold0

    coffee anyone?

    At 3 months I started drinking half a cup with Sugarfree hot cocoa. Having it right now.
  8. awold0

    Surgery in a few hrs omg

    You are going to do great!before you know it you will wake up after a nap and you will be on the skinny side! Your life is going to change in many ways for the good. I wish you the best and a super speedy recovery. Remember to walk as much as possible to get the gas out after surgery. You can do this and I am sending you posative vibes! You got this!
  9. awold0

    Emergency. Help needed

    I hope you are feeling better. My thoughts are with you wishing you better vibes... and holy cow iv in the neck! I almost passed out just thinking of it.
  10. I don't know how far out you are but for me I always have had hunger. From day one. I have heard of others not being hungry but for me I am like clock work. Every 2.5 to 3 hours I eat. Now I drink hot liquid to curve my hunger and also head hunger. I have both. I drink sugar free cocoa with whip on top. After I do this I am really full. Something about the hot liquid.
  11. awold0

    Doubting...please help

    Hopefull2loose2014, This is very normal. I think we all went through this. I know I did. I am 46 and have a 9 year old and I was scared also. I have to say that spending the two weeks prior getting ready was very important to me. I made sure my home was clean, stocked and I made lists for my husband and sister. I had it set up that my son could stay with my sister and mom if anything made me stay in the hospital longer. I have to say that I was a bundle of nerves the 2 weeks prior but the night before I was kind of excited and by the time I got to the hospital I was so ready to be done. Now flash forward 8.5 months later and I have lost over 100 lbs. I have no sleep Apnea or high blood pressure etc. I am so happy and have changed in so many ways. Not just weight but new job and a new healthy life style. Now here comes the nagging. You must do what is best for your surgery to HELP aid to have a successful surgery. You can and you will drink those Protein shakes because you need to get through this short period to ensure you did everything your doctor asked you to do. You can do this!!
  12. awold0

    passing out

    I have heard of others farther out getting hypo glssimic. I think that is how you spell it. Also if you have high blood pressure medicine it may need adjusting. No matter how you may think your doc feels your health is more important. Maybe call you primary doc. I hope all gets better for you soon.
  13. I wish you speedy recovery. See you on the skinny side! Love the pic. Makes me remember my day 8 months ago. Congrates.
  14. Me too. 8 months out from sleeve and had to have my gallbladder out on Feb 20th 2013. I am very lucky no bad bathroom stuff. I do take probiotic once a day. I try to limit my fat which we should do for healthier life style anyway.
  15. NMJG how cute. I remember lifting weights at gym and seeing that gap between my legs. What an awsome feeling for the first time in 25 years..
  16. awold0

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    PkDVM you made me laugh hard.
  17. awold0

    Easter Challenge

    I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  18. I do Atkins day break oatmeal cinnamon baked squares.not every day. I do couple days a shake. Maybe egg in microwave then Atkins oatmeal square. They also have a blueberry one with almonds. Yum..
  19. awold0

    18 months Post Op

    Awsome job!
  20. awold0

    Sex drive

    Agree with Mrs whstsit.
  21. You will do great. See you on the skinny side. Wish you a quick recovery.
  22. I am 8 months out. Down 110. Lbs. I was so happy when I started crossing my legs. Such a vsg. The other day I walked to pick up my son from school. While waiting I was sitting on the ground and realized I was sitting crossed legged and had a "oh my gosh moment" I have not sat cross legged since the 8th grade. I am 46. [ATTACH]43200[/ATTACH]
  23. I just had my gallbladder removed 8 months out from sleeve surgery. I was in and out same day. It will give you a little training for the sleve surgery. Well it was similar for me. Good luck and wish you a speedy recovery.
  24. Woo hoo. Awsome job.

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