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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lark60

  1. There were several things that led up to my decision to get sleeved. I have always felt over weight (even as a child) and it seemed I was always on some form of diet. It was the typical yo-yo loose/gain cycle. I would gain an average of 5 lbs with each pregnancy (I have 4 kids) and then try to loose the weight. After I divorced, I gained 100 lbs in 1 year (LOTS of stress). I didn't care anymore. My focus then was supporting my 4 kids and put "me" on the back burner. 5 years ago I decided it was time to loose the extra weight (at that time I weighed 230 lbs) and went on a no carb, high Protein, 1200 cal diet. I lost 60 lbs in 7-8 months, then hit a plateau and again had high stress in my life. I managed to keep the weight off for almost 2 years. Then I moved to a new city, which means dealing with a new primary care provider (I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease and cannot convert synthyroid (T4) into the active T3 and so my medications are higher than what most endocrinologists recommend. So the PCP's always try to lower my medication doses) Of course my weight shot up. When I complained to him that I was frustrated he didn't listen to me and that I was now at 265 lbs. He suggested WLS. I went home and thought about the suggestion and did some further research. The "last straw" was watching my mother (she is a 225 lb 4'10" butterball but she is my mother) laying in the hospital after her 4th heart attack and the cardiologist telling her she needs to loose weight, get active and keep her diabetes under control. I decided at that moment to go for the surgery. I do not want to end up "stuck" health wise as my mother. Now, I am more than half way to my weight goal, have decreased my blood pressure and almost reversed the diabetes. My knees no longer hurt when I walk (and I walked 5 miles today in under an hour), I don't get short of breath walking up stairs, I fit clothes that have been hidden in my closet for over 30 years and even was complimented by my ex last week!
  2. lark60

    I'm so lost

    Welcome to the site! You can find great information to help you set and meet your goals. I would say to you that if you feel you need to loose more weight, go back to the diet you used while trying to loose those first 50 lbs. Drinking the Protein shakes (20 gms of protein per shake) for 2 meals a day and one meal with "real food" is the best way to get back on the weight loss track. Skip the starches for a while (bread, Pasta, potatoes, rice and grains) so your body works on getting the stored fat burned. Don't snack between meals and drink 80-100 oz of Water every day. Good luck and hang in there!
  3. lark60

    Anybody got tattoos??

    I have a teal butterfly on the left upper breast. My story is not as "special" as some on this thread. I got it after I was divorced and was hanging out with co-workers (I never worked while I was married) so I was about 34 years old. My new co-workers were surprised that I didn't have a tat so they took me out to get one. Even though I was an adult when I decided to get the tat, I hid the fact from my mother for another 5 years. She found out when the family was together for a reunion and I was laying out at the pool and my suit wasn't covering one of the wings.
  4. lark60

    Grocery bill since surgery?

    So I have looked at what I have spent since gearing up for the sleeve and after. I have spent about the same amount but on "different food". The cost to get quality Protein shakes and Vitamins was the initial expense and now when I go out for fresh items I do spend less each month. I have not purchased bread, milk or juice (or chips, popcorn, Snacks or junk food) in 8 months. The funny thing is when family come to my house to visit. I have to tell them that they need to stop at the store for "the basics" before coming over because my diet doesn't include milk, bread or juice.
  5. lark60

    I remember when.....

    Since I live alone, I don't like to cook at all since getting sleeved. I have resorted to heating canned Soups or making a "sandwich" for lunch. I have had a few "salads" but like those who already commented on salads, mine too are usually the guts of a salad with maybe a few spinach leaves and after I try to make a small salad, I can eat 1/2 of what is there. Unfortunately the left over doesn't keep well, so I am still trying to downsize what I make for my one meal a day.
  6. Ok, so I have ventured out in terms of what I eat for my "real meal" and have a few comments that, hopefully, will help others NOT to repeat my mistake. We all know the rule "don't drink with a meal" right? Well I was out at Outback steak house and wanted to "eat a little more steak" so I drank some Water (just a few sips) and was surprised that I could eat a few more bites of my meal (prime rib with broccoli and green beans). Then I started feeling my heart race like I had taken NoDoz, and was slightly dizzy. Being a diabetic, I checked my sugar (116) and that wasn't the problem. I felt awful for the next couple hours. Trying to figure things out, I read different topics on this site. I believe I just encountered the onset of "dumping syndrome". I do not recommend anyone try this. It was an educational experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (well maybe my ex but no one else) Tonight (you would think I had a thick head or something) I was invited out to Dairy Queen and said yes to the invite. I had counted up the calories I had consumed and since I met my water requirement (finally) plus Protein intake for the day, I still had only eaten about 600 cal so I figured I could "splurge" on 1/2 a mini blizzard. I was eating it slowly (like a good girl) and talking with my son. Before I knew it I had eaten the whole mini blizzard (the contain 1 cup of decadance) and I didn't feel full. I mentioned this to my son and he thought it possibly was because I was eating so slow the ice cream was liquid and moved through faster than a solid. Well a few minutes later I started having the racing heart beats and dizziness. Yup, another episode of dumping. So I plan on sticking to sharing when out to eat or have a treat in the future (I never want to eat much more than a bite or 2 when I share with someone else). Just felt like sharing my recent experience with you all.
  7. It could have been urethral trauma from the catheter and not actually vaginal bleeding.
  8. lark60

    Can't do this anymore

    Water is defiantly important. I am almost 8 months post sleeve and still have to remember to get in enough water. I am trying something new today to hopefully get the water I know my body needs. I have set up the required liquid on my table so I can see the days amount. Then as I go about my routine, I will see the bottles and sip on the water (and Vitamin waters) so, hopefully, by the evening I will have taken in at least 80 oz of water (4-20 oz bottles) plus the water to make my Protein shakes to meet the required 96 oz daily. I remember the first weeks post surgery and how hard it was to be able to keep up with the house, work and trying to adjust to the new food/water regimen. I could not take in more that 3 oz of ANYTHING for the first 3 months so trying to get in just the Protein Shakes let alone the water was a nightmare. I felt like all I did all day was drink, drink drink (actually sip, sip, sip). Plus since I was only taking in Liquid Protein, my bum was raw from the acid squirting out (sorry for the graphic picture but no one warned me that the liquid diet was that harsh). The good news is that this goes away when full liquids add back substance to what you take in and what "comes out". Hang in there and remember, the house can wait while you adjust to your new routine.
  9. drinking enough Water. Right after the surgery I was able to sip water and did get the 96 oz a day most days. However, in the past few months I have not been keeping up with this goal. I average 30 oz a day. I know I need to drink more but don't seem to be able to keep up with the "sipping" all day long. I can take 5-6 swallows at one time and then forget to drink again for a few hours.
  10. lark60

    Itchy skin

    thx, I'll try that.
  11. So for the past 2-3 months I have been having problems with itching across the abdomen and the baggy skin of both upper arms. No rash, just itching despite anything I have tried. Has anyone else encountered this post sleeve?
  12. lark60

    am i depressed?

    Retail therapy is always an option but stay within a budget or you will get depressed when the bill arrives. I have filled the "void" with crafts (knitting, tatting, crochet and weaving) so I am always looking out for sales on yarn.
  13. lark60

    Greek cottage cheese!

    I love to mix greek yogurt with cottage cheese. This is my afternoon snack (2oz) most days and is about the only way I get fruit into my diet since I get full after eating Protein and veggies at lunch.
  14. lark60

    Stress = Stall

    YES… Stress can stall weight loss. I have dealt with this challenge prior to getting sleeved. I was able to loose 65 lbs with low carb high Protein diet and hit a terrible stall when I was very stressed. The stressors affected my life for over 6 months and I did not loose another pound. I gained about 10 lbs over that 6 months and "justified" this as my body balancing out despite the diet. I went off the diet and gradually gained another 10 lbs. Then my PCP changed my thyroid medication and I gained all the weight plus another 10 lbs (getting to 265 lbs) Thats when I decided it was time for bariatric surgery. Now when I get stressed and see the scales stall…. I try to be calm, take a deep breath and tell myself that I am in control of the choices I make so, think, pray and choose what will be best for me.
  15. I too was sleeved on 5/29/13. I have had several stalls and over the past 3 months my weight loss has slowed to 1-1.5 lbs a week (at least I am still loosing!). I just started wearing a size 12 pair of jeans! I have donated all the 28-26-24-22-20-18 sizes to Good Will. I have a few 16 and 14 that I wear so I can still see that I am loosing the weight (though when I look in the mirror I don't feel there is that much change in my appearance). I have not worn smaller than an 18 in over 15 years.
  16. lark60

    Gaunt and an Amazon, really!

    Gettingsexyback, If your information is "leaked" by this "friend" working in the records department, you can inform the manager of the office and that person will be fired. HIPPA protects your information and if that person cannot keep your information confidential, that friend needs to find another job.
  17. I started feeling hunger about 6 months post sleeve. I try to retrain my thought pattern by drinking Water when I feel hungry (especially between meals). I drink the Protein shake (6-8 oz) morning and evening, lunch is 1/2 cup protein and veggies and I have an afternoon snack (limited to 2oz of cottage cheese, string cheese, yogurt with fruit or nuts). I average 900 cal daily (any less and I stop loosing weight).
  18. lark60


    Yes! I live in Tucson.
  19. I make chocolate pudding from a Protein shake and Protein powder, then freeze in in ice cube tray so I have a 1 oz portion of "ice cream". The recipe is 1 adkin chocolate shake and 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder. The mix has 60 gm of protein and will fill 6-8 ice cube slots so there is 8-10 gm of protein in the treat. The texture is smooth and your brain thinks you are having a routine bedtime treat. You can also let this set in the fridge and eat it as a pudding.
  20. lark60


    I mix yogurt and cottage cheese. This increases the Protein content of the snack and the cottage cheese cuts the sharp flavor of the yogurt. I will have 2 oz of the mix in the afternoon as a snack. As for crunchy, I eat raw sunflower seeds, roasted soybeans and pumpkin seeds. I have not found a granola that will be low carb.
  21. lark60


    I find that adding the clear liquid Protein to 32 oz of Water (I use profect 3 oz tubes) and sip this through out the day. That helps me to get the needed protein and water at the same time. This also keeps something in my stomach so I don't get the pain.
  22. well I take thyroid medication too. I have set my pills as follows: AM: multivit, Iron, potassium chloride (prescription), Vit A, C, magnesium, zinc, omeprazole (for reflux), stool softner (for the iron "issues"), metformin (diabetic) and blood pressure pill (tried to stop it and swelled up like a balloon so the doctor added a small amount to keep me from retaining Water.) Lunch: Calcium 1200 gm with Vit D (prescription) Dinner: multi vit, allergy pill, thyroid medication, Metformin. My 3 month labs were terrible so several of the above were added. My 6 month labs were "perfect"! So……I will continue with this routine.
  23. lark60

    I miss my fruit!

    I started eating fruit at about 4 months out. I use fruit nectar (2oz) in my vanilla Protein shakes to get fruit into my diet but only 1-2 times a week. I am 7 months out and still am not able to eat enough at my 1 meal to get to the fruit (protein first, then veggies, then fruit, then "treat carbs). I eat the protein, then a bite or 2 of veggy and am full.
  24. I started loosing hair in clumps at about 4 months post sleeve. Now at 7 months my hair is thin but the loss is slowing (of course the weight loss also has slowed over the last 3 months so maybe there is a link to fast weight loss and hair loss) I do have a lot of new growth showing through so I am hopeful the loss is being replaced.
  25. lark60


    first off, how far out from surgery are you? your page is a bit sparse. Second, Why did you drink (and how if you are post sleeve) 8 oz of OJ??? That is a lot of sugar. Protein first is the golden rule. The froth is common and more often seen with lap band patients. I suspect the acid from the OJ may have contributed to the formation. Your hunger can be from the lack of Protein intake. Always work on getting the protein shake down first. sipping the liquids slowly will allow you to take more in over time but you shouldn't take in more than 4 oz (your new stomach will only hold so much and the rest will sit in the esophagus till room is available in the tiny tummy)

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