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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Justinh125

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 09/20/1981

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    Ann Arbor
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  1. I fluctuate a bit every month (probably every day to some extent depending on fluids and such.)
  2. Justinh125

    Today is the day!

    You're gonna be fine! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!! What a blessing! My surgery day was the first day of the rest of my life too! It's been a blessing, but in many wonderful ways I wouldn't have expected. I know it will be a blessing for you as well.
  3. For me, (and I'm diabetes in remission and over a year post-sleeve,) too much artificial sugar gives me GI problems. But in general, I still keep an eye on my glucose, so I try not to load up on starches and whatnot.
  4. Justinh125

    Today is the day!

    High-five...you'll be fine
  5. Justinh125

    Before and After Pics

    I've got a few.... Last was yesterday!!!!
  6. Justinh125

    40 French bougie

    Mine used a 36, but the difference between 36 and 38 isn't much. Take the "french" number and divide by pi, and you get diameter.
  7. Before/After selfies with 16 months after. This stuff works!
  8. Justinh125

    How Long Was Your 3 Week Stall?

    I had one at 8 weeks that lasted about a week, and then not again for 12 months. I just kept shrinking.
  9. Justinh125

    Before and After

    You look like a robot now though. Otherwise I'd say you're doing great!
  10. I wouldn't worry about it. VSG doesn't usually affect the valve at the bottom of your stomach, and it will stay more open if there's not solid food in your stomach. So fluids sort of just pass through. If I don't have any solid food in my stomach, with fluids I barely notice I've had the surgery. If your surgery was just this month, it's nearly 100% that you still have plenty of restriction and will for a long time. It took many months before my sleeve was fully healed and not inflamed.
  11. Justinh125

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    This is before, and today (around 16 months post-surgery.) See if you can tell which is which.
  12. Justinh125


  13. Justinh125

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    When people tell me that VSG doesn't work or that it's "too hard" or something, I try to point out that I failed (miserably at times) with every other thing I tried, and my size was starting to kill me. I was starting to have a variety of extremely serious health problems because I was such a big guy. Do some people consider bariatric surgery some kind of "cheating" or "easy way out"? Yes, some people think of it that way. On the other hand, when my mother was treated for breast cancer (and the treatment worked and she's happily living her life now,) did she "cheat" by going to doctors that specialized in cancer and used the most modern treatments to help her? Or did my mother simply utilize some powerful medical tools that likely saved her life so she is still a happy, healthy woman to this very day? And if it was the later, what is so wrong with that? Way I see it, I found a serious, but helpful medical solution to a serious set of health problems. I commend anyone who has had success through other means. I tried many other things and failed every time. But neither of those above photos is a "Photoshop" or anything. That's not even 5 months. So I see it as: I found a "tool" that would help me with the main thing that always ruined healthy eating plans in the past: extreme hunger. With VSG, when I'm hungry I have one of my small-portioned meals of the day, and that fills me up completely. Later I do the same...etc.... Most importantly, and I can't say this enough times, I NEVER feel deprived...nor do I feel the sensation of "I want seconds but I'd be the only person and don't want to look like food monster or something..." When eating with others, I fix a small, appropriate plate, eat slow, and enjoy my meal and my closest family understand why I have to stop or why I can't go back for seconds...Simple physics, as there is no "room" for the extra food to go. So sometimes it feels bad to "take credit" for my accomplishments. But on the other hand, I've known people who had the exact same surgery with the exact same doctor on the same day, and some of them have lost very little, if anything.
  14. Justinh125

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    I hope it works this time...one is from like 2 days post-op, and the other isn't quite 5 months.

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