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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ausmith

  1. ausmith

    Progress so far

    You are making one of the most important decisions of your life and you won't regret it. It's normal to be nervous it shows you've done your homework. 1 tip I can give you is find a high protein low carb drink that you like because some of us find that we don't like the taste of water after surgery. It will be so important to get as much fluid in as you possibly can in the first weeks. You won't be eating much as you go through the 6 weeks of food stages. So if you can find a good protein drink it will make life so much easier for you. I like the Syntrax Nectar. Take Care and Good Luck
  2. Yes she was the spokesperson for weight watchers that and the fact that her family were wiped out by her ex brother in-law. The girl has been through so much so it's great that she looks so healthy and appears to be getting on with her life.
  3. ausmith

    Anyone travel for work?

    I was wondering how you were coping. Good to hear you worked out a plan. Try the Syntrax Nectar it just taste's like fruit juice or something similar anyway. I use the fuzzy Navel it's a combination of orange and peach
  4. ausmith

    What size to sew?

    How are you going did you decide on a size and have you taken any photo's of yourself in them ?
  5. Not sure what an ecig is
  6. ausmith

    Need to get back on my path

    Wow you have definitely been through a personal war and sound like now you are ready to fight back. Good for you, you may not realize it but you are inspirational in your own way just for reaching out and asking for help. I will be 12 months in a couple of weeks and have lost 102.3. I have really struggled the last 2 months with my weight going up and down by about 2 pounds. It's very frustrating but I know it's all mind games and I need to keep at it if I want to loose my last 28.6. Until recently my plan was to get to 132 but after an annual medical with the local GP he said that for my height the ideal weight is 121 which I think is toooo light but I'm going to go for it and see how I feel and if it is to low I'll get back to 132. So enough about me, a couple of suggestions I have for you are the following. Buy a 2 liter jug and fill it with whatever liquid you find the easiest to drink (water) every morning then set your phone alarm for every 2 hrs the alarm will signal time to fill your glass again. This way you will be sure to get all of your liquids in for the day. If you drink tea or coffee they should be over and above the liquid you have in the jug. So important to get the correct amount of Fluid in. Next is the protein some things in do at the beginning of the week are I buy a couple of BBQ chickens from the local supermarket then I remove the skin and break away all the meat. Then I wrap 100 grams each of chicken in paper towel and put them in individual plastic bags. I then put each of them into the freezer. Then each night I take 2 or 3 out of the freezer and leave them in the fridge to thaw out. I have 3 meals a day with 2 Snacks. The 2 snacks are 1 bag of the BBQ chicken each time. If I thawed out the 3rd one I make a salad and have chicken salad for lunch I know you said you haven't had the shakes since post opp but what about going back to a shake for Breakfast or even try the Syntrax nectar with Water for breakfast I love the fuzzy navel flavour it's a combination of orange and peach. Or maybe a poached egg, easy way to cook it is in a mug. Fill it a 1/3 of the way with water add a splash of vinegar if you like or leave it out. Crack an egg into the mug, microwave on high for 1 minute remove from microwave for 20 seconds so the egg has time to set. Lift the egg out with a spoon and you have your poached egg for breakfast. Now for dinner I have a steamer and I have steamed white fish for dinner once again can be done in the microwave or on top of the stove. I buy frozen and take a piece out in the morning and leave on a plate in the fridge to defrost. Then you can just add whatever veg your dad is eating. I also put a mix of fish sauce and tamari sauce (soy sauce) which I put onto the steamed fish for flavour you can add any other herbs or spices to this sauce. If you don't like fish maybe have a small portion of whatever meat your dad is having without the potato. Last tip from me is if you know what you are going to eat through the day. Enter it all into my fitness pal in the morning so you make yourself accountable to get it all in during the day. You already have done the hard work at the beginning of the week with the BBQ chicken and it is already set up with portions so the hard work is done. If you have a bad day and can't get up to cook for dinner use the BBQ chicken again. I hope some of this helps and of course every extra step you take will be increasing your activity. Good Luck please check in and let us know how you are going. Also let us know what is working and what isn't.
  7. ausmith

    My Ongoing Story :)

    Hi Beccy just wondering how things are now ?
  8. ausmith

    My Ongoing Story :)

    Beccy this is terrible news I'm so sorry for you but you have proven you are a fighter in the past and I hope and pray you have enough fight left in you to tackle this next challenge. Thinking of you and hoping for a full recovery for you.
  9. ausmith

    My Ongoing Story :)

    Bec I can't believe this is happening to you again. Although look on the bright side they have found out what it is, they have been able to give you something for pain AND you are finally getting fluid and soft food. You are a million times better off than last time. Keep your spirits up this is going to be ok that's what I keep telling myself anyway. You are in my prayers..
  10. No can't make it as my sons birthday that weekend
  11. Hi it's probable a combination but once you get to maintenance your face will lose that drawn out look and should start to fill out a bit. I suggest constant hydration for both your skin and weight loss. I am 11 months out and discovered a product called Life Cell anti aging. Which I LOVE. Check it out online. So make sure you find a great product that suits you and use it everyday to make sure your doing everything possible to keep your face and neck moisturized. Also sunscreen and a hat. I also found coconut oil straight after I showered was the best for body moisturizing. Hope this helps
  12. Well done you are certainly working your maintenance. You look fantastic
  13. ausmith

    5:2 Links and info

    Thanks I appreciate your advice
  14. That is fantastic news well done. I'm also so glad you continue to visit and update on this site. I'm almost at 12mths with blood test next week and really do miss some of those that I learnt so much from while deciding to have this surgery. Once again well done, fingers crossed mine will come back ok.
  15. ausmith

    5:2 Links and info

    Hi sorry I don't think I'm explaining my concern correctly so I'll try again. I plan on eating between 12 and 7pm 2 days a week. My problem is that I can't drink Water by itself, so I add the Syntrax nectar (fruit flavored ) to the water. Will I be negating the fasting period by drinking the Syntrax in my water during 7pm and 12? I don't want to start 5.2 if drinking the Syntrax is going to be a problem. It has no carbs or fat but 1/2 a scoop in my water equates to 50 cal. I would be including those calories in my daily total. Thanks sorry to be a nuisance just trying to get my head around it. I know I can't drink 2 liters of Fluid from 12 to 7pm. Thanks
  16. ausmith


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mum
  17. ausmith

    5:2 Links and info

    So I can drink it through the fast period ?
  18. ausmith


    Hi any news how is she ?
  19. ausmith

    5:2 Links and info

    Hi can I drink Syntrax Nectar during the no food time ? I can't drink water without it. It doesn't have any carbs or fat but 1/2 a scoop has 50 calorie and it has 11.5grams protein.
  20. Thanks, I'm just worried if we take them up until the blood test then it's not a true assessment of our levels because of the supplements. At 12 months I really do want total accuracy because I don't want to be taking supplements if not required. I would much prefer to get the right balance from foods.I'll give the Dr a call and see what he thinks. I'm glad your doing ok now
  21. My husband and I are due for our 12mth blood test next month. I'm wondering if we should stop our vitamins for a week to give a true reading of where we are at. Has anyone tried this, or any opinion on why we should or should not do this
  22. I had tears in my eye's looking at this and had to watch it a couple of times. Well done you should be so proud
  23. OMG that is amazing you look fantastic. How are you going now 6 mths latter
  24. ausmith

    Preop meeting had to go to

    Make sure you buy something like the Syntrex nectar to mix with water, take a water bottle, soup mix, stock and maybe a small blender. You will still be in the fluids stage for your first week back and then mushie's after that. So what ever meals they serve just blend them and add a bit of stock or water. Have the water bottle full at all times and sip all day long. If you can't stand to drink water after surgery add the Syntrax to it. You can do this but you need to be organized and prepare meals every night for the next day. ( Blend your food and fill in very small plastic containers) you will prob also need to take a cooler bag as I'm sure you won't be going back to your room for each of your meals through out the day.I was 47 and it will be 12mths in Oct I have lost 100 pounds and if I can do it anyone can. Just remember stay prepared and drink drink drink. Also take shakes for emergency's

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
