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Everything posted by ccm
:thumbup:I too have to start excersising. I know it works. I have just started an new job that I will be sitting behind a desk in a little tiny office. Not much room for movement there. On the other hand no more shift work and I think I can start to plan my activities a bit better now. I find if I just wing it things don't work so well and bad food choices happen. One thing low carb I like is berries with whipping cream, but lately I think I like it a little too much. My evil head hunger voice says "go ahead it's low carb". Portion control with the cream is hard, especially when you lick the beaters and the spoon, then a generous dolop on top of the berries. I think for now I will banish whipping cream from the house just like ice cream, potato chips and fast food. It's funny I heard my youngest (while they were planning their nite out)say to his buddy if we go and get burgers lets eat them at your house, my mom will give us a sermon on the evils of fast food. This is the same child who ate 2 double cheese burgers that night and came home sick and felt that he got food poison. He has now sworn off all fast food. What can I say Mommy is always right! Well, I off now to go for a walk with hubby and we have our low carb cheese and turkey snacks in my pack and off to the park we go. Hope everyone is having a good day.If not there is always tommorow. cc:smile:
Well, after a eating spree of carbs for about 6 months now and 25 pounds heavier, I am ready to step up to the plate(a small one with low carb food). I really am suprised how 1 cookie or a bowl of ice cream has had so much power over me. I was doing so well, feeling so good and I fell hard. I don't want my knees to start hurting again. I don't want to eye every chair in the room or on a patio and wonder if it will hold my butt. I am ready to re-commit. It has been 1 week now and the sugar detox is complete. Was it easy? Nope! I have great restriction with my band. A little bit of protein some veggies and I am full. But my head really wants something easy and carby to eat. It's so hard to turn off that voice. Well, here is the hope that another low carb week is in store for me, that I have control and this next week will lead me into the next and pretty soon a month will go by and then another month. But one day at a time. Sorry for rambling but I need to get back to basics and be accountable for the life I want to lead and I think it starts here with honesty. Thanks for listening. cc:smile2:
I too am sick with a nasty cold with lots of coughing and conjestion. I have been coughing nightly for about 4 days. Last night I woke myself up coughing and thought to myself I am going to cough up my band. I to would like to know if coughing can cause any damage. I've never heard anything about damage by coughing. What I do find hard it taking the cold pills. They are so huge and when you cut them up they are so gross to swallow. Well I hope we feel better soon it sucks to be sick and not be able to make myself feel better with the cold and sore throat cure all ICE CREAM:wink_smile: ha ha! cc
As a former manager of a Subway and as an employee making subs for years and years we always tried to custom make things for our customers. Only a manager can give a reduction in price, change the portion size, or other wise make ajustments. Inventory is strictly controled and every thing is counted, weighed, and measured. It is a lot of work. There (at least the last time I worked there, years ago,) is no way for an employee to make ajustments on the till to account for food ajustments. The accounting system is very strictly controlled. We delt with very rude customers that were shocked to have to pay extra for double meat, extra cheese, tripple bacon and so on. People complain about everything. The customer is aways right is used way to often! That being said, Rudeness should never be tolerated. I would suggest talking with the day time manager and follow up with a written letter to head office. Managers are always fielding complaints and in my experience are pretty understanding. Working for the public is the most thank less job there is. Employee's don't make the rules or set the prices, and get paid very little to work their tails off. Maybe the guy was having a bad day, or maybe he is always a jerk. Talk to the manager and see what they have to say. I still eat there and miss their bread terribly, but I always get my tuna, turkey or chicken on a salad. You don't have to tolerate bad service, if you don't get satisfaction take your hard earned money to another establishment that will appreciate you. That's all you can do. good luck cc:smile:
I gave up pop, chips, Cookies, icecream, candy, bread, potatoes, rice, ect. You get the idea. I love my coffee and have never been told to give it up and since I don't drink the fancy ones or ones with sugar in them I do think I am ok. I work night shift in an environment that there is access to a ton of bad things to eat and coffee helps me keep on track. I too have pcos and it is a struggle but it means we just have to work harder. I think coffee, for me, keeps me from sticking my hand into the cookie jar. We all have to do what works for our own individual bodies. cc
Well, it seems to me that the only way to controll my eating is to stay low carb. The scale has been going up and down 5 lbs like a frigin yo-yo:cursing:. Does anyone else feel the diffrence in food control. I don't mean restriction but for instance if I eat low fat foods I feel continual hunger. If I eat low carb it really does keep me full for hours. When I fall off the low carb wagon it seems to take ages to get back on. But at least with the band I don't gain all my weight back right away like I use to pre-band. I am going for another fill towards the end of September and I hope that will help as well. I would so like to be in onederland soon.:biggrin: cc
I hear your pain! I was dignosed with back pain for 6 years. Trips to the ER lots of diffrent drugs and pain that makes you lie on the floor and cry because it hurts so bad. My Dr. always said lose some weight and you'll be fine. Well, when I went for pre-op tests for the lap band what do they find gall stones the size of golf balls and the Dr says I bet they have been painfull. Well frigging duh! I had my gall bladder out 6 weeks after my lapband surgery. I would have like to have both surgerys at once but the Dr. was worried about cross contamination. I won't lie to you the gall bladder was a more painful surgery, but nothing compared to the years I suffered in excruciating (sp?) pain. Good luck and please don't suffer with pain needlessly. cc
Somedays the struggle seems so hard and others days I am at the top of the world and I think nothing can stop me now:smile2: When I reached a stand still at 250 lbs for 6 weeks I thought this was it, this is as low as I can go. I got over that and now I think 220 is as low as I can go. Our minds play such trips on us. At the end of June I ate non stop crap for three days and the end result was of course a large weight gain.(It has taken me untill today to loose that gain.) All the thoughts of failure, what have I done, I've spent all our money on this very expensive DIET and now it's not working what the hell am I going to do. My daughter told me in a loving way of course to "Suck it up Buttercup" and not to let the scale run my life or to dictate how I feel on a day to day basis. Such a smart girl. All I can do is live day to day and hope that one good day leads to another and when I do have a bad eating day (and I have had them and I will continue to do so sometimes) I can get back up and move forward. This band I have helps me get back up when I am down, but I too have to help it in any way I can in order for us to work effectively as a team. Sorry this is long and rambley but I just wanted you to know that I too fall off the wagon and overeat crap but it really is possible to get back on track. I have not weighed this little since 25 years ago. The head hunger is very hard to controll and remember even with proper restriction it is still possible to eat crap so take it one day at a time and you will get there:thumbup: cc
Well, I too am back to my ticker weight, even just a touch under. It seemed to take forever to get back there. Three days of eating crap at the end of June has taken me this long to loose them. I have only been in moderate ketosis and I think I drink far to much regular coffee to get into heavy ketosis, But coffee keeps me from eating and killing my kids, hubby, and boss:tongue2: I would so like to be in onederland by September:drool: but I am not getting the exersise I need, I am so tried of working two jobs I know that is an excuse but I never get a day off and must continue at this pace for a while yet. I am quick at one of my jobs to do the outside chores or take a client in their wheelchair for a walk. It's like getting paid for a little bit more exersise. To everyone who is doing a good job:thumbup: and to all those still stuggling take one day at a time and you too can do it. The low carb diet (and I hate to use that word) takes the edge off of my hunger and my band provides the tool to restrict the quantity of food I consume I am not too resticted but with low carbing I really don't have to be to tight. Good luck for the next few weeks to all the low carbers we can do it. cc
Pls compare Lap Band surgery with Gall Bladder surgery
ccm replied to JillN's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I suffered with gall bladder pain for years. It was "just pulled mussles" " lose some weight and you will be better" that is what I have been told by my Doctor. I went for an ultra sound just before my lap band surgery and low and behold gall stones. You would have thought countless trips to the ER, drugs, and pain, pain, pain for years someone would have said "lets check up your gall bladder" But now to the topic, Gall bladder surgery way, way more painfull than the lapband surgery. Glad they are both done and over with. cc -
See!! Gaining back weight is in our chemistry! I knew it!
ccm replied to sadie11's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
What great information! Thank you for posting that. I am going straight to costco and getting me a big tub of leptin:drool:. Does any one know what isle it is in:lol:. Once again thanks. cc -
i am staying on plan today because ...
ccm replied to losingjusme's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I'm staying on plan today because I have lost and gained the same darn 6 lbs for the last six weeks. I feel so great for loosing some of my weight but at the same time am very frustrated at my slowness. I think I need to commit to exersize, I am commited to my diet, so now if I incorperate movement it has just got to work. I promise to use the treadmill for a full 30 minutes after work tonight:scared2:. cc -
The Ten Commandments of Healthy Weight Loss
ccm replied to bxlisa's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
bxlisa,What a great set of commandments.:thumbup: I have difficulty with #10. It always seems to take me 3 or 4 days to get back up on that darn wagon. I will print it out and refer to it often.:thumbup: cc -
No ketosis yet, but I have been a good girl for two days. Now for the night shift struggles. I too forgot about the broiled cheese, will try tomorow when I go shopping. Good job to us all. cc
If I fell off the wagon and that is a big if, could I be in ketosis by monday:sad:. Ok, Ok the carb wagon has run over me, not only am I off the wagon it came back in reverse and dun run me over. Crap:mad2: why is it so dam hard. When I am in control I feel so powerful and then one little taste of a carb laced food and I am like a drugged fool. Back to the grind tomorow.I will pee on a stick on monday and see what happens. Good luck to us all. cc
The scale loves me again! A couple pounds down this week and I am happy with that. I would really like to be in onederland by September. It is going to be tough but all I can do is try. Keep up the good work everyone. cc
i am a compulsive over eater do you think a band will help me?
ccm replied to juliatabor's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Julia, I don't know how you will react,but I can tell you about me. I thought the band was going to be magical. I never understood head hunger and I thought once banded I would never have to diet again. Well I now understand that the band will not not not stop ice-cream Cookies or cake just to mention a few. And don't forget chocolate. If I have any of these things in my house I cannot stop thinking about them, planning when I am going to cheat just a little, but in reality I will be honest and say I know I will not just cheat a little I will eat them untill they are GONE! So I think that is compulsive. I will tell you though when I am restricted and eat my Protein first then veggies I feel full. Not like Christmas dinner full, it's different. It makes me not want to eat, puts me in controll, and makes me feel that there is a chance for the first time in many many years I am going to be in controll of food and my weight. You need to controll good food choices going into your body. It is not easy sometimes. So I controll the choice of food, the band controlls the amount, it is the best combo in the world for me. Good luck with your banding and keep us posted on your progress. cc -
I have saw those ice coffee's advertized and I just new if I tried it just once I too would become addicted. So I have yet to try one, cause that is all I need is one more thing to think I want and need.:tongue2:BlooEyez are yours low carb, the ones you make? If they are share with us:drool:. If not low carb I don't want to know:lol:. I loves me coffee! cc
Another low carb day for me. It was a hard day for me, stressed to the max and an ass for a boss. Have you heard, she knows it ALL. Then came home to a messy messy house, because that's just what I want to do is clean up after everyone after working 12 hours. Forget that I am now officially on strike in my home. I left my lunch bag on the counter, made juice and left everything out, I put my coat on the table, cause why the hell would I hang it up. I then had a shower and left the bathroom littered with towels and clothes made a coffee and sat at my computer. My family is looking at me kinda funny but oh well. I'm sure they are getting the drift. I'm going to talk nice to my scale tonight. I'm going to tell it I'm getting on in the morning and it had better be a good number. I work nights for the next few nights and hope I can be a good girl. I have my meals planned and lots of work to do, so hopefully a couple more low carb days for me. cc
Two days and doing well on low carb. I don't count calories, fat or portions. My band controls my portions. I eat meat, fish,eggs, cheese, dill pickles (a few) berries 2x a week, green Beans, brocoli, zuccuni (sp)once in a while and the occasional salad and pumpkin seeds and don't tell anyone but loads and loads of coffee. I need to start making Jello before I go to work so I can have a treat when I get off of a 12 hour shift. One more day to go to be past the 3 days I seem to always need after falling off the wagon.Then I am usually good for 4-6 weeks without a slip. I want to be in onederland sooooo bad. Can you hear the whining in my typing? Happy Low Carbing to all! cc
Renewedhope, I'm with you! When we also suffer with PCOS low carbing seems to be the best way of life. I really like the fact that you have used the word accountability. I feel I need that right now. I do really believe in my heart of hearts that when I am an ideal weight for myself that I will be able to incorperate good carbs back into my life. I do miss fruit and you can only eat so many low carb berries! When I fall off the wagon so to speak, it takes me about 3 days to de-sugar my body. The last couple of days we have had crap and none of it tasted any good. In fact I have noticed in the last few months that there is not a food that seems to appeal to me, the focus seems to be disapearing from food. That is great I think. Maybe that is how thin people really feel about food. I have always been focused on food, looking foward to the next meal and when we would go away on holidays I would be thinking what is this town famous for Hot dogs/ BBQ/ Fudge/ cheesecake well you get the idea. It is quite sad how I have wasted so much time focused on dieting and food and weight.An ideal combo that is working for me is my band and low carb. It's great! Before the band if I fell off the wagon I could gain 5 lbs back a day easily. I didn't have to eat to an extreem but it (the weight)just came back with a vengence. So here's to the band and the low carb way of life. Come and join us and be accountable, good or bad! cc
Say No To Carbs 2 Day Challenge...come Join Me
ccm replied to renewedhope's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Way to go! I am not talking to my scale for a few days.(I'm being good, scale is being bad) I'd like it to be a week but I don't think it is possible for me to go that long. A few days will teach it a lesson on how to give me good news. Then we will continue with our love hate relationship. Keep up the good work! cc -
Say No To Carbs 2 Day Challenge...come Join Me
ccm replied to renewedhope's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Well, the last couple days sucked big time. I have been working so hard physically building a retaining wall, moving wheel barrows full of rocks and sand for two days. Had 2 tacos for lunch two bites of a stale danish, and a bowl of frosted flakes. Now I'm up 3lbs. All that physical work didn't seem to count for anything. You'd think since I can hardly move my arms and legs today it would count for something in this universe. Today is a new day and I will promise to start again to the low carb way of life. cc -
Dear allamess, I'm sorry you are feeling so down. I too use to compare my weight to others and think what the heck am I doing wrong, why can't I drop 5 lbs a week with no effort at all like them? Well, I'm not them, I'm me. It is harder for me, because I have PCOS, but in saying that I will be honest and say I use it as an excuse to eat carbs and say it's not me it's the carbs. It's hard not to feel bad when the weight is not comming off. As for a diet plan I went into this surgery thinking I will NEVER have to diet again. For me that is never going to happen. I do cry about that once in a while but then I have to self talk about all the positive things I have accomplished. As far as the bypass surgery I also have thought I should have got that operation. But, it is a long wait for this surgery. The goverment pays for it but your wait is 3-8 years as the Dr's are so limited here. We also have no coverage for the lap band it is all self pay, and honestly all the problems some of the people have scare the stuffing out of me. I have had a bad couple of days and have decided to get back at it before the 3 lb gain turns to 5 lbs. Do you have someone you can talk to? It's hard to do own your own. I don't really have a diet plan I could help you with, but I do know what works for me right now is to eat the same things basicly everyday. I am trying to follow the low carb way for life and when I get closer to goal I will intoduce good carbs and see if I can't lead a more balanced life with my food. So, don't give up, you are worth the effort and do what is best for your body. Do something good for yourself today and I hope you feel better. cc
Say No To Carbs 2 Day Challenge...come Join Me
ccm replied to renewedhope's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
A thread for a carb way of life sounds great. I too want to be able to re-introduce the good carbs back into my life but, not until I have lost some more weight. I suffer with PCOS and my body has an intolarance for carbs so I have come to accept that low carb has to be a way of life for myself. Good carbs can be a treat once in a while but for me even the good ones send some signal to my brain that says "eat everything in sight please". Low carbing and the band are a great combo. Now if I could just get off my duff and incorperate some exercise into my life things would happen faster. cc