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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. This same thing happened to me as well. All the medicine I took for nausea said "may cause blurryness in vision". Well, I definitely had blurry vision. The problem is when I stopped taking the medicine my vision never returned to normal.
  2. Lolliq12

    My Story... Good and Bad

    I was at a hospital that was supposed to be a "Center of Excellence". My doctor performs surgery out of there but his office is in another hospital. My insurance company would only pay 50% of my costs vs. 80% if I did not go to a supposed Center of Excellence. I was readmitted four different times... Those times were at my doctors hospital. I refused to go back to the other place. In fact, I told the hospital administrator that if i was run over in his parking lot I would beg to go to another place. They made so many errors with my after care it was scary. The nurses were not educated on this type of surgery apparently. The day shift was ok at best.. The night shift was bringing me all sorts of things I couldn't have and they never once helped me out of bed to walk the floors, which you should do to prevent blood clots. I never left my bed until I got home. I should have insisted but I was so sick, drugged and upset I tried to sleep through it.
  3. Lolliq12

    My Story... Good and Bad

    Thank you! Now, I just need to get past this stall and I'll be great...lol!
  4. Lolliq12

    My Story... Good and Bad

    Keke... I'm feeling 100% better today. If you read this site, most people have had great experiences. I told my story because I never read the bad stuff first...only the good. You need to make the right decision for you. Just be aware that while nausea is common... You need to stay hydrated and keep in contact with your Doctor if your symptoms persist for too long. Good luck to you... I do hope everything turns out good for you.
  5. Lolliq12

    My Story... Good and Bad

    Thank you Susan. Everyone tells me that I should have had a drain in me right from day one... Please ask your doctor what they do. I feel like if I'd have had the drain maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. Good luck to you.. I do hope your journey is successful.
  6. After a tremendous amount of research on the Gastric Band and Sleeve I decided to get sleeved. After going through all the approval processes, I was sleeved on May 24, 2013. I was super excited and looking forward to the new "thin" me!! After surgery the Doctor said everything went just as planned. I was feeling very nauseous and sick. I felt like my head was going to come off.. the doctors said I might be going through caffeine withdrawl?? I asked for pain medicine... they said they were waiting on my doctor to prescribe that. I asked for something for nausea and one nurse gave me alcohol pads to smell.. it actually worked. I was in a lot of pain and finally had my friend who is a nurse call the hospital and find out what was going on. The night nurses were clueless... they gave me water with a straw when I told them I had sore throat... they brought me Tylenol pills to swallow when I asked for pain meds... I told them I couldn't have that... even on the wall it said "ice chips only". They said they would cut the pill in fourths if I wanted them smaller. Again, I had done a lot of research and I knew what I could and couldn't have. My doctor came back to the hospital at 10pm because someone finally got ahold of him and told him what was going on.. he was very upset at the hospital personnel. I so sick and in pain that my doctor ordered a swallow test to make sure that the sleeve was done correctly. That test turned out good. The next day was Saturday, I was still sick and nauseous and for some reason my kidney's shut down. Not good.. and I was still so sick. On Sunday, the kidneys started working again.. thank God! I was very sick but ready to go home. I was released on Monday. I was weak and couldn't wait to get home. My next follow-up appointment with my doctor was the next Thursday. I was still feeling nauseous but I could keep down popsicles and water. At my appointment I showed my doctor a HUGE bruise on my stomach. It was as black as dark grapes and as big as a cantaloupe. I could tell my doctor was surprised. All he said was "that's were you bled out". He told me not to be concerned. By the weekend, I was puking up stomach bile and couldn't even keep down water. I called his office and he told me to come in on Monday. On Monday, he admitted me to the hospital. His exact words to me were "You look like hell". I was dehydrated, weak and nauseous. It was horrible. In the hospital they did another swallow test and an MRI. Swallow test went well... the MRI showed I had a HUGE Hematoma in my stomach. I was 15 inches long. It was bigger than any of my organs... the doctor said this is what was making me so sick. So, they put a drain in and sent me home. I felt ok for about two days then the puking and nausea started again. I was readmitted to the hospital the following Monday for dehydration and nausea. Another MRI showed that the drain was not in the hematoma anymore and the blood was still about 12 inches long. Apparently, all the heaving and puking had moved it. The doctors put two more drains in and after a few days sent me home. After about two days, I was puking and couldn't keep anything down again. After the following week I was readmitted to the hospital for surgery to remove the hematoma. By this time, the hematoma had "jellied" and the doctor said he got out most of it but not all. He said he would literally have to scoop it out with his had to get it all. What was left was like trying to slurp Jello through a straw. The next week I was back in his office still sick and nauseas. Through the whole process I had tried all types of medicine to help with the nausea. I had to wear a patch behind my ear and my two weeks vacation from work turned into a six week sick leave. It took me six weeks to work through the nausea and dehydration. It was a horrible experience and every day I wished I wouldn't have had the surgery. Night and day puking stomach bile was a nightmare. Since surgery I have lost 41 pounds... I love losing the weight and how it makes me feel. I feel tremendously better and have put the six weeks behind me and choose not to dwell on the negative. The weight loss is super slow right now and that is kind of frustrating. However, I've never lost 41 pounds in 14 weeks before so I'll take it. I've been reading about stalls so I know this his normal and the weight loss will continue... I will reach my goal eventually!!! I do appreciate that my doctor did all he could to make me feel better.. I don't blame him for what happened. I am greatfull to finally be feeling like a human again. Would I choose surgery if I know what I know now.. I am not sure?? It was the worst 6 weeks of my life... and I really felt like I was going to die. When I reach my goal I might have another opinion.. maybe it will be worth it... we will see. Nothing that's worth it is ever easy!! If you haven't had the surgery yet, do your research. Mistakes can happen... you need to be prepared and keep in touch with your doctor daily if needed. My doctor texted me almost daily to see how I was doing. Good Luck to everyone!!!

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