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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. unbesleevable1

    Smoking Question

    I quit one month before. My doctor didn't make any no nicotine demands, but preferred I quit. Most people are asked to quit 2 months to 6 weeks before surgery. I quit and I'm still quit. It feels good! You can do this!
  2. unbesleevable1

    Honest Answers Only!

    What was ur stats?? Start weight and now?? Highest weight: 275 Pre Op weight: 255 Surgery Day weight 243 Today's weight: 227 Time since surgery: 3 weeks 5 days Height: 5' 7"
  3. unbesleevable1

    Honest Answers Only!

    You're gonna be ok. I cheated. I lived. I am losing weight post op. Just do your best until surgery and you will be fine. The chances that you won't be ok are small. No use worrying about what has already happened. Focus on what you CAN control. You can do this!!!!
  4. unbesleevable1

    Honest Answers Only!

    And now the defensiveness starts. You're gonna need a lot of head work. Good luck though, been there!
  5. unbesleevable1

    No Willpower

    Do or do not, there is no try. Suck it up and get it done. What helped me was finding a shake that I really liked. Be sure the calories/ protein/ carbs meet with your doctors approval. It's hard, the hardest thing I've ever done. You can do it.
  6. unbesleevable1

    How Long Do You Stay Full?

    I am hungry about every 1-3 hours depending on what I've eaten. Full liquids or yogurt type foods last the shortest time. Dense Proteins last the longest. Also fullness lasts longer if I don't drink for an hour or more after eating.
  7. unbesleevable1

    Sleeved On The 13Th - 1St Egg Today!

    The first egg is a religious experience.
  8. unbesleevable1

    Honest Answers Only!

    Honest answer: yes, I cheated. 3 times (about once a week) during a 3 week pre op. My surgeon made it my choice when to start, and of course I was excited to get started. Yeah, I knew the risks, I read the research, I took the chance. A lot of ppl said, 'well if you can't stick to a pre op diet, how are you going to stick to the post surgery diet??' well, luckily after the surgery, it would be physically impossible to cheat for a long time. I am not saying you should do as I did. Am I proud that I cheated? No. Do I think the pre op diet is essential? NO, simply because there are so many variations, no research supporting them and the doctors cannot even agree if it should be required. Im sure this will stir up the food nazis and cause all sorts of uproar. Can't wait.
  9. unbesleevable1

    November buddies where are you?

    Im like a hr and a half from u. I am in Costa Mesa
  10. I started at 255 and am down to 229. I lost some of it during the pre op and the rest in the 3 1/2 weeks after surg. YAY
  11. unbesleevable1

    I'm A Newbie And This Is My Story

    No use worrying about something you have no control over. Stay in acceptance, it makes things a lot easier in this bumpy journey.
  12. you can always say you're having some kind of woman surgery, like a myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids), or an ovarian cyst removed. I have to give my 2 cents, coming out with my surgery was the best thing I ever did. The pre op diet was so obviously torture, that there's no way I could have played it off that it was my choice. Plus I have been able to give others hope that they too can do something to get hope back again.
  13. unbesleevable1

    Chat Room

    It used to be pretty fun in there. I don't know, this new chat engine is just so different. I think people were used to having chat open and being able to navigate the site. Although you can still do this, the button is not that obvious and I bet a lot of ppl don't know it's even there. Also I wonder if the influx of other WLS people had anything to do with it. I don't know, I'm just wondering aloud. I'm still not a huge fan of the new site format. It's getting easier to navigate and find current topics, but change is always difficult.
  14. I get like a little hiccup feeling. it took about a week to tune into it. if i eat too much i get the 'food in the throat' feeling.
  15. I am eating my eggs or Beans or whatever, one bite at a time, spacing out my bites about every 5-10 min. By the 2nd or 3rd bite, my food is cold. Is this just my reality now? Not complaining, just wondering if anyone has figured a better way.
  16. unbesleevable1

    Need Advice

    hiatal hernia can be repaired with either surgery. what is a schetze ring? As for chronic gastritis, it probably depends on the underlying issue. with wls, gastritis is likely to get worse. Not sure how that is different with the sleeve vs. rny. I would perhaps get a second surgeon's opinion, and if they agree, accept their expertise.
  17. unbesleevable1


    No soda ever. no carbonation. one of the 'rules'
  18. unbesleevable1

    Has This Happened To Anyone Else?

    not normal. i hope you got it checked out by now.
  19. i'm not sure what you mean about your bm being 'bile'. Bile is what gives the bm its color, all the time. Chills and nausea makes me think of infection. Take your temp. is it over 100? Are you able to keep any liquids down? Try gatorade or pedialyte. Dont worry about the sugar at this moment, your body needs the sugar (if you're dehydrated). If you have a fever, can't keep liquids down, vomit blood, pass blood in the stool, or any thing else weird, get yourself checked out at an e.r. it is not likely you ruined your life. new sleeves can come with some attitude. I myself, shat myself just the other day while driving to work. just keepin it real.
  20. unbesleevable1

    Protein Powder Blues

    I am forever talking up my favorite product, herbalife Protein drink mix. its like crystal lite consistency (the peach mango is the best) and has 15 gm protein per serving. I drink it all day long. I dont sell or otherwise endorse herbalife, I just happen to really dig this one product. Also, at my bariatric support group last nite some vets were talking about a flavorless Protein powder they sampled that was really flavorless. I think it was called bipro.
  21. unbesleevable1

    I Smell Since Surgery

    i have developed this uncanny sense of smell since surgery. I can smell food on peoples' clothes and identify where they ate or what they ate. Also, peoples' breath is especially strong to me now. I don't think that I smell, though.
  22. unbesleevable1

    Day 5 Post-Op & Drank Slim Fast Today

    Agree with above poster. Slim fast is not a great choice because it is not that high in protein and high in sugar and carbs. But I think the OP was more concerned with the diet progression. Every doctor seems to have a different program for post op diet. anything from clear liquids for the first day or two, to purees after 3 days. it runs the gamut! important to do what your doctor suggests to have the best results. but between you and me, full liquids are probably not going to hurt you at this point.
  23. unbesleevable1

    Holy Crap!

    I am unbesleevalbe, and it happened to me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
