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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. unbesleevable1

    Did I make the right decision?

    yeah, maybe it won't work for you. Maybe it will. You will never know until you allow it some time. Holy hell, have some patience.
  2. Hi guys, My progress so far is truly UNBESLEEVABLE. I'm so happy with how this is going. I've lost about 34 lbs since the 'before' pictures. I am 5'7". The before pix I was 255 lb. The After pix I am 221 lb.
  3. unbesleevable1

    6 Week Post OP Before & After Pics

    You're right! It has been almost 8 weeks! OOPS!
  4. unbesleevable1


    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

  5. unbesleevable1


    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

  6. unbesleevable1


    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

  7. unbesleevable1

    6 wks post VSG

    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

  8. unbesleevable1

    6 weeks post VSG

    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

    about 223lb
  9. unbesleevable1


    it's normal. just the way the body loses weight. not in a straight sloping line, but a messy, stair-stepped pattern. it's normal. it's normal. focus on something else. get out of your head. make good choices and let your body do what it is going to do without criticizing it at every turn. I don't believe in 'stalls'.
  10. unbesleevable1

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Hi guys, I had surgery Nov 4, and am down to 221!! I have been hanging out at 225 and then 223 for a few weeks. Pre Op: 255, Surg Wt: 243. I just got home from a week at my parents for xmas and I ate so much crap. Back home and back on track. I cannot have things like carmel corn, xmas Cookies and candy around. I will try to eat it, even if it makes me sick. I really proved to myself that I don't get as much restriction if I don't do dense Protein first. It was a good lesson and I still lost 2 lbs. Go figure. My theory is that the body loses better if it gets varied calories. Like some days around 5-600, and some 1000-1200. I always notice losses after variations like this. This is very unscientific and just my experience, but--there it is. Remember, there is no such thing as a 'slow loser' or a 'stall'. Stop buying into this negative garbage. Make good choices, stay off the scale everyday, and enjoy the journey.
  11. I had my 2 week follow up appt today. During my surgery, they found a small tumor/mass on my liver which they removed. The P.A. that I saw today had assisted in my surgery. She told me that when they found the mass, removed it, and sent it to pathology, they had to wait until the pathologist said it looked benign before proceeding. If the pathologist had said it looked suspicious, they would have cancelled the surgery. I am so grateful that it was benign, and that they were able to give me this weight loss tool. I love my tiny tummy!!
  12. unbesleevable1

    Newbie who needs advice.

    I'm not sure if you're asking if it's ok to skip the puree phase. A lot of people on here will read you the riot act about following your surgeon's instructions. Yes this is important. Everyone's plan is a little different. There are some people that are started on purees almost immediately. Some people are on clears for a week and advance slower. What do you mean about emotional attachments to foods, and how does that relate to your post op plan? Not sure what you're looking for here, but be safe and careful!
  13. My doctor said I didn't have to crush anything. From day 2 post op I have been swallowing all my pills whole. P.S. check with the dispensing pharmacy or your prescriber. Pretty much every medication has a liquid form.
  14. at one month post op i felt pretty much normal.
  15. unbesleevable1

    Overeating or Food Disagreeing?

    yeah, I agree, you are most likely eating too fast. You have to wait a few min between bites and listen/ feel for that full sign. I get a little hiccup when I"m full. Even before I feel full.
  16. unbesleevable1

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    There are some gall bladder issues that cause itching. (Cholelithiasis?) Just make sure your doc knows about it.
  17. unbesleevable1

    No Willpower

    Sorry, I checked out of this website for a while. Lots going on, and all the repetition gets to me after a while. I'm doing great. Lost about a half pound a day for the first month. Am holding steady at 225 right now, but clothes are getting bigger. Its fun. I eat mostly meat and cheese type things. And lots of Protein drink (herbalife peach mango drink mix is my go-t0) I'm turning into more of a planner as far as meals go. I am feeling really hopeful and way better about myself. This is easily the best decision I've ever made and I have zero regrets. I also have had zero complications, so I've been really lucky.
  18. unbesleevable1

    Driving Right After Surgery?

    I drove myself home from the hospital, 3 days post op. I went to work at 2 weeks post op. I had no complications or problems (a really easy recovery--which not everybody has). The danger of your long driving hours is that time you spend sitting behind the wheel increases your risk for blood clots. While you may feel very well, the risk of clots persists for months after surgery. So when you go back to work, be sure to take a walk and stretch break every hour that you are sitting.
  19. nope, i'm not special enough for that. i'm very normal (in the 99.999% that survive).
  20. unbesleevable1

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Surgery was 11/4. Lost about 13lbs pre op diet and another 17 since surgery. So that equals about 30 total since the pre op. Please guys, try not to compare yourselves to others. Just bc your surgery was the same day, you're not a 'slow loser' if you have lost less, or whatever. Every BODY is going to lose differently, have different composition of fluid, etc. Any loss is a good loss, and you will lose as long as you stick to the plan. Heck, you will probably lose if you DON"T stick to the plan.
  21. unbesleevable1

    So Down:(

    http://myfriendteresablog.com/so-youre-feeling-too-fat-to-be-photographed/ Read this. I feel the same way a lot of the time, and this article lays it all out. Focus on the moments, not your imperfections, because you're the only one paying attention to how good or bad you look.
  22. unbesleevable1

    What's That On Your Head?....

    Look, here's the thing (and I know you know this). People are amazingly oblivious to the things we do with our hair. I have gotten real extensions, I have used clip ins and added a foot of length. People BARELY notice. Seriously, people will comment, 'wow your hair grew' or, 'your hair looks good, it's getting long'. Nobody really notices as much as we think they do.
  23. unbesleevable1

    Full Liquids Question

    yes, adding splenda or something to cream of wheat is totally fine!
  24. Another option I haven't heard yet is ordering them online. I ordered my effexor from india for the year I was off work on disability. Not the cheapest option, but may be cheaper than local pharmacy. I know for me, going off my meds means disaster. weaning or not. I would shut off my cable and internet before i went without. I think the county or city clinics are a fabulous resource. Some ppl won't use them bc they're ashamed. Don't be one of those people. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. If you had cancer, you wouldnt wean off your cancer meds...you would find a way! I hope you find a way.
  25. unbesleevable1


    As long as you are off the narcotics, it's not a problem. honestly, i drove myself home from the hospital (2 miles) bc my mom's driving scares me.

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