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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. unbesleevable1

    Out 7 Days & Pissed

    I woulda pulled the sucker out myself. it's not rocket science. (also an RN)
  2. unbesleevable1

    Stall at week 2?

    no such thing as a stall or slow loser. just my opinion but it is just how the body reacts to this type of surgery/ trauma. weight does not fall off continuously at all. it is a documented stair-step phenomenon. you lose, you plateau a little, you lose more, etc etc. do not let yourself get into a negative head space about something that is completely normal.
  3. enjoy it while it lasts. it will soon turn to constipation. ask your doc if its ok for you to take imodium.
  4. unbesleevable1

    Exercise Physiologist

    if it is a pre op requirement, you have to bite the bullet. if your on insurance, they may cover some part of the cost. you can always pay in installments.
  5. unbesleevable1


    I was cleared for any exercise at 6 weeks. did not start till my weight lost began to slow around month 4. just my story. but wait for physician's clearance to do strenuous exercise. Personally I dont think the elliptical is not very strenuous and there is very little impact, so if you go easy, you are probably fine. but im just some random person on the internet.
  6. unbesleevable1

    Special K Protein Water Mix

    a lot of the commercial Protein supplements (special k, slimfast, ensure etc) are higher in sugar and lower in protein than your ideal product. i always tell people about herbalife Protein Drink (its a clear drink that comes in a powder). a tub is about $20 and you can order on ebay or amazon. it comes in orange mango or berry. or get the Premier Protein pre packaged shakes from costco. probably easier to not have to mix something with Mexico Water, now that i think of it.
  7. you cannot rush perfection or weightloss. personally, mine slowed down after about 5 months post op. i am still losing, but it's just a slower rate. i don't stress about it. i work out 3-4 x a week (running) and do some body weight exercises a few times a week. i eat pretty good, sometimes i get sloppy. when i want to re-focus my efforts, i cut out almost all carbs, and do Protein protein protein. also i mix up my workouts and do more hills/ sprints. this shet takes time. from a health perspective, the most you should be losing is a pound or 2 a week.
  8. unbesleevable1

    Clothes opinions

    P.M. me your address and I'll send you a bunch of clothes. I started at a size 24 so I have some pants from 18-24 I'm happy to send you.
  9. unbesleevable1

    Going back to work

    I took 2 weeks. I felt ok but I should have taken 3. I had a really easy, no-complications recovery. still, I was a little to tired for my commute and long days.
  10. The Chia Seed. The humble chia seed!! If you're struggling with constipation, try incorporating chia, either in a pre made drink (love grape chia kombucha by Synergy), greek yogurt with chia on the bottom (17g protein), or make your own chia pudding (many recipes online). My bf works at one of those hippy grocery stores and just brought home some chia yogurt one day. HOly Crap---literally. Check it out. Chia is high in Protein, Fiber, Essential fatty acids, and many many Vitamins and minerals etc etc. Do your own research. I'm amazed. -unbe
  11. Personally about 8 months. Check with your doc, but when you've been doing good with solids for a while, it's probably fine.
  12. unbesleevable1

    what is everyone eating?

    as long as the scale is trending down over time, there is no need for worry. do not fret about a pound or 2 up from a day ago or whatever minutia has got your head in a spin. the body loses weight in a stair step pattern. lose a little, level out, lose more, level out, etc. i dont believe in a 'stall' or a 'slow loser'. i think these terms just lead to people labeling themselves and getting into negative headspace. just keep doing what you're doing, as it appears to be working, right? don't compare to other people and their loss pace. each is different. remember that slow, steady weightloss is better for your body overall. we tend to lose the most in the first few months, and then we slow down a bit. losing 1-2 lbs a week is a reasonable goal. this is not an instant thing. remember to look at the overall picture.
  13. unbesleevable1

    Do you have a weight chart?

    I use an app called libra. i like the graph.
  14. unbesleevable1

    I can't get in my needed protein.

    I drank a ton of herbalife Protein drink mix. it is clear and has about 25 gm protein / 20 oz. It comes in a powder. (i got it on ebay or amazon). two flavors, berry or mango something. kill 2 birds with one drink. win win. p.s. isopure tastes like catass.
  15. unbesleevable1

    Scales moved the wrong way!

    I would go back to closely monitoring your intake, like with mfp or some other cal counter app. Maybe work in a Meal Replacement shake for a meal or so per day. cut your carbs like mad.
  16. Eff them! Not their body, or their journey. Tell them, thanks for sharing, and shut the eff up. ok you can tell them the last part quietly to yourself. or not. they're probably fat also.
  17. if a seed could get through your staples, the food and gastric juices would be getting through too. Therefore you would have a leak. There is no more risk of seeds going through your staples as any other food. It's not like the staples you put in paper. there are three rows usually and they are very close together. Plus, after you are healed, your stomach is a whole organ again, like it was before, only smaller.
  18. unbesleevable1

    Chia seeds

    Chia is my new thing. I love them and they help keep me regular. they wont get stuck or anything. they will fill you up and help add Fiber to your diet. also great for energy.
  19. unbesleevable1

    bunged up....

    chia seeds. im serious. incorporate them into one or 2 things a day. they are high in fiber and Protein so it's a win-win.
  20. unbesleevable1

    help ! I'm sick

    You can take anything over the counter except NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, alleve etc). Check ingredients. If you take anything with sudafed, be extra sure to stay well hydrated.
  21. i am still struggling with this 7 months post. You have to keep the fluids up and I also take colace and senna every day. This will sound funny but indian food is really helpful. It's the only complication I've had, so I'm pretty ok with it.
  22. unbesleevable1

    Taking whole pills

    yep no problem with pills. even day after surgery.
  23. unbesleevable1

    "Cardio" setting vs "Fat Burn" setting on elliptical

    "fat burn" is bs. Go hard or go home!
  24. This person is batshit. Lose her "friendship" gratefully.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
