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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. So I've been noticing something in the last few weeks since I've been approved. I have hope and confidence in myself again. It's becoming evident how much I had given up on myself. But there is a spring in my step that hasn't been there in years, maybe ever. Amazing how much this stuff is all mental. So excited I am already becoming the new me!
  2. unbesleevable1

    Flu shot

    no, more reason to get one before. being in the hospital during flu season is high risk.
  3. unbesleevable1

    Flu shot

    i have to because of where I work. We have to wear a mask and sign a paper if we decline the flu shot.
  4. unbesleevable1

    More Confidence Since Being Approved?

  5. unbesleevable1

    Strange Kidney Soreness

    could be kidney infection or stones . please have it checked out.
  6. could you eat a high protein diet now? would you? it shouldn't make any difference post op. your nephrologist can probably clear you. I see the concern, in theory, but as long as you understand the risks..
  7. unbesleevable1

    Bladder Question from Doc?

    standard easy rule out infection questions. also speaks to hydration.
  8. I have Anthem BC Calif Care and they were so fast with their approval. Like less than a week. No 6 month diet crap. Really, I chose the best insurance by accident. I had the choice between a few through work, and I'm so glad I chose Anthem. Good Luck!
  9. unbesleevable1

    Frustrated and depressed

    Unless you are like 500+ lbs, Im not sure a doctor would ask you to lose that much pre op. I bet what happened is just a misunderstanding. Your nut thought you meant how much he wants/expects you to lose post op. If he wanted you to lose 100lb pre op, you best be sure he would have had a long discussion about that.
  10. unbesleevable1

    Jealous Friend

    This is HER stuff, not yours. It's her choice how she deals with it. You, as her friend, have given her the information, and allowed her to be supportive, or not. People really show you who they are, especially though a major life change like this. You could also consider talking to her in a non-threatening way and just sharing what you're perceiving as jealousy. Say, "I feel like you are upset by this surgery, and if you want to talk about it, I am willing. I value your friendship" or something like that. If you're not sure what she's feeling, give her the opportunity to express that.
  11. first of all, have your nurse page your doctor through his office exchange. There is ALWAYS someone on-call for post op surgical patients, if they are having an issue. Your surgeon or an associate will also round on you daily, so you could ask him then. what are platonicx? Do you mean Protonix?
  12. unbesleevable1

    weird question

    nope, your throat goes to your lungs, which is where they would put a breathing tube. I don't think you'd need a medic alert.
  13. unbesleevable1


    sudafed is very drying/ dehydrating. I would ask your doc.
  14. unbesleevable1


    I learned real quick to just keep it to myself and not tell anyone that doesnt' absolutely have to know. I was originally surprised by that response also. It's shocking to them, bc they havent been thinking about it for years like we have.
  15. unbesleevable1


    I wouldnt. just wait. one is enough!
  16. unbesleevable1

    Protein powder question

    I don't see why it would.
  17. unbesleevable1

    November buddies where are you?

    OMG I am Nov 4th also!!!! Where are you having surgery?
  18. unbesleevable1

    Oh i miss you, Mr Caffeine

    my caffeine detox was like an exorcism. I was off cold turkey for 10 days (3 monsters a day for 5 years), bc I needed to break the cycle. (mostly to prove I could do it). I was completely caffeine free for the 10 days. I have started having a small half caff in the am. i need it for work mornings while i'm still so far out. I will go off completely when i'm about 2 or 3 weeks out from surgery, and stay off as long as I have to. I will reincorporate it as soon as I get the all clear. I cannot live without caffeine.
  19. where are you in Ca? Southern Calif or South Bay SF?
  20. unbesleevable1

    Beat thing i ever did!

    Thank you, Amazing!
  21. unbesleevable1

    Holy ITCHY incision sites Batman!

    The itching is the feeling of your skin knitting back together. you are correct, it means healing! So they will stop itching when they stop itching. put an ice pack on them, that helps a bit.
  22. unbesleevable1

    Psyc eval questions

    I had to take a 200 question Personality Inventory before the visit. She checked and made sure i'm not that crazy. Asked a lot of the same things the above poster said. She tries to gauge how psychologically ready for the surgery and life change you are.
  23. unbesleevable1


    you know what you are doing wrong. (35lbs is not bad progress btw) but you have to stay the course, and stick to the program if you want to continue seeing progress. Sounds a lot like self-sabotage to me, what do you think? How is being overweight serving you? How did you used to use food that you can't anymore? I would suggest seeking the help of a bariatric psychologist, as well as an in real life bariatric support group. Just my humble opinion, take it for what its worth.
  24. unbesleevable1

    November Surgery Dates

    November 4th B i at chezzzz!
  25. unbesleevable1

    surgery before the new year.

    usually, yes

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
