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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. unbesleevable1

    My hair will NOT stop falling out!

    Hang in there, it WILL stop. Not a whole lot you can do but accept it. Wear lots of fun headbands. Get some clip in extensions. Invest in some fun hats. (it's getting cold and you can get away with some wintery hats, no?) Remember you knew this could happen going in to the surgery, and you were willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach your goal. This is just a bump in the road to a brilliant new you.
  2. unbesleevable1

    Weave/ hair extensions for hair loss?

    i already wear clip ins for length and volume and love them. make sure you get the real remy hair and your stylist can color them to match your hair, or you can select a shade to blend with your own hair. not hard to put in and nobody ever believes I wear them.
  3. unbesleevable1

    Some People are Rude..

  4. unbesleevable1


    at least it wasn't a package of cookies.
  5. unbesleevable1


    How far out from surgery are you? how long have you not been able to eat? Define 'can't seem to eat anything'. Do you throw up if you eat? Are you nauseated? Can you drink fluids?
  6. unbesleevable1

    Severe migraines, what to do?

    My surgeon says caffeine and NSAIDS are ok in small amounts. (infrequently) Tylenol doesn't do anything for my headaches either. I wouldnt' have the surgery if I knew I couldnt ever have NSAIDS. Its one of the reasons I chose VSG. Caffeine is generally recommended in moderation because it is dehydrating, and can interfere with calcium absorbtion.
  7. unbesleevable1

    2months out 51lbs down! photos

    wow that is AMAZING!
  8. unbesleevable1

    One Year, four months Post Op!

    Holy crap, your font is so small. I am young and had trouble reading it. Make it bigger please?
  9. unbesleevable1

    Can't stop losing!

    If you want to stop losing, you have to consume more calorie-dense foods. You may need the help of a nutritionist for this, as far as where to put your calories. They can actually measure your metabolism and tell you how many calories you need per day to lose, gain, or maintain weight. Good luck and I sure wish I had your problem!
  10. unbesleevable1

    I think im mourning my fat....

    It could be a sense of loss. Loss of the fat that protected you from the outside world, sexual advances, etc. Loss of the person you used to be. Loss of feeling invisible. It is a general feeling of not knowing who you are anymore. I hope you are connected with a bariatric support group in your area, as well as a psychologist that specializes in eating disorders/ bariatrics/ self image. If not, make that a goal for the week. Attend one live bariatric support group, and make an appt to see a psychologist. After the physical work, comes the mental work.
  11. unbesleevable1

    Unflavored liquid protein

    unjury makes one that a lot of ppl use.
  12. I have been on this forum for a little over a month now. I am pre- op and I have really been enjoying hearing everyones' stories and experiences. Here is what is getting old: Everyone is SOOOOOOO hard on themselves post-op! Hearing people say they are one day post op and are already in a stall, 3 months out and they've ONLY lost 50 lbs, ate a carb or gained 1 lb or ..... I think this speaks a lot about our expectations going into this process. I read these things and I want to shake these people! We did not gain 100+ extra lbs overnight. Be kind to yourself. Practice patience and gratitude on a daily basis. Stop comparing yourself to others. Get off the stupid scale. Stop obsessing and start accepting yourself and your journey. Ask yourself, 'what would I tell my best friend if she/he came to me with these problems?' Ok Rant over, Thanks for Listening!
  13. unbesleevable1

    BM issues

    Milk of Magnesia is a miracle. Once you have been on the opiates, you have a plug going on that you are going to have to 'birth' sooner or later. I am not sure if you are allowed a senna laxitive? check with your doc. The ones that have colace/senna tend to work really well. How much colace are you taking? Your doc can advise you how to increase it and how much to take. I wonder if you are allowed to do a fleets? check with your doc!
  14. unbesleevable1

    6 month follow-up appointment

    maybe try ensure clear protein drinks. They have almost 200 calories, but still help meet your protein goal.
  15. unbesleevable1


    Why are you with someone who is so unsupportive? Maybe she is jealous? Feeling threatened you are looking too good and might leave? I donno, just my 2 cents.
  16. unbesleevable1

    Muscle aches and leg spasms

    could be some kind of electrolyte thing. Can you add some gatorade or pedialyte? I got those achey symptoms when I detoxed off caffeine. Are you detoxing from that also?
  17. unbesleevable1

    Five Days Post Op

    Make a list of all the reasons you decided to have the surgery and what you hate about being fat. I already have my list!
  18. unbesleevable1

    Newbie, questions and concerns

    I agree with the above poster. He may not be quite ready yet for the lifestyle change that is required after surgery. I think to go through with this surgery, you have to be willing to do 'whatever it takes'. A lot like addiction, you have to reach a point when you're so done with it all, that you become willing to make changes. I'm sure you understand that. Sounds like he is going through the stages of grieving. Denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance.... you are doing all the right things, being supportive. Remember when you gave up drugs/alcohol and you went through mourning a loss like you'd lost your best friend? Give him time, encourage him to get support (OA? Bariatric Support Group?) and maybe he'll get to where he needs to be to be successful.
  19. Sounds abnormal. You should have that checked out, asap. ER?
  20. unbesleevable1

    Submitted! Have Anthem Blue Cross, How Long?

    check my ticker. they were fast for me. I have california care, the health managment org not ppo
  21. unbesleevable1

    Surgery done! Help

    That is too bad. So much of this is a learning process. You should order the big gastric sleeve book. It has a lot of good info.
  22. unbesleevable1

    Surgery done! Help

    Did they not give you discharge instructions?
  23. You are not alone. I have the fattest fingers and I can't wait to be able to wear my rings again. It's one of my goals!
  24. unbesleevable1

    Ninja vs. Nutra Bullet

    I love the bullet but it does not crush or blend ice. everything else about it is great.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
