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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cloud9

  1. cloud9

    Biotin for hair loss

    Yes I take it...... started 5 months pre-op. 1000 MCG which my NUT said was adequate. My niece, sister, and co-worker were sleeved and all took Biotin pre-op (are still taking it) and lost hair but not as much as it could have been. Their hair looks great and I would have not known they lost any hair. A good multi Vitamin will help too. Good luck!
  2. cloud9

    6 mo out

    Wow Brandy way to go! What a wonderful NEW YEAR celebration you will be having. Congrats!
  3. Way to go Richard! You look fantastic!! What an inspiration
  4. cloud9

    How much protein is too much?

    Thank you everyone for the great information! It is early on in this new life so I am going to stick with 60 - 80 and adjust overtime based on what my body does. Truly appreciate the insights - EXTREMELY VALUABLE.
  5. My goal is 80 grams daily. But how much is too much? I know body builders that ingest 300 - 400 grams daily - egad! I do not aspire to be a body builder. Just want to know if there is a recommended maximum for sleevers?
  6. Yes would do it again!!! A lifetime of good health, and new adventures is sooooooo much more to me than the couple days of pain. No regrets here!!
  7. Very informative - thanks so much for posting it!
  8. cloud9

    Today's My Birthday

    Happy Birthday! The gift of good health is amongst the best...... and you look great!
  9. cloud9

    August sleevers progress

    surgery 8/27. Down 15 lbs and feeling great! Puree until 9/18. Struggling to get in 80 grams of Protein and 700 calories daily so am still substituing with shakes. Water still hurts going down but I get in 64 daily. Learning what 1, 2, and 3 ounces of food looks like!!!!! Good health to all.
  10. cloud9

    12 days post

    I am 12 days post-op too. I am pretty sure that "mush" is same as "puree" which is what I am on until 9/18. My NUT said oatmeal and cream of wheat are OK on the puree diet. She recommended that I puree the cooked oatmeal a bit to break down the whole oats a bit before eating it. I have had it - it is good and I did great. Hope you are feeling good.
  11. cloud9

    August sleevers up dates. ..?

    Sleeved on 8/27. Down 11 lbs! Started puree diet today - so far so good. WOW I fill up on 1 oz of puree anything... I do love it so. Water still hurts going down for some reason but I sip away anyway.
  12. cloud9

    I started a blog

    Glad you did!! Just this afternoon after reading your post, "What role does the scale play in your life?" I was wondering why you did not already have a blog! Your posts are compelling, insightful, and fun. thanks Gamegirl!
  13. cloud9

    Blood clots

    To help prevent post-op pneumonia, my doctor told me to use the spirometer frequently every day for the first week following surgery. Of course if any fever >101 I am to let him know. I am stopping use tomorrow -I feel great!
  14. When does the risk of blood clots subside post-op? I am 1 week post-op and am walking 10 - 15 minutes every 2 hours of my waking day.
  15. cloud9

    Blood clots

    Thanks everyone for the responses!! I'm walking, walking, walking!!
  16. cloud9

    New life

    I just love a good count-down; and your's is the best! Congratulations!!!
  17. Wow Flup - you are looking good!!! I can really see the difference. Congratulations! I am 1 week post-op............You are an inspiration!!
  18. cloud9

    Surgery yesterday

    I sincerely hope it helps to know that the horrendous pain passed in about 3 days for me. I am hoping you get through it just as quickly Bean.
  19. cloud9

    Burping problem!

    I am 1 week post op. You describe perfectly an issue I have at present. Here is what I have done if you want to give it a try. Sitting upright twist slightly, at your waist only, in either direction. for me that action allows the trapped air to escape. However there have been instances - 20% of the time I guess - where that does not work and the horrible feeling persists. I spoke to my doc and he said we could double the prilosec but he wanted to wait and see over the next 3 - 4 weeks how this goes. He believes it could resolve after fully healed. Since you had acid issues pre-op do you think you have the right dosage on the acid control drug?
  20. cloud9

    Submitting to insurance

    Congratulations! another step down the path to your new life!!
  21. Good luck Mich, NotLookinBack, MrzDivah, nervousnelly, Mocha2871!!!!
  22. Will be sending you good thoughts MissVickie!
  23. I get sleeved at 7:00am tomorrow morning - nervous!!!!! Anyone have their surgery tomorrow?
  24. cloud9

    August 2013 Roll Call

    August 27th! Excited and nervous at the same time. Good luck fellow August sleevers!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
